Cool Pig Addon

bevdog67 Member Posts: 57

So long story short, I made a very long and in depth post about all of my ideas for the Pig since I love Ms. Piggy to bits. It was eaten by the forums however and never got posted, so that sucks, but I wanted to share an idea I had for a cool addon the Pig could potentially get.

Amanda’s Game (ultra rare rarity)
“Hello everyone. I want to play a game. Your days in the fog have corrupted you. Once determined to escape and fearing that which stalks you, you valued all you came across and valued each other. Now, you are weak, despairing when all seems to be lost, giving up your chances to escape though, as you know, life is a precious gift. We will now play a game of determination. Is your determination to escape greater than my determination to kill? Or will you wither away, only to die again and again. It’s time to start, now make your choice.” -Tape Recorder

  • The Pig refuses to put traps on dying survivors
  • Each generator has a trap on it that a survivor can chose to set on themselves. Traps set this way are automatically activated
  • Generators with traps on them are not activatable until the trap is removed and put on a survivor
  • Decrease the timer on the reverse bear trap by 30 seconds
  • Does not stack with tampered timer

I've always thought that the devs could be much more creative and generous with the design of their ultra rare addons. This is just one example of an addon that I have come up with that would REALLY change how a killer is played and add some fun on the survivors side. Let me know what you think, and I might be posting ultra rare addons like this one for every killer soon :)


  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    Hey, that's a pretty cool idea. Even though I think that no way in hell would Amanda start off a tape saying hello everyone. xD

    It definitely changes the way she is played and enables you to focus on your ambush a lot more, not having to really worry about trapping someone so quickly.

    So you would be able to set the trap on your head immediately, even when the generator is at 0%? Wouldn't it be kind of hard for miss piggy though?

  • bevdog67
    bevdog67 Member Posts: 57

    @Mercury said:
    Hey, that's a pretty cool idea. Even though I think that no way in hell would Amanda start off a tape saying hello everyone. xD

    It definitely changes the way she is played and enables you to focus on your ambush a lot more, not having to really worry about trapping someone so quickly.

    So you would be able to set the trap on your head immediately, even when the generator is at 0%? Wouldn't it be kind of hard for miss piggy though?

    As a Pig main, I feel this would be a rather strong addon. Since traps are all about forcing survivors to waste time, this give Ms. Piggy a much stronger early game. In addition, you would know survivors are trapped due to status icons and be able to hunt survivors on Jigsaw Boxes. As a survivor though, it would force you to stick together to be most efficient and would force one survivor to bite the bullet and be the one who takes the trap. Thanks for your kind words btw :)

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326
    edited June 2018

    As a Pig main, would you also rather have something to boost your ambush attack? Right now I strive to P3 all my Killers and have played a lot of Pig when she came out and now recently again before I prestiged her. The traps are definitely cool, but I would also love to see a little love tap done to her ambush. Like potentially they could make those combat straps just a base kit thing.

    Any ideas for a different 'game' and rules which focuses on her ambush? :chuffed:

    Like she dismisses the RBT and instead survivors get those traps used in the third movie which killed the doctor she was threatened into killing, unltimately resulting in her death. Those shotguns rings or what they were called. Maybe survivors couldn't get too close to each other at that point or smth. I dunnu, I'll leave it to the experts. :)

  • bevdog67
    bevdog67 Member Posts: 57

    @Mercury said:
    As a Pig main, would you also rather have something to boost your ambush attack? Right now I strive to P3 all my Killers and have played a lot of Pig when she came out and now recently again before I prestiged her. The traps are definitely cool, but I would also love to see a little love tap done to her ambush. Like potentially they could make those combat straps just a base kit thing.

    Any ideas for a different 'game' and rules which focuses on her ambush? :chuffed:

    Like she dismisses the RBT and instead survivors get those traps used in the third movie which killed the doctor she was threatened into killing, unltimately resulting in her death. Those shotguns rings or what they were called. Maybe survivors couldn't get too close to each other at that point or smth. I dunnu, I'll leave it to the experts. :)

    Honestly yeah, her ambush needs some help. If it lasted a bit longer or went just a bit faster, mind games around pallets would be much more viable. As for the combat straps, I use them every game, no questions asked, so yeah, those would be a very nice bonus to start with!

  • RATT
    RATT Member Posts: 33

    @Mercury said:
    As a Pig main, would you also rather have something to boost your ambush attack? Right now I strive to P3 all my Killers and have played a lot of Pig when she came out and now recently again before I prestiged her. The traps are definitely cool, but I would also love to see a little love tap done to her ambush. Like potentially they could make those combat straps just a base kit thing.

    Any ideas for a different 'game' and rules which focuses on her ambush? :chuffed:

    Like she dismisses the RBT and instead survivors get those traps used in the third movie which killed the doctor she was threatened into killing, unltimately resulting in her death. Those shotguns rings or what they were called. Maybe survivors couldn't get too close to each other at that point or smth. I dunnu, I'll leave it to the experts. :)

    I also main the pig as well. I have to second this. I'd love to see a rework on Amanda's ambush attack. It's so heavily countered by Sprint Burst (SB). I'd absolutely love to see a buff being put into the works to give an upgrade to Amanda's Ambush, and if not that, some sick addons. Not to mention, the attack itself w/ or w/o a survivor using SB is pretty weak. The gurgle-like sound you hear coming from Amanda prior to her Ambush is so loud and overpowering it's easy to dodge before an attack is planted on a survivor. With the exception of some tight corners where generators hide, specifically in the Jungle Gyms.