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How I Play Legion at Rank 1

PreGum Member Posts: 64
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

Disclaimer: I play on console so take this as you will, but I just wanted to put a little guide of how I play Legion at rank 1 and do relatively well with them. Make of it what you will.

Perks I Use:

Barbecue and Chili

This serves a double use. Bloodpoints (For obvious reasons), and the tracking. I'll get into more detail on that second part later on.

Sloppy Butcher

A lot of people like running ruin on legion, but I feel like this perk helps slow the game down a lot more since you're able to injure multiple people in a short duration. I'll come back to this one later on in strategies.

Moniter & Abuse

This one is mostly for the mind games, since you can get fairly close to a gen before they know you're there, and when using Frenzy it allows you to see more people.


It tells you exactly where survivors are and usually lets you use feral frenzy on two people.

Add ons I like:

Franks mix tape is obviously god-like on Legion, but obviously it's not going to be available every game, and I can still find I'm able to do well without it.

Cold Dirt reduces the stun you get from using your power, which also comes in handy for when survivors get cocky with the saves. You use FF on them to injure them if they're not already injured, and the stun is just short enough for you to pull them off the hook and get another free one.

Dirty Blades help keep them mending a lot longer. Mending = survivors not on gens = survivors wasting their time. With Legion, you wanna make them waste as much time as possible.

Iridescent button can be extremely useful in finding nearby survivors and hacking away at pallets effortlessly.

Legion Mural: I feel like longer frenzy is more important than faster frenzy, but this is up to personal preference.

And of course, any less rare version of these add-ons is fine.

Strategies I Implement:

While wandering around the map, if you don't get a proc on discordance, then you go for the first survivor you see. ALWAYS hit them with FF if they're not already injured. If you're just going around normally hitting people, you're not playing Legion correctly. Not only does using FF completely reset your power, it shows you where other survivors are. You want to be using it to injure healthy survivors every chance you get. However, in order to secure that down, you want to go for the first survivor you see if you know there aren't other survivors close enough.

Use FF to close the distance and apply deep wound, hit them again, eat the stun, and if you want you can keep using FF until you down them, though that seems a bit too time consuming. If possible, you can just normally hit them to down them if you're confident you can do it a lot faster.

When chasing a survivor, especially one who already has deep wound, and discordance does go off, go for discordance. Not only are you stopping two people from doing gens, but that other person is gonna have to mend before they do anything else, leaving only one person occupied at any given time.

Another way to slow down the game is sloppy butcher. As mentioned earlier, you can injure a lot of people in a short amount of time with legion, and a lot of survivors I've found tend to use self care to heal themselves, which makes the perk all that more effective. Let's say they choose not to heal: Not only are they louder to hear and easier to track, it pairs well with M&A.

You'd be surprised just how many survivors will not heal, work on a gen, and I can easily get close enough without using my power and down them with a normal hit. It's toxic.

Moving on, once you get a survivor down and you get the BBQ procs, you go to the closest survivor (Or discordance survivors, they typically take priority), and hit them with FF, then bounce to the next survivor using killer instinct. If you can get all survivors to mend, they're a lot less likely to go for the save. I've had plenty of survivors spend a minute and a half on their first hook just by bouncing back and fourth between survivors and hitting them with FF multiple times. People who have to mend and who spend time on the hook aren't doing gens, and you're automatically slowing down the game.

In regards to pallets and such, obviously you wanna try to bait them out so you can vault them with your power, but as mentioned earlier, I don't advise you trying to use FF to down a survivor in more than 2 hits if you can avoid it. IF YOU WANNA BE TOXIC: A survivor drops a pallet and you've already hit them with FF, break the pallet. You'll typically exit the chase and you can moonwalk or look down at their scratch marks/pools of blood til they go down. I don't usually do this, but I'm not going to say that I haven't done it enough times.

In conclusion:

I know it was a lot to read, but I hope someone finds this useful if you really want to get into legion. Another little trick I do is cycle between Frank, Julie, Susie and Frank for "good luck", though this is obviously not one of the most important bits. The best part to remember about this game is to learn what works best for you, and have fun!

Please feel free to leave any questions, comments, and concerns below. I’d love to hear what people think of this and what strategies/works/add-ons you use!


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I always double stack my Duration add-ons because I also feel they are one of the most important add-ons, besides the Blades and Frank's. This is a good guide, knowing when to use your FF and when to walk normally after an injured person is difficult for me to judge sometimes. Just when I think I've got them they find a damn pallet and I need to use my FF. I also switch between all 4 members, I do it for respect and not to show favorites despite having a favorite lol.

    So far I have only found 1 build that's worked for me so far, mostly because I Prestiged them really fast so I haven't been keeping perks very long. I used BBQ and Remember Me, I don't recall the other 2 sadly. I was able to juggle both Exit gates thanks to DW and the extra gate time, no one got the gates open and when I hooked the 3rd Survivor I found the 4th with it. I dominated them so hard the 4th DC'd to spite me XD

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    Everyone has every excuse in the book for why legion is trash because no one can handle change. They explained before Legion dropped that he was going to change the way the game is played. And he does that very well. I also run Legion at Rank 1 and use the same build you do. Legion is soo harassing. Talk about field control.
  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    "How I play legion at rank 1"
    Answer: With frank's mixtape + deep wound study, tunneling the survivor with the trash power and a 0% skill needed

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Arroz said:
    "How I play legion at rank 1"
    Answer: With frank's mixtape + deep wound study, tunneling the survivor with the trash power and a 0% skill needed

    Because you can run an very rare addon every game, I see

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Master said:

    @Arroz said:
    "How I play legion at rank 1"
    Answer: With frank's mixtape + deep wound study, tunneling the survivor with the trash power and a 0% skill needed

    Because you can run an very rare addon every game, I see

    So why killers complain about the bnp ;)? it's a ultra rare addon... and it got nerfed, I see

  • PreGum
    PreGum Member Posts: 64
    Arroz said:

    "How I play legion at rank 1"
    Answer: With frank's mixtape + deep wound study, tunneling the survivor with the trash power and a 0% skill needed

    I literally said you can’t use rare adding every game in the original post. I’ll admit, I can see why the community feels the way they do about Legion, but I don’t think they’re as bad as everyone thinks if you’re not using FMT. You just have to play them differently and have a different strategy going up against them, which a lot of people refuse to do. 
  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    Arroz said:

    "How I play legion at rank 1"
    Answer: With frank's mixtape + deep wound study, tunneling the survivor with the trash power and a 0% skill needed

    Chasing someone for 10-20 seconds until they go down = tunneling. Apparently.