
unbreakable should be built in for survivors with more than once chance to get up. If you’re left downed for over a certain amount of time you can get up. So let’s say you can recover , but if a teammate doesn’t come to get you after idk 60 seconds you can get up. 


  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    No. Why would this be good?

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    DexyIV said:

    No. Why would this be good?

    Bc getting your entire team slugged and being bleed out is a  downer man. Or the killer not actually playing the game and watching you crawl around until you almost bleed out is a downer. Bc lying on the ground most of the game and not getting hooked until they have everyone down is a downer. 
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @HeroLives Just get Unbreakable. On PC it's a teachable perk for a free character and on the console version, it's just a generic perk. There is no good, justifiable reason as to why anyone who is against slugging wouldn't have this perk.

    The only reason you might not have this perk is that, "I haven't had a chance to grind Bill yet." or "I just haven't seen it in my bloodweb yet."

    I know that your post is a response to the DS rework that has a solid fourth of the community at least fearing for a new wave of mass slugging. Just keep calm and unlock Unbreakable now, before the change goes live, okay? Everything is going to be fine.

  • As a killer main, I think that the ability for survivors to fully recover ONCE is fair. Otherwise, No Mither or Unbreakable for further recoveries.
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    Peasant said:

    @HeroLives Just get Unbreakable. On PC it's a teachable perk for a free character and on the console version, it's just a generic perk. There is no good, justifiable reason as to why anyone who is against slugging wouldn't have this perk.

    The only reason you might not have this perk is that, "I haven't had a chance to grind Bill yet." or "I just haven't seen it in my bloodweb yet."

    I know that your post is a response to the DS rework that has a solid fourth of the community at least fearing for a new wave of mass slugging. Just keep calm and unlock Unbreakable now, before the change goes live, okay? Everything is going to be fine.

    You talk to me as if I’m a new player, or like I don’t have unbeakable. I have it. I have it unlocked for everyone I’m on ps4 and since it’s a bill perk and we couldn’t get bill his perks are naturally unlocked for everyone. I’m just saying it my observation of matches on ps4 slugging is an issue already, dirty slugging too , ya know the toxic kind. It’s only going to get worse from what I’ve gathered from all the responses from the killers too the new ds rework.  I think it’s a valid point. 
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    As a killer main, I think that the ability for survivors to fully recover ONCE is fair. Otherwise, No Mither or Unbreakable for further recoveries.

    that also seems fair. I’d take that too.
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Forgot unbreakable, just use no mither that way you can’t be slugged long. 😎

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    @HeroLives said:
    unbreakable should be built in for survivors with more than once chance to get up. If you’re left downed for over a certain amount of time you can get up. So let’s say you can recover , but if a teammate doesn’t come to get you after idk 60 seconds you can get up. 

    or run unbreakable or no mither

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    @HeroLives said:
    unbreakable should be built in for survivors with more than once chance to get up. If you’re left downed for over a certain amount of time you can get up. So let’s say you can recover , but if a teammate doesn’t come to get you after idk 60 seconds you can get up. 

    or run unbreakable or no mither

    Why are you like this? People who run no Mither are a special breed of survivors , and they have a very hard life. 

    I rank unbreakable for 5-6 games in a row didn’t need it. took it off the  very next two matches I was slugged.