Why are survivors bringing items?



  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    Wait.... what? LOL. So because Killers choose to dodge for a toolbox add-on Survivors shouldn't bring them? Can somebody link me a list of all the new rules in Dead By Daylight? This is a new one. I don't ever dodge, especially not for toolboxes 😂

    Maybe you should read what was actually written, because you're replying to something I didn't say.

    What you said was very one-sided. I don't see you telling Killers not to bring Mori's or Add-on's because it'd make survivors DC. Too many biased people on this forum, it blocks their ability to think rationally.
  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    You can bring any items you want.
    I would never dodge because someone bring an item.
    I would doge if I cleary see they are SWF all geared up, with flashlight all looking same and all with toxic names and I just feel not like playing against this right now.

    SWF are not the problems, but with some group you just know, this will be no fun and you have to ask yourself, am I maso enough right now to enjoy this?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Nickenzie said:
    Couldn't the same be said for Moris and OP killer add-ons?

    Insta-heals are stronger than moris. And which killer add-ons do you consider OP?

    Btw, I'm a survivor main. I know my unbalanced stuff pretty well and I know when my killer had a chance and when not. :)

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Unicorn said:
    What you said was very one-sided. I don't see you telling Killers not to bring Mori's or Add-on's because it'd make survivors DC. Too many biased people on this forum, it blocks their ability to think rationally.

    I said I don't like to be dodged as a survivor for 30 minutes because someone else wants to feel self-righteous. You'd know that if you'd actually read what I wrote instead of trying to make this a killer vs. survivor thing.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809
    This thread has too much shittalk

    I guess some guys just reply cuz OP has a beautiful female name
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    That's not very nice.
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809
    Eveline said:
    That's not very nice.
    Eveline said:
    That's not very nice.
    Sorry girl, being too honest often hurts
  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    What you said was very one-sided. I don't see you telling Killers not to bring Mori's or Add-on's because it'd make survivors DC. Too many biased people on this forum, it blocks their ability to think rationally.

    I said I don't like to be dodged as a survivor for 30 minutes because someone else wants to feel self-righteous. You'd know that if you'd actually read what I wrote instead of trying to make this a killer vs. survivor thing.

    NOTHING that you stated indicated you saying that "you do not like to be dodged as a survivor for 30 minutes because someone else wants to feel self-righteous." All I see is a biased Killer telling Survivors they can't use Items that are LEGALLY created by the devs to help them survive a trial. 
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Nickenzie said:
    Couldn't the same be said for Moris and OP killer add-ons?

    Insta-heals are stronger than moris. And which killer add-ons do you consider OP?

    Btw, I'm a survivor main. I know my unbalanced stuff pretty well and I know when my killer had a chance and when not. :)

    You're wrong, mori is way stronger than a insta-heal. Moris will remove a survivor from the game while an insta-heal buys the survivor more time basically. After all, insta-heal or not, if a killer wants you dead then you're dead, period.

    Now, OP add-ons? I'll list a few builds for you.
    -Omega Blink Nurse
    -5 Blink Nurse
    -Any type of slugging build (even through slugging doesn't bother me)
    -Spirit's prayer beads necklace (free grabs)
    -Billy's insta-saw
    -Pig's deadly RBT combo (depends on RNG)
    -Myers Mori add-ons (depends if your teammates feed too much)

    Again, I understand that sometimes you'll get destroyed but then again, not every game will be how you want it to be. SWF? So what, just try your best and take it as an opportunity to learn. If you play this game competitively and let 4 escapes get you down, then you're aren't enjoying this game to its fullest, ya know?
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Unicorn said:
    NOTHING that you stated indicated you saying that "you do not like to be dodged as a survivor for 30 minutes because someone else wants to feel self-righteous." All I see is a biased Killer telling Survivors they can't use Items that are LEGALLY created by the devs to help them survive a trial. 

    @Orion said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Orion said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    How amazing is that survivors CAN'T bring their stuff when killers CAN. @Orion, my man, this is so childish because you're forcing survivors to play by your imaginary rules or else they can't play survivor.

    If you have any counter points, go ahead and use them because I'll shoot them down. There's no debate when it comes to lobby dodging over something this frivolous.

    I don't like to be dodged just because you'd rather ignore the reality that bringing in items makes killers dodge, regardless of them being justified in doing so or not. I like that you're speaking to me as if I'm the one dodging when playing killer, even though I don't dodge because of items when I play killer and was speaking from a survivor PoV.

    If a killer dodges over someone bringing in items then they shouldn't really be playing at high ranks.

    I'm still waiting for the day that Deja Vu becomes considered a toxic genrushing perk.

    Indeed, they shouldn't, but they do, so we can either acknowledge the reality and wait for the devs to fix it, or we can ignore it and feel self-righteous while we sit in lobbies for 30 minutes waiting for a [BAD WORD] trial.

    You seem to be experiencing visual hallucinations. I didn't say anything that you believe I said, but I did say the things I said I did.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    NOTHING that you stated indicated you saying that "you do not like to be dodged as a survivor for 30 minutes because someone else wants to feel self-righteous." All I see is a biased Killer telling Survivors they can't use Items that are LEGALLY created by the devs to help them survive a trial. 

    @Orion said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Orion said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    How amazing is that survivors CAN'T bring their stuff when killers CAN. @Orion, my man, this is so childish because you're forcing survivors to play by your imaginary rules or else they can't play survivor.

    If you have any counter points, go ahead and use them because I'll shoot them down. There's no debate when it comes to lobby dodging over something this frivolous.

    I don't like to be dodged just because you'd rather ignore the reality that bringing in items makes killers dodge, regardless of them being justified in doing so or not. I like that you're speaking to me as if I'm the one dodging when playing killer, even though I don't dodge because of items when I play killer and was speaking from a survivor PoV.

    If a killer dodges over someone bringing in items then they shouldn't really be playing at high ranks.

    I'm still waiting for the day that Deja Vu becomes considered a toxic genrushing perk.

    Indeed, they shouldn't, but they do, so we can either acknowledge the reality and wait for the devs to fix it, or we can ignore it and feel self-righteous while we sit in lobbies for 30 minutes waiting for a [BAD WORD] trial.

    You seem to be experiencing visual hallucinations. I didn't say anything that you believe I said, but I did say the things I said I did.

    If it makes you feel better to create imaginary statements so you don't feel like another biased player in this community then rock on, I'm all for it. A 2 year old can read what you said and see what you said you said isn't there.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Unicorn said:
    If it makes you feel better to create imaginary statements so you don't feel like another biased player in this community then rock on, I'm all for it. A 2 year old can read what you said and see what you said you said isn't there.

    I literally quoted where I flat-out said it. Do you want a direct link instead? Here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/333286/#Comment_333286

    You read into things that weren't there, but rather than simply admit you're wrong, you'd rather keep digging yourself into a deeper hole of intellectual dishonesty.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    LMAO, I'm sorry is that the quote of this discussion right now? Because last time I checked, I responded to something way different... 

    That other quote you just showed me has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. But nice try.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Unicorn said:
    LMAO, I'm sorry is that the quote of this discussion right now? Because last time I checked, I responded to something way different... 

    That other quote you just showed me has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. But nice try.

    It's an expansion/explanation of that quote, if you were to follow the discussion, but even that quote doesn't say what you said it does.

    Is it really that hard for you to admit that you ######### up and apologize?

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited February 2019
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    LMAO, I'm sorry is that the quote of this discussion right now? Because last time I checked, I responded to something way different... 

    That other quote you just showed me has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. But nice try.

    It's an expansion/explanation of that quote, if you were to follow the discussion, but even that quote doesn't say what you said it does.

    Is it really that hard for you to admit that you [BAD WORD] up and apologize?

    I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do. I responded to a quote you CLEARLY posted and now you want me* to apologize because you decided to change your mind on how you feel about this after being confronted by people about your biased aspect of this topic. That is not the quote I responded to.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited February 2019

    @Unicorn said:
    I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do. I responded to a quote you CLEARLY posted and now you want to apologize because you decided to change your mind on how you feel about this after being confronted by people about your biased aspect of this topic. That is not the quote I responded to.

    You didn't respond to any quote, or at least none of mine. You implied I was saying survivors were not allowed to bring in items, which is something I've never said in any thread. The words are not there in any way, shape, or form, and I even explained myself further when someone else had a similar reading problem, which I then quoted at you to point out this discussion had already been had with someone else.
    However, rather than accept that you made a mistake and apologize for it - which you did and should - you're pretending that the statement "survivors bringing in items makes killers dodge" somehow means "survivors aren't allowed to use items".

    You know you're wrong. My words are right there for all to read, and they don't say what you pretend they do. It's up to you to do the honest thing and admit your mistake, or keep doing what you're doing.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Eveline said:

    I'm calm. What other people pretend are my words has no bearing on my character.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do. I responded to a quote you CLEARLY posted and now you want to apologize because you decided to change your mind on how you feel about this after being confronted by people about your biased aspect of this topic. That is not the quote I responded to.

    You didn't respond to any quote, or at least none of mine. You implied I was saying survivors were not allowed to bring in items, which is something I've never said in any thread. The words are not there in any way, shape, or form, and I even explained myself further when someone else had a similar reading problem, which I then quoted at you to point out this discussion had already been had with someone else.
    However, rather than accept that you made a mistake and apologize for it - which you did and should - you're pretending that the statement "survivors bringing in items makes killers dodge" somehow means "survivors aren't allowed to use items".

    You know you're wrong. My words are right there for all to read, and they don't say what you pretend they do. It's up to you to do the honest thing and admit your mistake, or keep doing what you're doing.

    LOL The screenshot of your quote is right there are you kidding???? Omg I am dying of laughter right now. 

    Is this not you? Did someone steal your forum name and use it to make it seem like you didn't type this? xD This is the best form of entertainment I got all day. You are delusional man. This disagreement ends here I can't compete with delusion. You win dude xDDDD
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Unicorn said:
    LOL The screenshot of your quote is right there are you kidding???? Omg I am dying of laughter right now. 

    Is this not you? Did someone steal your forum name and use it to make it seem like you didn't type this? xD This is the best form of entertainment I got all day. You are delusional man. This disagreement ends here I can't compete with delusion. You win dude xDDDD

    Show me where I say that survivors are not allowed to bring in items. Put up or shut up, as it were.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @Unicorn said:
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:

    I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do. I responded to a quote you CLEARLY posted and now you want to apologize because you decided to change your mind on how you feel about this after being confronted by people about your biased aspect of this topic. That is not the quote I responded to.

    You didn't respond to any quote, or at least none of mine. You implied I was saying survivors were not allowed to bring in items, which is something I've never said in any thread. The words are not there in any way, shape, or form, and I even explained myself further when someone else had a similar reading problem, which I then quoted at you to point out this discussion had already been had with someone else.

    However, rather than accept that you made a mistake and apologize for it - which you did and should - you're pretending that the statement "survivors bringing in items makes killers dodge" somehow means "survivors aren't allowed to use items".

    You know you're wrong. My words are right there for all to read, and they don't say what you pretend they do. It's up to you to do the honest thing and admit your mistake, or keep doing what you're doing.

    LOL The screenshot of your quote is right there are you kidding???? Omg I am dying of laughter right now. 

    Is this not you? Did someone steal your forum name and use it to make it seem like you didn't type this? xD This is the best form of entertainment I got all day. You are delusional man. This disagreement ends here I can't compete with delusion. You win dude xDDDD

    I guess text comprehension isn't your strength and your insistence on interpreting "you shouldn't do that" as "you mustn't do that", is worrying.

    should not and must not have very different meanings altogether, that's simple English 101.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @DocOctober said:
    I guess text comprehension isn't your strength and your insistence on interpreting "you shouldn't do that" as "you mustn't do that", is worrying.

    should not and must not have very different meanings altogether, that's simple English 101.

    Hell, I don't even say that. I literally just made a statement/complaint about how survivors know that items often make killers dodge, yet they keep bringing them in. I never said what they should or shouldn't do.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    @Unicorn said:
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:

    I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do. I responded to a quote you CLEARLY posted and now you want to apologize because you decided to change your mind on how you feel about this after being confronted by people about your biased aspect of this topic. That is not the quote I responded to.

    You didn't respond to any quote, or at least none of mine. You implied I was saying survivors were not allowed to bring in items, which is something I've never said in any thread. The words are not there in any way, shape, or form, and I even explained myself further when someone else had a similar reading problem, which I then quoted at you to point out this discussion had already been had with someone else.

    However, rather than accept that you made a mistake and apologize for it - which you did and should - you're pretending that the statement "survivors bringing in items makes killers dodge" somehow means "survivors aren't allowed to use items".

    You know you're wrong. My words are right there for all to read, and they don't say what you pretend they do. It's up to you to do the honest thing and admit your mistake, or keep doing what you're doing.

    LOL The screenshot of your quote is right there are you kidding???? Omg I am dying of laughter right now. 

    Is this not you? Did someone steal your forum name and use it to make it seem like you didn't type this? xD This is the best form of entertainment I got all day. You are delusional man. This disagreement ends here I can't compete with delusion. You win dude xDDDD

    I guess text comprehension isn't your strength and your insistence on interpreting "you shouldn't do that" as "you mustn't do that", is worrying.

    should not and must not have very different meanings altogether, that's simple English 101.

    There's no need for the insults, or to put on your save a fellow biased forum member cape and double team me. Lets let the people involved have their disagreement.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Unicorn said:
    First you said you never said that you said what you CLEAR AS DAY posted (your first post, which I quoted) & that INSTEAD you said "you hate waiting as a survivor for 30 mins just because someone wants to be self-righteous" <-- not a direct quote, just a synopsis. Now you're asking me to show you proof about something completely different. You're all over the place bud. Do you not see how unstable your counter argument is? I've screenshot what I responded to twice and you still refuse to see why I defended my aspect on your biased quote.

    This is my last time responding to you because you are in complete denial and you want me to bow to your feet and apologize for something that had nothing to do with what I quoted. Not gonna happen. Take care though.

    I accept your apology for the mistake you know you made.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @Unicorn said:
    DocOctober said:

    @Unicorn said:

    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    I'm not apologizing for something I didn't do. I responded to a quote you CLEARLY posted and now you want to apologize because you decided to change your mind on how you feel about this after being confronted by people about your biased aspect of this topic. That is not the quote I responded to.
    You didn't respond to any quote, or at least none of mine. You implied I was saying survivors were not allowed to bring in items, which is something I've never said in any thread. The words are not there in any way, shape, or form, and I even explained myself further when someone else had a similar reading problem, which I then quoted at you to point out this discussion had already been had with someone else.
    However, rather than accept that you made a mistake and apologize for it - which you did and should - you're pretending that the statement "survivors bringing in items makes killers dodge" somehow means "survivors aren't allowed to use items".
    You know you're wrong. My words are right there for all to read, and they don't say what you pretend they do. It's up to you to do the honest thing and admit your mistake, or keep doing what you're doing.
    LOL The screenshot of your quote is right there are you kidding???? Omg I am dying of laughter right now. 

    Is this not you? Did someone steal your forum name and use it to make it seem like you didn't type this? xD This is the best form of entertainment I got all day. You are delusional man. This disagreement ends here I can't compete with delusion. You win dude xDDDD

    I guess text comprehension isn't your strength and your insistence on interpreting "you shouldn't do that" as "you mustn't do that", is worrying.

    should not and must not have very different meanings altogether, that's simple English 101.

    There's no need for the insults, or to put on your save a fellow biased forum member cape and double team me. Lets let the people involved have their disagreement.

    See? That is what Orion means. I simply said that text comprehension probably isn't your strength. That's not an insult. Saying that you suck at it would have been, which I didn't say.

    You really need to stop putting words in other people's mouths.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Eveline said:
    Why are you in jail then? -.-

    I made a post about a petition to get Vietfox back. I was jailed for it.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    Poweas said:

    @Eveline said:
    Why are you in jail then? -.-

    I made a post about a petition to get Vietfox back. I was jailed for it.

    That was mean from their side. You did a nice thing.
  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    First you said you never said that you said what you CLEAR AS DAY posted (your first post, which I quoted) & that INSTEAD you said "you hate waiting as a survivor for 30 mins just because someone wants to be self-righteous" <-- not a direct quote, just a synopsis. Now you're asking me to show you proof about something completely different. You're all over the place bud. Do you not see how unstable your counter argument is? I've screenshot what I responded to twice and you still refuse to see why I defended my aspect on your biased quote.

    This is my last time responding to you because you are in complete denial and you want me to bow to your feet and apologize for something that had nothing to do with what I quoted. Not gonna happen. Take care though.

    I accept your apology for the mistake you know you made.

    You go ahead and apologize to yourself for me, cuz you won't get it from me directly. LOL, considering the other disagreements I've got into with you, you seem like you love to make people feel inferior to your knowledge and stance. You'll never get far with that attitude buddy, BUT I do however wish you nothing but blessings in the future. :chuffed: 

    -Mikey's Wifu, out 💋
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    LOL The screenshot of your quote is right there are you kidding???? Omg I am dying of laughter right now. 

    Is this not you? Did someone steal your forum name and use it to make it seem like you didn't type this? xD This is the best form of entertainment I got all day. You are delusional man. This disagreement ends here I can't compete with delusion. You win dude xDDDD

    Show me where I say that survivors are not allowed to bring in items. Put up or shut up, as it were.

    @Orion never said survivors couldn't bring items @Unicorn, he's saying survivors that bring items often make the killer dodge.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Nickenzie said:
    @Orion never said survivors couldn't bring items @Unicorn, he's saying survivors that bring items often make the killer dodge.

    Thank you! That's literally what I wrote, so I don't get why there was so much confusion.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited February 2019

    @Orion , @DocOctober and @Unicorn please calm down. You lot might get a warning/jail ( :( )/ one month ban or a permanent ban if this gets out of hand. Which BTW it definitely is going to. Just agree to disagree guys it's a satisfying way to end it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Poweas said:
    @Orion , @DocOctober and @Unicorn please calm down. You lot might get a warning/jail ( ;( )/ one month ban or a permanent ban if this gets out of hand. Which BTW it definitely is going to. Just agree to disagree guys it's a satisfying way to end it.

    I'm calm, but there's nothing to disagree about. I know the words I wrote, as does everyone else. They're right there, in plain English. That's objective reality.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    Nickenzie said:
    Orion said:

    @Unicorn said:
    LOL The screenshot of your quote is right there are you kidding???? Omg I am dying of laughter right now. 

    Is this not you? Did someone steal your forum name and use it to make it seem like you didn't type this? xD This is the best form of entertainment I got all day. You are delusional man. This disagreement ends here I can't compete with delusion. You win dude xDDDD

    Show me where I say that survivors are not allowed to bring in items. Put up or shut up, as it were.

    @Orion never said survivors couldn't bring items @Unicorn, he's saying survivors that bring items often make the killer dodge.
    @Nickenzie I understand that, but even you responded to his quote with the same rebuttal. Not only is he insinuating that Survivors bringing toolboxes makes Killers DC, but he also added an analogy of a child doing something he shouldnt NOT be doing, but continues to do it. 
  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    @Eveline said:
    You can hardly depip without anything even with bad perks. Where is the fun in 4 toolboxes when someone doesn't even have ruin? I never bring any items as a survivor. I search boxes true but they are random at least and no add ons for me.

    They increase a persons ability to win any for many winning is what they think is fun. I personal can't fault any one for wanting to bring their A game less their d-ranking. It also dosn't help that those items have a good chance of not being used up during the trail though which I do think is a bit much since the same isn't offered to the killer side.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Orion said:

    The worst part is that they know it [bringing items] often makes killers dodge, but they do it anyway. It's like a kid putting his hand on a stove after burning himself five times.

    Yeah no problem, you literally said survivors bringing items will likely make a killer dodge. I made sure to highlight it in bold while defining what the pronoun "it" means to add more clarification.

    About my reply to your comment, sorry, I just think dodging over a survivor's item is so childish in my opinion. I didn't mean to imply that you was dodging survivors with items, I meant to say that the idea behind it is so frivolous.
  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    Poweas said:

    @Orion , @DocOctober and @Unicorn please calm down. You lot might get a warning/jail ( :( )/ one month ban or a permanent ban if this gets out of hand. Which BTW it definitely is going to. Just agree to disagree guys it's a satisfying way to end it.

    I'm calm hun. I'm just keeping my stance. I will completely agree to disagree ❤️ :chuffed:
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Nickenzie said:
    Orion said:

    The worst part is that they know it often makes killers dodge, but they do it anyway. It's like a kid putting his hand on a stove after burning himself five times.

    How amazing is that survivors CAN'T bring their stuff when killers CAN. @Orion, my man, this is so childish because you're forcing survivors to play by your imaginary rules or else they can't play survivor.

    If you have any counter points, go ahead and use them because I'll shoot them down. There's no debate when it comes to lobby dodging over something this frivolous.
    @Unicorn, are you talking this quote?

    I just told him that lobby dodging over an item is childish (see above in bold). What he said wasn't an insult, it was a statement that I disagreed with.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Nickenzie said:
    Yeah no problem, you literally said survivors bringing items will likely make a killer dodge. I made sure to highlight it in bold while defining what the pronoun "it" means to add more clarification.

    About my reply to your comment, sorry, I just think dodging over a survivor's item is so childish in my opinion. I didn't mean to imply that you was dodging survivors with items, I meant to say that the idea behind it is so frivolous.

    Again, thank you. I appreciate someone who can admit when they've made a mistake.

    I will agree it's annoying, but I don't know if I'd call it childish. In another thread, another user pointed out seven perks that can help to counter items. Most of them were teachables, and most of the teachables were paid DLC. People will just go with the easy route of dodging. And hell, even if you have the perks, sometimes you want to equip something else, rather than being forced to run the same builds over and over again.
    Dodging is just a symptom of other problems with the game.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Eveline said:
    Poweas said:

    @Eveline said:

    Why are you in jail then? -.-

    I made a post about a petition to get Vietfox back. I was jailed for it.

    That was mean from their side. You did a nice thing.

    I don't mind Mandytalk was really nice about it. I hope @Vietfox gets unbanned.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited February 2019
    Nickenzie said:
    Nickenzie said:
    Orion said:

    The worst part is that they know it often makes killers dodge, but they do it anyway. It's like a kid putting his hand on a stove after burning himself five times.

    How amazing is that survivors CAN'T bring their stuff when killers CAN. @Orion, my man, this is so childish because you're forcing survivors to play by your imaginary rules or else they can't play survivor.

    If you have any counter points, go ahead and use them because I'll shoot them down. There's no debate when it comes to lobby dodging over something this frivolous.
    @Unicorn, are you talking this quote?

    I just told him that lobby dodging over an item is childish (see above in bold). What he said wasn't an insult, it was a statement that I disagreed with.
    I never said he insulted anything.. idk where that came from. The point of me stating that you had a rebuttal to his quote is because YOU TOO, had to have either interpreted what I did based off his quote or just misread, which means I'm not the only one. 

    But like I said, the analogy he added about the child doing something they SHOULD NOT be doing, but does it anyway is also a boost to me believing he's trying to say Survivors shouldn't use toolboxes because Killers dodge but still do. Am I wrong for coming to that conclusion because of his choice in analogy? You seem like a kind-hearted person with a good head on your shoulders, so I decided to ask you if I'm wrong.

    Edit: typo
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Orion said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    How amazing is that survivors CAN'T bring their stuff when killers CAN. @Orion, my man, this is so childish because you're forcing survivors to play by your imaginary rules or else they can't play survivor.

    If you have any counter points, go ahead and use them because I'll shoot them down. There's no debate when it comes to lobby dodging over something this frivolous.

    I don't like to be dodged just because you'd rather ignore the reality that bringing in items makes killers dodge, regardless of them being justified in doing so or not. I like that you're speaking to me as if I'm the one dodging when playing killer, even though I don't dodge because of items when I play killer and was speaking from a survivor PoV.

    So bringing in items means it's ok to dodge

    That's not what I said. When you read and reply to what I said, let me know.

    If you go back and read what i said again and since you've read enough of my writings to know i'm being sarcastic as well. If you go to the post just before this where you then responded to the exact same thing @Poweas said.

    I fully understand your point of view and I didn't get confused by what you were trying to say to others because I understand your writings.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    I adjust my addons to meet survivor items. Usually I get called tryhard nolife when I use anal beads as Spirit vs +3 items and I ask them should I have been perkless Freddy then.
    But Im in same bus with op. I dont need items or offerings when playing survivor as game is already easy enough without them.
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Nickenzie said:
    You're wrong, mori is way stronger than a insta-heal. Moris will remove a survivor from the game while an insta-heal buys the survivor more time basically.

    Nope, you're wrong. :p What a lot of people forget: Insta-heals delay the moment when a survivor could get mori'd in the first place. Take a good team with some insta-heals and the match is over before you get to see a mori.

    @Nickenzie said:
    Now, OP add-ons? I'll list a few builds for you.
    -Omega Blink Nurse
    -5 Blink Nurse
    -Any type of slugging build (even through slugging doesn't bother me)
    -Spirit's prayer beads necklace (free grabs)
    -Billy's insta-saw
    -Pig's deadly RBT combo (depends on RNG)
    -Myers Mori add-ons (depends if your teammates feed too much)

    A very good Nurse player won't use 5 Blinks anyway. Speed + range makes more sense and these are the add-ons which are super strong on Nurse and yeah, kind of OP. But a very good Nurse is OP anyway, you can only counter her with stealth.

    I agree on Prayer Beads.

    Slugging, Pig's RBTs, Myers' Tombstone add-ons? These are in no way OP. Sorry, but if the survivors lose, then because they played bad.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    They want kiler to take crutch addons

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221
    To get a leg up I suppose. Idk I’ll unequip an item I planned on bringing in if I see atleast two other people carrying one in anyways.

    normally I’ll bring a medkit so I can take self care out of my build. 

    Toolboxes during events

    toolboxes for a sabatoge daily

    medkits for heal daily

    key map combo for early escape Bc lulz 

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Nickenzie said:
    You're wrong, mori is way stronger than a insta-heal. Moris will remove a survivor from the game while an insta-heal buys the survivor more time basically.

    Nope, you're wrong. :p What a lot of people forget: Insta-heals delay the moment when a survivor could get mori'd in the first place. Take a good team with some insta-heals and the match is over before you get to see a mori.

    @Nickenzie said:
    Now, OP add-ons? I'll list a few builds for you.
    -Omega Blink Nurse
    -5 Blink Nurse
    -Any type of slugging build (even through slugging doesn't bother me)
    -Spirit's prayer beads necklace (free grabs)
    -Billy's insta-saw
    -Pig's deadly RBT combo (depends on RNG)
    -Myers Mori add-ons (depends if your teammates feed too much)

    A very good Nurse player won't use 5 Blinks anyway. Speed + range makes more sense and these are the add-ons which are super strong on Nurse and yeah, kind of OP. But a very good Nurse is OP anyway, you can only counter her with stealth.

    I agree on Prayer Beads.

    Slugging, Pig's RBTs, Myers' Tombstone add-ons? These are in no way OP. Sorry, but if the survivors lose, then because they played bad.

    Here's the thing about killers, they are the POWER ROLE. A survivor cannot duel a killer alone, (s)he needs teamwork to be able to overwhelm the killer. Therefore, if the killer is decent, the chase won't last for more than 90 seconds with an insta-heal. Once the survivor is down, they are dead with or without a mori. Don't you see it? If a killer wants you dead, you're dead, period. That's why you see so many survivors complaining about camping and tunneling because once the killer finds you, that can be your "GG".

    I agree with your other stuff about the killer's add-ons. However, about the other stuff you disagreed with I'll have to say you're right to an extent but it depends. Pig's deadly RBT combo leaves the survivor with potentially 70 seconds to travel to every box and big maps can make things even worse (it is RNG). Slugging can be very nasty with some killers like Nurse, Billy, or Spirit. Myers it depends on your teammates because eventually he will stalk you out just like your teammates. However, I would consider his tombstone add-ons as OP like Pig's deadly RBT combo.

    I can discuss this more if you want!
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited February 2019
    Since my name is Peasant I usually bring common items if anything. Sometimes I will bring a map or uncommon flashlight, but I don't do it all that often.
  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295
    I think the "immersive" survivors should bring a crossword book as an item, so they have something to do whilst hiding behind a rock ;-) 
  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    I think the "immersive" survivors should bring a crossword book as an item, so they have something to do whilst hiding behind a rock ;-) 
    Haha good one.
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    They want to make sure to have all advantages they can get