New Chapter Research!
I did my little part about researching.
My first step was to investigate the picture given.
I carefully looked at the broken "Shrine" or as you could call it "that golden ring thing" On it is a depiction of what appears to be angels. Some of them looking pretty normal, and some of them... not so. One looked like it had a long tongue. Ew... So I suppose deviating angels (Demons). The canister emitting the smoke is definately not releasing its contained gas in a normal way. It appears to be more controlled/shooting. There might be a long tunnel behind the canister thats lifted, but my guess is that something is emmerging out of there. Perhaps a Demon gone crazy, wanting to escape.
My second step was to check the Internet for similarities with Google Picture search.
It redirected me to a wikipedia entry about "Darkness". I checked the category "Religion" since there are many religious factors in the picture. According to the page, Darkness is referred to in the Book of Exodus, describing the, now think about this, BLACK DEATH. The plague, and how it is depicted as a Demon or always brought in contact with plague doctors, wearing their Crow masks, and long black coats. I even found a picture referring to one of the mentioned Demons.
My third and final step was to take guesses.
The killer is the oldest one, so this fits the profile. A plague, or so called "Demon" something "Paranormal" haunting the realm of the living. Some people searching for some light or HOPE to cling on! THINK ABOUT THE POST AGAIN!
"In a time of darkness, some look for a light to follow."
DARKNESS! The black death can be associated with DARKNESS. Let's rehearse this!
"In a time of darkness (The Black Death 1340–1400), some (Monks, Nuns, literally anyone Christian and engaged with church)" look for a light (Hope for a cure) to follow." Got a small picture for reference with the nuns.
This leads me to my conclusion!
My suspicion is that our killer might be a demonic depiction of the Black Death, or a Plague Doctor, and that we will get a BELIEVER as our Survivor. Since the new Survivor must be female, It`s gonna most likely be a nun. The new map will be a run over village, with burnt houses, and one sanctuary of hope, a temple.
I might be right or might not be, but thanks for reading, and maybe leave your oppinions right down below ^^