Survivor Perk Changes

DupstepAlex078 Member Posts: 33
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

Borrowed Time: You are fuelled with an unexpected energy when saving an Ally from a Hook within the Killer's Terror Radius. After unhooking a Survivor within the Killer's Terror Radius, for 15 seconds, any damage taken that would put the unhooked Survivor into the Dying State will instead apply the Deep Wound status effect. The Survivor has 15/20/25 seconds to Mend themselves. If the unhooked Survivor takes any damage while affected by Deep Wound or if its timer ends, the unhooked Survivor is immediately put into the Dying State.

Vigil: You look over your friends even in dire situations. Your allies within 8 metres of range do not suffer from the Haemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered and Blindness status effects. You and your allies also recover from Exhaustion 10/20/25% faster. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.

Pharmacy: You have a knack for finding medicine. Searches through Chests are 50/75/100 % faster and the noises they cause along with their hearing distances are reduced by 0/4/8 metres. Pharmacy guarantees an Emergency/Emergency/Emergency or Ranger Med-Kit on your first completed Chest search.

Wake Up: Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability. Exit Gates are revealed to you when within 24/48/∞ metres of range. While opening the Exit Gates, reveal your aura to other survivors. While Wake Up! is active, you open the Exit Gates 25/35/50% faster. If you are holding a map that can track exit gates, exit gates revealed by Wake Up! are added to the map.

Tenacity: There is nothing stopping you. Your ferocious tenacity in dire situations allows you to crawl 25/50/75 % faster and recover at the same time.

Detectives Hunch: Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability. When completing a Generator, the auras of generators, chests, hooks and totem, and the block lock within 32/64/∞ metres are revealed to you for 3/5/7 seconds. If you are holding a map that can track the auras of generators, chests, hooks and totems or the block lock revealed by Detectives Hunch are added to the map.

Stake Out: Getting close to the Killer fills you with determination. For each 25/20/15 seconds  you are within the Killer's Terror Radius out with a chase, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 3/6/9 Tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 Token, Good Skill Checks are considered Great Skill Checks and consume 1 Token.

Open Handed: Strengthens the potential of you and your team's aura-reading abilities. Increases aura reading ranges by 8/12/16 metres.

Ace in the Hole: Lady Luck always seems to be throwing something good your way. When retrieving an Item from a Chest, there is a 100 % chance that an Add-on of Very Rare Rarity or lower will be attached to it. 25/50/50 % chance to find a second Add-on of Uncommon Rarity or above.

Up the Ante: All will be well in the end; you just know it. Your confidence strengthens the feeling of hope for those around you. For each other survivor alive (including yourself) in trial, grant a 3/4/5 % bonus to Luck to all to you and all remaining Survivors.

Distortion: You start the Trial with 3/4/5 Tokens. When your Aura would be shown to the Killer, the Perk activates and a Token is consumed. For the next 6/8/10 seconds while the Perk is activated, your Aura, Pools of Blood and Scratch Marks will not be shown to the Killer. Tokens can be acquired by performing a safe hook save. Distortion does not activate when you are in the Dying State or affected by Traps.

No Mither: You start the trial in the healthy state, however, once you become injured you suffer from the broken status effect for the remainder of the trial. Your thick blood coagulates practically instantly.

·        You don't leave pools of Blood whilst injured.

·        Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 50/75/100 % at any time.

·        Grants the ability to fully recover from the Dying State.

Boil Over: You are a battler and do everything to escape a foe's grasp. Your struggling effects on the Killer are increased by 25/50/75%. You obscure the Killer's ability to see Hook Auras within 12/14/16 meters.

Dance with Me: When performing a fast vault or leaving a Locker  in a sprint, you leave no Scratch Marks for 3/4/5 seconds. Dance With Me has a cool-down of 60/45/30 seconds.

Hope: The growing odds of a successful escape fill you with hope and give you wings. As soon as the Exit Gates  are powered, you gain a 3/6/9% Haste status effect for the 60/120/180 seconds.

No One Left Behind: It is inconceivable to leave someone behind. Once the Exit Gates  are powered, gain 50/75/100% more Bloodpoints  for actions in the Altruism Category and perform them 5/10/15% quicker.

Sole Survivor: As more of your friends fall to the Killer, you become shrouded in isolation and the Killer's Aura Reading Abilities towards you are disrupted.

1 Survivors Dead: Killer cannot read your aura within 32 meters.

2 Survivors Dead: Killer cannot read your aura within 64 meters.

3 Survivors Dead: Impossible for the Killer to read your aura through perks or add-ons.

Windows of Opportunity: Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability. Auras of Pallets and vaults are revealed to you when within a range of 16/24/32 meters. Windows Of Opportunity has a cool-down of 60/45/30 seconds when Vaulting or dropping a Pallet.

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