Thrill Of The Hunt and Third Seal buff suggestions

Vinnie Member Posts: 11

I think it might be a cool idea to buff the weaker totems by making them spawn some extra totems on the map. For example, you'd have 2 extra totems on the map for using TOTH and the same for Third Seal. This way you'll get 7 totems total if you used one of them, and 9 totems total if you used both.

Now it might seem like not a buff at all, and it's not really much of a game changer, but it gives the user a bit of an incentive for using the borderline useless totems - TOTH is nice for locating totem cleansers, and there's also use for Third Seal if you use the right tactics, and having 7 or 9 on the map totems would actually make a slight difference:

TOTH: instead of 5x 6%/8%/10% slowdown for totem cleansing you get 9x 6%/8%/10% slowdown at the beginning of the match, so a survivor spawning next to Ruin won't necessarily mean the hex will be gone easily. A 90% slowdown for cleansing instead of the previous 50% would let the killer get to the totem before it's gone, and the survivors would need to devise a decoy strategy to get it or wait until the killer's preoccupied with something before just rushing towards the hex.

Furthermore, you'd also get a bigger bonus to bloodpoints from remaining totems, which still is a ridiculously small amount, considering the rules stay for

Gain 6/8/10 % more Bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter category for each Token.

Perhaps change it bonus for bloodpoints in general after the match, as well.

Having more that 5 totems on the map would also mean wider leeway for NOED when playing against SWF groups keeping count of clearing all 5 totems in a map before powering up the gates.


  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    I think they should apply an aura buff to TOTH. The killer sees the aura of the one cleansing a hex totem for the entire cleanse duration + 4 seconds after either a succeful cleanse or abrupt stop.

  • Vinnie
    Vinnie Member Posts: 11

    @Shadoureon said:
    I think they should apply an aura buff to TOTH. The killer sees the aura of the one cleansing a hex totem for the entire cleanse duration + 4 seconds after either a succeful cleanse or abrupt stop.

    I'd really prefer something that would increase the amount of hex totems and some more Hex perks that would rely on their number as well. I feel like the whole totem perk idea was abandoned even though the whole mechanic is still very relevant and useful when it comes for Ruin and Devour Hope.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    TOTH : You're aware that they actually nerfed TOTH before right ? So I heavily doubt they'll boost back the numbers. It used to be a 10% slowdown by totem, which turned into a 6%

  • Outsidedarkness
    Outsidedarkness Member Posts: 25
    I agree with the buff of all totems and make them all dull totems that way the hex u use no matter what it is the survives r more likely to run buy it then destroy it.. I play as the surviver alot now because of the challenge. but would like a buff of sorts to help in the fog.....