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Reported for "farming"

Orion Member Posts: 21,675

I played as the Doctor because I hadn't in a while, and decided to just max their madness, then slug. No hooks (although I did hook a couple of them because I was getting bored with how long the trial lasted).

I took NOED because I figured they'd easily finish all the generators and wanted to startle them a bit once they did, as well as having a more concise way of slugging at the end. I went around shocking people, then putting them in the dying state and leaving them alone. Sometimes I just injured them if I didn't think chasing them was worth my time (loopers).

However, much to my surprise, after a long trial, one guy DC'd, another actually bled out, a third was sacrificed, and I decided to give the fourth one the hatch (since one of them had DC'd, I was feeling generous).

I was then reported for farming, despite having taken NOED. Apparently, farmers take NOED to slug at the end, instead of literally anything else, and put up zero BP offerings.

Any other funny stories you'd like to share?


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I had a trial as the Shape that was so boring I ended up giving up a possible 4k (1 hooked, two dying, one injured) for a 1k due to looping. After the one was sacrificed I went into the basement and faced the corner, waiting for the rest to leave.

    One actually did leave after some time (I was watching videos on YouTube at the time), but the other felt cocky enough to loot the chest right next to me. I grabbed her, put her on the hook, and then finally the last one left (via the hatch, I'm guessing).

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    I was reported too by farming survs but not banned (to date)

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    Its your fault, u shouldnt let them escape via the hatch...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The plan was for the last one to fix a generator so I could get them with NOED. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited March 2019

    I can’t really remember any stories right now, but favoriting to see stories.😊

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Funny how no one ever farms on Coldwind farm. The irony.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    I just had a game with a noob Nurse. One guy DC'd right away, and another had No Mither (he didn't live long). It was basically just a Bill and me. I juked the Nurse for quite some time, to the point that she eventually gave up on the chase and went to find Bill. Long story short, Bill died due to his #########-ups and my #########-ups, and I was alone, injured, and without Self-Care.

    Only one generator had been repaired (by me), but another was almost done (also by me). I was on the verge of completing it when Premonition triggered. My plan was to sneak into the basement next to me, thinking she'd never search it. Unfortunately, that master plan was thwarted by a skill check, of all things.

    See, if I missed it by letting go of the generator, it'd confirm that I was at the generator, and I would be unable to sneak away. If I hit it, I'd have a chance at finding the hatch, but I'd have to run. I decided to go with option B, but she got a lucky(?) blink and hooked me. RIP Orion, GG.

  • Apoch
    Apoch Member Posts: 96

    Because people who feed off the misery of others are the best kind of people?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i once had a sniper doctor round with 5 stacks of DH.

    they also screwed up, so i had 3 gens and the totem in range for my sniper charge. they ended up DCing after like 10 minutes of me patrouling the gens and totem (shocking towards it, so anyone who touched it got revealed to me)...

    i found the others in lockers with 3 crows on top...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I faced a Spirit for the first time in a while. I spawned close to a generator, so I went to repair it.

    Suddenly I hear a strange noise, like air being let out of a hole, and I think to myself, "Wait, what killer makes this noise?". And then she pops up.

    I think to myself, "Ah, right. The Spirit". After scaring her off with the smell of ######### in my pants (I juked her, but it did scare me for a sec), you can be damn sure I stared at that grass like it wanted to kill me for the rest of the trial.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I got reported for teaming with a survivor because the survivor was afk therefore helping throw the game lul

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,987

    I played a match with a stacked Myers who was repeatedly getting ew3. He hooked one guy in the basement. I’m powering through this ruin gen on a hill. I see him never leaving the shack area, just waiting. The randoms I was with well they all ended up in basement Bc I guess they thought it was a good idea to try to save. So for 10-15 minutes I was stealthing around( alone and injured Bc no self care) doing all the gens so I could watch him kick them to see which areas he was going to look for me at next. I eventually got another done, and hauled ass for hatch. Anyways I walked out with 11k bp From stealth and 2 gens alone.

    GG Myers sorry for the wait but solo life lulz

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,987

    This didn’t happen to me , but sometime back someone posted on the forums that for 2hrs a wraith body blocked him in the basement. I wonder how that player is doing now.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,987

    i occasionally like to play generator chicken with my friend fluna, Bc when we 2 man swf we are always the last two alive. Despite our best efforts. So basically what we do is both work on the generator together until the killer yeets the one of their choosing off , or chases one of us. The one not chosen gets hatch if the chase goes wrong, or one of us will do the gen while the other is being chased. It always boils down to one of us getting hatch, but it’s always fun just to see how far we can take it.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,987
    edited March 2019

    Played a match where I once just repeatedly stood at the top of the hill and pointed at the moon on red woods against a billy.

    We became friends.

    Another time I just stalked a killer around pallet slamming them, when they were checking areas. Literally did nothing else the entire match but surprise pallet slam him in areas he was checking. I’d touch a gen a little then hide by a pallet waiting. Do I regret it ? Yes. Will I do it again, probably.

    we did not become friends

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I was playing Spirit I 3k'd without camping/tunneling anyone 3 man swf 3 purple flashlights with best addons and BT/DS. I killed them all 1 3 hook and 2 2 hooks and then gave the 4th the hatch.

    I was told I was being reported for not killing the last person and because I was a bad killer for killing them and not him.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    Played as the Legion (I need one of their teachables), camped one survivor (the last one) and followed scratch marks left by two people attemping a basement save (at different times, but trying to unhook the same guy). Post-game chat, got death threats to my family and children.

    @Peanits I assume the guy who sent those death threats will be dealt with, yes?

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    What is farming?

    Do you guys mean farming points, like if someone has one or two party streamers?

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Very similar to a match I had at nurse. Ruin tier 1 on me only. It went down all gens were done. NOED still remained and I downed one survivor with it. They were all trying to get noed downed it was near a closed exit. But the other exit was open. They continued and finally got rid of noed and I tried chasing down the injured one they all ended up escaping but I was literally gen rushed to heck so I was adamant to get one kill at least. I am a very trashy nurse btw. I get 4k sometimes with her but the survivors gave to be seriously incompetent and stupid lol.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,542

    Happened to me lately:

    Playing vs Nurse. One guy got hit, immediatly DCed, he did not even go down, he simply DCed (might have been a crash, but still)... Second guy got caught, killed himself on the Hook (I was nearby on a Gen and would have gotten him...).

    Third guy got chased, downed and hooked, Nurse came to me with him, nodded at me and downed me, and I knew "Ok, we are allowed to farm"... But the third guy also killed himself on the Hook.

    Nurse let me complete one more Gen to get the Hatch. After that, the first guy who killed himself on the hook said he will report us...

    Maybe if you would not #########, you will not have caused this situation, Dude...

  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148

    Didn't they say on a dev stream that farming isn't bannable or did they change their mind on that too?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Farming is bannable if it's done to the detriment of a minority of survivors, since it's technically griefing.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Apparently, I was "camping from a distance" as the Doctor by checking all the remaining generators. The survivors claimed that I was just going to shock them, then quickly switch between treatment and punishment (from some 40 meters away, because everyone knows the Doctor can shock people from that distance).

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I camped a traitor in the basement (he led me to one of his injured teammates after he unhooked her). I was forced to camp another one because she came into the basement and they'd failed to counter NOED. Both were pissed, with the traitor even lying about having betrayed his teammate. The betrayed was silent, but the fourth survivor agreed with me.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    If I don't get at least one report threat at the end of a game it is because I didn't play very well ;-)

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I love it when the survivor that I get to sacrifice first is the one that brought the Bloody Party Streamers. It is awesome when it happens.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    Survivors: Camper!

    Me with iridescent Chaser emblem and no "proximity to hooked survivor penalty": 'K then.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172


    I had a match my bud and I were playing where this Doctor was just going around shocking people but not actually committing to a chase. Eventually one guy DCed, another one bled out, one guy was sacrificed and he took pity on me since someone disconnec- waaaaaait a minute this sounds familiar...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If the killer's name was "Orion", then it's a safe bet it was me. :P

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    Survivor: Camper! Trash!

    Me with iridescent Chaser emblem and -1% proximity to hooked survivor penalty (because they were all around the hook and I kept chasing them away): Weren't you the guy crouching around the hook with a flashlight?

    Survivor: [ERROR]

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Apparently I just met a bunch of people who all like to watch my stream. They informed me they'd never watch it again because I camped (while they followed me to the hook, tried to flashlight, bodyblocked, etc.). Please disregard the fact that I haven't streamed in months due to adverse real-life conditions.

    I mean, if you're going to lie, at least come up with a decent lie.

  • scojer
    scojer Member Posts: 38

    Not really a farming story, but a fun story:

    I had to drive 4 survivors to madness tier 3. I decided I'd work on the "Shocking Treatment" trophy for the Dr. too. I've been playing for over a year, so I figured I was close.

    Mt. Ormond loads up and it's perfect for shock therapy with all the hiding spots. The first gen I shock, I get a scream. I chase them shocking them, Roughly 5 shocks in, I get the trophy and decide to play like normal. I switch modes and down them as they run into the shack, where there is another survivor. I hit that survivor, they run out and knock the pallet over.. Just so happens the basement is there too, so I take my downed victim down the stairs and hook them. As I come back up, I see the survivor on the other side of the pallet clicking their flashlight at me. I knew they wanted me to chase them because there was another survivor waiting for me to leave so they could save their friend.

    So, I leave the pallet, leave out the other door, and, follow red scratch marks around the building and knock down another survivor. I carry them to the basement. Come back up, and, there is that survivor clicking their flashlight at me. There was NO WAY another survivor was waiting to go down there. I turn around, leave the shack, and, scratch marks. I hit them, they run off. I see the other survivor quietly crawl over the pallet. I go back into the shack, smack them as they run into the basement. They unhook someone, I let unhooked person go, down flashlight clicker, hook them. As I run upstairs, the survivor who ran, for some unknown reason, drops down RIGHT IN FRONT of me. I down them, and hook them. I head back upstairs and hunt the last survivor down, and hook them.

    After all 4 are sacrificed, I get a message saying "Lool. Noob"


    I work towards trophy. I get trophy. I play like normal; survivor gets hooked, survivor tries to lure me away, I am onto their plan, and down all 4 of them because they wanted to be altruistic.

    Out thinking the survivors and not taking obvious bait is a Noob thing.

  • scojer
    scojer Member Posts: 38

    Not really a farming story, but a fun story:

    I had to drive 4 survivors to madness tier 3. I decided I'd work on the "Shocking Treatment" trophy for the Dr. too. I've been playing for over a year, so I figured I was close.

    Mt. Ormond loads up and it's perfect for shock therapy with all the hiding spots. The first gen I shock, I get a scream. I chase them shocking them, Roughly 5 shocks in, I get the trophy and decide to play like normal. I switch modes and down them as they run into the shack, where there is another survivor. I hit that survivor, they run out and knock the pallet over.. Just so happens the basement is there too, so I take my downed victim down the stairs and hook them. As I come back up, I see the survivor on the other side of the pallet clicking their flashlight at me. I knew they wanted me to chase them because there was another survivor waiting for me to leave so they could save their friend.

    So, I leave the pallet, leave out the other door, and, follow red scratch marks around the building and knock down another survivor. I carry them to the basement. Come back up, and, there is that survivor clicking their flashlight at me. There was NO WAY another survivor was waiting to go down there. I turn around, leave the shack, and, scratch marks. I hit them, they run off. I see the other survivor quietly crawl over the pallet. I go back into the shack, smack them as they run into the basement. They unhook someone, I let unhooked person go, down flashlight clicker, hook them. As I run upstairs, the survivor who ran, for some unknown reason, drops down RIGHT IN FRONT of me. I down them, and hook them. I head back upstairs and hunt the last survivor down, and hook them.

    After all 4 are sacrificed, I get a message saying "Lool. Noob"


    I work towards trophy. I get trophy. I play like normal; survivor gets hooked, survivor tries to lure me away, I am onto their plan, and down all 4 of them because they wanted to be altruistic.

    Out thinking the survivors and not taking their bait is a Noob thing.