Survivor on the hook fakes escape

When a survivor is on the hook and he/she fakes an escape could this mean something? I mean especially in a non swf group it could mean „come safe me, killer is not here“ is this already an existing thing/strategy? Non swf survivors could use it to talk to each other! What do you think?
It means "the killer is nearby" and has been a thing since the game was released.
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It means save me or I'm suiciding.
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I have seen people use it in a way of saying the killer is no longer there. I think people use it in different ways. Some people probably just do it because they're bored.
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I use it as saying "the killer is nearby, dont save, do gens" most other survivors use it like this
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It always meant "the killer is nearby", but in retrospect, it does appear to signal the opposite.
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Yeah survivor main here it’s the killer is camping /proxy camping leave me here #dogens
i have came across strange survivors doing it though when the killer isn’t even near.
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It has always meant the killer is camping don't save since the games release.
Unfortunately some tried to change it to come save me so it has lost a lot of its meaning.
Personally if see someone doing it I will stay on the gen.
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It always meant killer nearby, but sometimes I do it to tell the others to come save me if they don't ever bloody try to even get close to me
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Ok we need to agree what it actually means meanwhile for the benefit of solo survivors :-)
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Short arm waving - "Killer is camping, proxy, do gens & gtfo!"
Doing nothing - Killer is away, it is safe to save.
Long stretching, almost filling the bar - "Save me you F%#$!s, can't you see he is chasing someone else?!"
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I am a solo survivor I am telling you now that if I see someone waving their hands it means the killer is near. If I’m waving my hands the killer is near. I will leave you hanging if you’re waving your hands. Sorry I don’t carry bt, and I value my life more than feeding a lazy killer points and hook swapping. Let them waste their own time I have gens to do , you have gens to do.
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Take it as the Killer is nearby. If a survivor complains to why you didn't go for the save. Tell them to stop dancing on the hook.