
Me thinks.
Me thinks not.
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3k=slight win
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But with the hatch mechanics it is the same. Hatch=free escape for survivor.
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3k = Win
4k = Flawless victory
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Don't you just hate when facts keeping putting the lie to this statement.
Free escape, this isn't true because free means getting something for nothing and in your control. - The survivors have to power at least 2 gens in order to get the hatch to spawn. The other 3 survivors must die for the last person to get a chance at the hatch. The last person has to make an escape without getting hit/grabbed/downed etc.
To be free after that point the survivor would also have to be able to go to the hatch and not be able to be hit/downed/mori'd/grabbed by the killer in any way shape or form.
For all those reasons the hatch at that point isn't free and that is a fact because the reasons listed above.
Now if someone does nothing all match and just hides and camps the hatch and jumps in yes that's a free hatch escape. You could argue that technically they did do something which is evade you the entire match to get to that point.
The very definition of free is to get something for nothing, to have something be in your control. To receive something of value with no expense or effort.
Free definitions::
1.not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.
Meaning you could walk to the hatch and jump in in full view of the killer and never be touched and thus escape.
2.without cost or payment.
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3k+hatch is still a 4k for me since I don't give a crap about slugging and I will also most of the time give the hatch to somebody if I think the match was fair or if somebody DC'd on his first 2 hookstates (no toolbox DS deathsquad, no coldwind offering, no excessive teabagging)
The hatch at this point is essentially just there to end the game, the only time a 3k is not a 4k for me is when the last survivor runs out of a gen which very rarely happens unless they were open in the first place.
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3k=4k if the survivor escapes thorugh the hatch.
3k with one person escaping through the door is a 3k.
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Also as a killer you should almost always give the hatch to manipulate the stats of the devs.
I often at lowrank will let all 4 escape, else we would probably see killer nerfs in the future since at lowrank the escape rates are really low.
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LOL . Just a wild guess but what if she meand "free escape" as a figure of speach ? Come on dude she was not being litteral ! Just as if I was telling you : "it rains cats and dogs", would you tell me how it is physically impossible, or would you let it go with the flow of the conversation ?
Anyway, I truly liked how you handled the argument, with a swiff of philosophy and the concrete definition of the "free" word ...
but you might want to pick better fights next time 😅
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This guy is mostly condescending and cares about semantics so that's not his first.
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Even if it's a figure of speech it isn't true either. I have been killed many times trying to find the hatch. So even if the hatch is in play, by no means does it ensure victory.
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I think it's free because most killers are so bored of the long crappy end game at this point that they hardly even bother trying to protect the hatch I play both sides and 90% of the time killers don't even bother with properly protecting the hatch. That or you could slug which depending on the map can be equally long and boring. Most of the time I consider the game over after the 3 kills and would rather jump into the next game and have fun rather than look for/stand at the hatch for the upwards of 10 minutes. Getting 2 gens is ridiculously easy and requires no effort first gen is a given and by the time you've hooked one or two survivors the next gen is guaranteed to be done (unless your playing rank 20) so yes the hatch is pretty free. I think your arguing semantics here the statement that it's free is obviously slight hyperbole, yes technically you have to do something to hatch escape but it's ridiculously easy non the less. As a survivor I always feel a little dirty everytime I escape via hatch after the killer had a really good game and that's why I think killers have to accept 3k as a win because otherwise the salt would become too much for them to bear!
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I mean free as you as a killer can't do much about it unless you boring stuff like slug or hatch stand offs. I don't.
And if survivors were nice I usually let someone go if none or only one gen was done. I consider that a victory with mercy because I could kill them.
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That's not how that works. That is not how any of that works. We're more likely to see killer nerfs based on internal playtesting and community feedback than survival metrics. That is probably the least useful metric since they build every killer to never get a 100% winrate. A more useful metric would be time spent in trial or Time to down survivors.
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No you just hate it when I use facts and logic on you and destroy your the hatch is a free escape nonsense every time. It doesn't matter how often you say it or try and twist the meaning around it'll never be a "Free Escape".
I also wouldn't resort to the full on logic and facts definitions if you wouldn't go full rant thread trying to prove your invalid argument is right and flaming me in the process.
Oh and I guess all the times i've agreed with your points about buffs/nerfs means I was arguing about semantics and was condescending.
Now I'm going to actually be condescending.
"The fact I've agreed with you and others obviously means I'm not mostly condescending and don't just care about semantics. Oh and all the killer buffs/survivor nerfs threads and comments, the tech support help posts i've made.
Yep those definitely prove i'm always condescending and only care about semantics, whoops that's wrong. It proves you're wrong once again. As I've told you before don't try and insult me when you know you're just going to get called out on it and proven wrong again." - End condescending facts statement.
@Utna I've tried the easy method on this one and the others always saying it's free so I've just resorted to giving them flat out facts. They can't try and argue after that without proving that they don't care about facts.
They just want to be handed an actual free 4th kill without having to go earn it 1st and if you look at some of their posts you'll see.
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4 stacks of bbq and fun chases = win
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2K with at least one hook on the two who escaped is a win for me, if I did not hook the other two I lose
3K is a regular win
4K is where I can rug it in any toxic salty survivors in the end game chat
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You got a good point but you missed one thing.
If a survivor gets to the hatch even as your standing on it, they can always jump in after a hit or even if you down them its all a matter of patience. Hence why hatch stand-offs exist
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Said it to truetalent earlier, just because you declare something as "logic" or as "fact" doesn't mean it becomes one.
Telling ppl to git gud in a casualgame that holds no prestige if you're even good in the first place is beyond childish to say the least, I'm not gonna get laid over being good in DBD, I'm not gonna get money over being good in DBD, heck I don't even get anything ingame over being good in DBD.
the hatch is pretty much a free escape as doing 2 gens is not hard at all in a SWF, I have no problems with this but I have a problem with the hatch still existing when both gates are open for no good reason.
Also nobody reads your wall of text.
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-No "you won" bloodpoint bonus for 3 kills.
-Hatch can be used after hiding for as long it takes for the other survivors to 2 out of 5 generators and die.
Its a shortcut to winning the game as it skip 4 of 6 objectives.
Killers have to do 4/4 (100%) of their objectives for the "win" . Survivors can do 2/6 (34%) for a "did not lose?"-escape that in itself even adds more bp than a normal "win"-escape.
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>>> 3 == 4
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Not really, but I don't mind getting a 3k!
However, I am a master hatch player! I don't standoff, I mindgame!