Surviving Campers

Hello, everyone! It is RogueGoddess.

I wanted to post another guide on surviving difficult situations, similar to coping with SWF. Today, we focus on how to deal with campers! As always, I welcome any and all comments because there is always a way to improve. :+1:

Firstly, there is one perk we can all use to be of assistance with Campers.
Borrowed Time: This perk grants the survivor a second chance, should the killer hit them whilst running away from the hook. Borrowed Time only activates if you pull the survivor off of the hook while in the killer's terror radius. Oddly enough, if I am not mistaken, it also activates if you are near the Pig when she is crouched. Silly Amanda. Hiding is for survivors! Please note that Borrowed Time does not activate when the Wraith is in invisible mode.
Note that this perk is helpful for all the survivors to have, simply because of the issue of camping.

Our next point of focus is the camper rush.
This tactic works if 2 or more survivors are present, other than the survivor on the hook. You wait until one of the survivors has been hit by the killer, as they will have to wipe off their blade. Keep in mind, this tactic only works if everyone involved has Borrowed Time. The one who has not been hit will pull the survivor off of the hook, and then take the hit from the killer, buying them more time to run away and be healed. Sure, 3 survivors will be hit, but at least everyone now has a chance.
FYI: If the killer is an @++hole and continues to hit the other survivor, you don't need an extra person to do the camper rush. A lot of the time, the killer will stand there hitting the survivor either out of boredom, or because the survivor really made them mad.
Another thing about this is that if the killer is bold enough to walk into a pallet, then you have a chance to stun them and save the survivor.

If you and the other person are the only people left, there is still a chance you can save them. Work on a generator and intentionally mess up on it. Usually, killers are too enticed not to go check out what you've been doing. It is in this time that you have the chance to save the person. If they have time, don't run to them until you see the killer walk past you on your way to the survivor. If you have lightweight, you can pretty much throw caution to the wind and run to save their life.

If you get good enough at these tactics, you might get a few disconnects from frustrated killers. You can even save survivors when you're not in SWF. In fact, I have done it many times. Please feel free to add your thoughts to this post, as anything to help is always welcome. :chuffed:


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Yes, the tactics you described are a thing and as a normal M1 killer you can do nothing against it which is quite pathetic if you ask me.
    Good luck trying to save against a chainsaw killer though :wink:

  • RogueGoddess
    RogueGoddess Member Posts: 50


    In most situations, Survivors don't know how to handle campers, as such making their situation a "you can do nothing against it." As for the chainsaw, only Leatherface can down all at once, so the Hillbilly is a bit easier to deal with.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    When he camps the first person. Do gens. Problem solved. Dont just stare at the hook with 3 people, the killer will benefit from it. Just do gens

  • RogueGoddess
    RogueGoddess Member Posts: 50


    This post is for those of us who actually want to help other survivors. If you are immediately found and camped, you don't get any points.