Are the Devs intentionally starting out killers weak on the PTB to avoid the "nerfed" stigma?

It seems players prefer to see their character start weak and then be improved as opposed to the opposite, even though they end up in the same place.
It definitely seems like killers are hitting the ptb in a glaringly weak state.
Whens legion and freddy weak stigma gonna end?
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My thoughts exactly.
I think they release intentionally weak killers, just to buff them a little after the PTB, so they can say: "See? We listen to you, don't say X killer is weak!" so the one side of the community can live in a false state of mind that their opinion really matters and the killers are "balanced", and the other side can play against fairly weak killers, while still having something to ######### about (toxicity runs this game, honestly).
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It's better than having a powerful Killer then get them nerfed because the babies cry about it. If the Killer is weak in the PTB but the babies cry it's OP the Devs know they're being trolls and need to get diaper changed with sandpaper.
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Well Freddy started it. Legion did receive buffs albeit ineffective.
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It might just be easier for them to start out slow and work the power up, rather than start out strong and then have to scale down.
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Problem with this is the short duration of the ptb. Trying to start out with the killer balanced and buffing or nerfing as needed will result in a more balanced killer in the limited time frame.
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Nice theory, might be true.
There was a lot of bad PR after they nerfed freddy into oblivion 1 week after release.
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When they are finally being reworked.
The devs take their sweet time though.....
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Buffing and reworking is always recieved more positively than nerfing, they learned that much with Freddy.
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Because doing it right is more important than getting it out quickly to appease the vocal minority. They made that mistake with Clown and Legion and the ones whining the most need to accept responsibility for both the rush and now the wait.
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Starting killers weak wouldnt be such a problem if buffs didnt take over a year.
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Either way they implement them people will still ######### about balance, but personally I would prefer to add them in weak and buff them up, as opposed to having them be high-mid to top tier. I personally think that buffing them from low tier to mid tier is the best course of action, as it leaves the game less prone to unbalance via OP killers.