Nurse Mains ''Like Me''

Skorpanio Member Posts: 605
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Hello everyone, it's pretty late for me right now but I was hoping to get some answers for tomorrow...
Everytime and I mean everytime I play as the nurse I often get to kill 2 players and hopefully 3 before the other(s) quit.
My question here is if players can't take beeing totally wrecked by a posessed lady then why are they still playing this game?

Dead by Daylight is the biggest rage game that I've ever seen in my entire life, and I would like to fix that.
I think that Dead by Daylight has a lack of ''Mature Audience''.
Yes I must admit that I get a little toxic every here and there but for surely not as much as the one's I meet.

How will we ever get out of this toxicity?
I'll put a link here for all of you to check out some of my ''Regular Gameplay''
And you can skip to the end (5:05) if you're only interested in seeing the reactions to me beeing normal...

Video Link (YouTube) -
Edit: Yes the video is heavily edited but I can assure you about that I never camp, tunnel or whatever else.
At the other side, who cares about that?
It's a playstyle!


  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    To make things clear, my question is:
    How do we get rid of ''rage'' behaviours like this or atleast minimize them?

    Good night for me, bb!