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So...are all the survivors dead?

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

I recently read Jane’s bio and I think it’s implying she crashed? But if you read Kate’s or Claudette’s or Meg’s bio it’s like they disappeared into thin air?

So are they all dead? And is the Entity’s realm basically a never ending hellscape?


  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Some of them are dead, while others are currently missing. Survivors like Tapp, Adam and Jane are pretty much Dead. The only survivor that was physically taken by The Entity was Kate. Everyone else pretty much got lost in the woods.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Any idea why The Entity got physical with Kate?

    Was it Kate's jorts or... was it something else?

  • Merix
    Merix Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2019

    @bubbascal "Kate Denson is a hopeful songbird, able to make the most of her surroundings." HOPEFUL, and the entity is eating hope. so she has lots of hope. Maybe that's the reason?

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    You didn't get the innuendo... darn.

    Hmm, maybe that could be a reason why. Kate can spread joy with her songs, Entity might want to get more direct to put panic into Kate's heart instead of subtle captures like forests or taking others when on their death beds...

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    The survivors died in our world, but I would assume to a being like the Entity death is a mere petty consideration. They may have died here, but if The Spirit is any example, they are brought back to life. Only to suffer in a eternal 'hell'.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,612

    @bubbascal i think it was Kate's jiggy bewbs lol

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    Unless they somehow got revived by the entity so the entity could take pleasure into their forever lasting sufferment that the survivors can only temporarily escape by getting mori'd or sacrificed. But then, they go to the exact same spot where they would have gone if survived ; The campfire. So death seems completely irrelevant in the Entity's realm.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I'm pretty sure they aren't exactly dead. But if they somehow anyhow escaped Entitity, those that were taken before dying (Rin, Adam etc.), would be dead.

  • aderpymuffin
    aderpymuffin Member Posts: 97

    Tapp was shot

    Amanda was shot

    Jane crashed

    Adam got hit by a door.

    The entity probably took them before impact killed them or before they bled out.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited March 2019

    I thought about this topic really much. So, here is my thoughts and conclussions.

    You guys missing one obvious thing: if survivors are really dead and they going through trials in some kind of afterlife, why in our world not a single body were found? In Jake's backstory, police couldn't find his body in forest. This is believable, I think. But in Adam's backstory his body wasn't found in crushed train. Only his bag. Is this belevable? Really doubt. But, hey, in Jane's backstory, if I remeber correctly, her car was found without body.

    "Ok, but what about Bill? He was dead and later his body was found!"

    Let's look at his trailer closely.

    We can clearly see that he didn't died, according to trailer. And I also think, that this trailer take place AFTER his body was found. So, technically, he was lying unconcious for some time, but not dead.

    As for me, more interesting question here, why didn't he infect everyone with Green flu in Entity's realm. He is some kind of passive carrier without syptoms, according to L4D lore.

    Now, lets's recall Spirit backstory. Here we can clearly see, that Entity is capable to ressurect people. Or, atleast, don't let them die. So, everything else don't actually matter anymore.

    TLDR: Survivors bodies were transfered into Entity's realm. Survivors in trials either alive or ressurected after their death in our world, but, well, technically, alive anyway.

  • lionsou
    lionsou Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2019

    Actually I think they all are dead.

    Why do they spawn in a puff of smoke? Why can there be more than one of the same character? Why do we still get to play them when they die? Why do they call the games "trials?

    a) They spawn like this cause they're the entity's reconstruction. b) They're reconstructions so there can be more than one. c) They're reconstructions yada yada yada. Because there are different variations of the SAME GAME, you don't get the same gameplay every trial so that means that the trial's are the entities playhouse.

    Also consider how the survivors are Sacrificed. They're impaled by the entity and rise up to him so it basically has their body and can do as it pleases with it.

  • Sudssyy
    Sudssyy Member Posts: 7

    Well Adam isn’t dead I read this in a different post but it seems that the entity and death have an alliance and like in final destination death causes disasters and the entity picks someone to take away.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,092
    edited June 2019

    You've given me an idea on how the spirit world might work. In this thread I described the known dimensions. The entity perhaps could warp the real world a lot more then I initially thought, from distracting to-be survivors into aimlessly wondering through a rip into the spirit world, to physically manifesting to snatch them up, but then that brings the question of Auric Cells in. If the entity manifests via auric cells, how do these cells apply to the real world? How can it manifest? Perhaps it's creating itself in the spirit world then reaching out, using what it can access in the spirit world to control them.

    In any case, the survivors and killers were not killed as far as I know, but 'rescued' on the verge of death or snatched up beforehand in missing persons cases, that's why their bodies were never found.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    They spawn like this, cause Entity works like this. Entity is capable to teleport you in lobby.

    Same survivors is possible, cause, as we know, Entity is capable to take survs from different realities(L4D, Saw, Nightmare on Elm street e.t.c). So, just like this, Entity is able to kidnap different Dwights, who look different cause of skins, for example.

    As for sacrifice ritual - we know that death is not escape. So, in Entity realm survs can't die in, like, absolute way. They kinda immortal... And I bet, they regret it.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    I think they are kind of frozen in time. Can't really die, won't age, etc. Stuck going through a time loop of sorts.