Now that Trapper and Hag are getting their addons reworked it's now time for Nurse

On the most recent Dev Q&A video they announced that Trapper and Hag are getting a few QoL changes as well as some Addon changes. These two killers really needed it. But there is still one more Killer to look at. Nurse. She has some pretty terrible addons that make her pretty unfun to play against and make her power a nightmare to balance.
I had to make some changes due to the most recent Q&A as well. Many of of the Addons that I had using Tinkerer are gone. Another Ultra Rare addon needs to be added as well.
- Slightly increases the chain Blink window.
- Survivors injured from a Lethal Blink suffer from the Hemorrhage status effect for 30 seconds.
- Altering how long the chain blink window lasts is not as good as it sounds. Makes waiting for your fatigue longer so you can't get another blink off. Overall, just a bad design that messes with muscle memory.
- Short term status effects are a really neat idea for killers. Most aim to aid them in tracking or catching survivors. Increasing the bleeding of survivors hit by a lethal blink just helps a bit in tracking if scratch marks lead you a stray.
Metal Spoon
- Slightly increase charge speed of the Blink.
- Survivors injured from a Lethal Blink suffer from the Blinded status effect for 30 seconds.
- Altering the charge speed of the Blink messes with muscle memory. Could be useful but most time would just throw off the * Nurse when trying to determine the time to let go for non max range Blinks.
- Another short term status effect. Blindness effects aura reading perks and can throw people off who normally run Bond and such.
Torn Bookmark
- Adds 1 additional chain Blink. Slightly reduces max range of the Blink.
- Slightly reduces chain blink window.
- Recover Slightly faster after a Blink while not in a chase.
- Remove the additional chain Blink. No need for one on such a common addon. Again, changing the max range and reducing the chain Blink window messes with muscle memory.
- Helps blinking around the map trying to find survivors.
White Nit Comb
- Slightly increases the Blink movement speed.
- Very Slightly increases the Blink movement speed.
- In my opinion this is an addon that can stay. It might mess with muscle memory a bit, but not as much as the others. It also provides for just getting from one place to anther faster. Overall, a good addon.
Wooden Horse
- Slightly increase the maximum range of the blink.
- Slightly decreases the accuracy of the Blink.
- Very Slightly increases the Field of View of the Nurse at the start of charging a Blink, during and after a blink.
- Disappears when fatigued.
- Stacks with other Field of View gains.
The increase of the FoV is based off of Kavanagh's Last Breath addon.
Messes with muscle memory mostly. Unnecessary downside.
- FoV increase helps a lot for the Nurse. Increasing her FoV during a blink is mostly to help for the transition after the blink is over.
- The increase after the Blink will help her look around and see more to land a hit.
Uncommon addons
Bad Man Keepsake
- Moderately increases the charge speed of the Blink.
- Survivors injured from a Lethal Blink suffer Slightly from the Mangled status effect for 30 seconds.
- Increase rarity from Common to Uncommon.
- Messes with muscle memory.
- Slows down healing a bit after being hit by a lethal blink.
Catatonic Boy's Treasure
- Moderately increase the maximum range of the Blink. Moderately deceases the accuracy of the Blink.
- Survivors injured from a Lethal Blink suffer from the Hemorrhage status effect for 45 seconds.
- Slightly decrease the repair speed of survivors for 90 seconds.
Note: New effect should have be on Pocket Watch but bleeding from a watch doesn't make sense.
- Messes with muscle memory. Unnecessary downside.
- Status effect that increases bleeding and slows down repair for a short amount of time.
Dark Cincture
- Adds 1 additional chain Blink. Slightly reduces the maximum range of the Blink.
Recover Moderately faster after a Blink while not in a chase.
Remove additional Blink. Problematic. Unnecessary downside.
- Recover after a blink while out of a chase is to help blinking around the map to find people.
Dull Bracelet
- Moderately increases the Blink movespeed.
- Slightly decreases Blink charge speed. Affected by Tinkerer.
Slightly Increases the Blink movespeed.
Provides for just getting from one place to anther faster. Unnecessary downside.
Pocket Watch
- Moderately reduces the fatigue time of the Blink. Slightly decreases the charge speed of the Blink.
- Affected by Tinkerer.
- Slightly increases the Field of View of the Nurse at the start of charging a Blink, during and after a blink.
- Disappears when fatigued.
- Stacks with other Field of View gains.
Note: The increase of the FoV is based off of Kavanagh's Last Breath addon.
Note 2: Read note on Catatonic Boy's Treasure.
- Cool idea but breaks the main counterplay part of her kit that helps survivors lose the Nurse.
- FoV increase helps with tracking survivors after a Blink.
Rare Addons
Anxious Grasp
- Considerably increase the Blink movespeed.
- Moderately decreases Blink charge speed.
- Affected by Tinkerer.
Moderately increases the Blink movespeed.
Movespeed is good. Unnecessary downside.
- Lower from Considerably to Moderately.
Ataxic Respiration
- Considerably increase the maximum range of the Blink.
- Considerably decreases the accuracy of the Blink.
- Moderately increases the Field of View of the Nurse at the start of charging a Blink, during and after a blink.
- Disappears when fatigued.
- Stacks with other Field of View gains.
The increase of the FoV is based off of Kavanagh's Last Breath addon.
Messes with muscle memory. Unnecessary downside.
*FoV increase helps with tracking survivors after a Blink.
Fragile Wheeze
- Adds 1 additional chain Blink.
Recover Considerably faster after a Blink while not in a chase.
Remove additional chain blink. Problematic.
- Recover after a non lethal blink still helps you if you don't land a lethal hit in a chase and blinking around the map.
Heavy Panting
- Moderately increases the chain Blink window.
- Moderately Increases fatigue duration.
- Survivors injured from a Lethal Blink suffer from the Hemorrhage status effect for 90 seconds.
Moderately decrease the repair speed of survivors for 90 seconds.
Messes with muscle memory.
- Status effect that increases bleeding and slows down repair for a short amount of time.
Spasmodic Breath
- Considerably increases the charge speed of the Blink.
- Slightly increases the fatigue time of the Blink.
- Affected by Tinkerer.
Survivors injured from a Lethal Blink suffer Moderately from the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds.
Messes with muscle memory. Unnecessary downside.
- Slows down healing after being hit by a lethal blink.
Very Rare
"Bad Man's" Last Breath
- Tremendously increases the charge speed of the Blink.
- Slightly increases the fatigue time of the Blink.
- Removes 1 chain Blink
- Survivors injured from a Lethal Blink suffer from the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds.
Increases the difficulty of healing skill checks Tremendously and removes bonus from landing a Great Skill check until healed.
Messes with muscle memory. VERY unnecessary downsides.
- This addon is a really cool idea. Normally Nurses help you stop bleeding. This time, you can't stop bleeding. This is more of a out of chase effect as well. The bleeding tracking will help but the healing slow and difficulty will make hard to heal. The slow and difficulty also apples to other survivors for the time that they are tying to heal the survivor effected by this addon.
Jenner's Last Breath
- Tremendously increase the Blink movement speed. Moderately decreases Blink charge speed.
- Removes 1 chain Blink.
- Considerably increases the Blink movement speed.
Does not stack with other movement speed addons.
Good move speed but ruined by downsides.
- Removal of 1 chain blink to balance it.
- Lower the speed form Tremendously to Considerably.
Kavanagh's Last Breath
- Moderately increases the chain Blink window.
- Slightly increases fatigue duration.
- Remove 1 chain Blink.
- Considerably increases the Field of View of the Nurse at the start of charging a Blink, during and after a blink.
- Persists a until end of fatigue.
Stacks with other Field of View gains.
Messed with muscle memory. Dumb downsides.
- FoV is insane and persists until fatigue is over.
Plaid Flannel
- Allows to see landing area of the Blink.
- After a Blink, allows you to see the aura of nearby survivors within a 5m radius until the start of the fatigue.
Aura reading effect still ends after the time that the fatigue should start meaning it does not effect "Bad Man's" Last Breath fatigue removal after a non chase Blink.
This addon is #########.
- Cool little tracking addon. Very Rare addon so it won't be too common.
Ultra Rare
Campbell's Last Breath
- Adds 2 additional chain Blinks.
- Slightly reduces the maximum range of the Blink.
- Removes fatigue when blinking while not in a chase.
- Blinking from out of chase into a chase will not grant the removed blink but will recover Tremendously faster on a non lethal Blink.
Removes dimmed effect from fatigue while in a Chase.
Remove the 2 additional chain Blinks. Problematic. Downside need because of additional blinks.
- No fatigue on Blink as long as you are not in a chase. If you blink into a chase and don't land a lethal blink you will get a fatigue but it will be a tremendously faster recovery.
- The removal of the dimmed is just a QoL buff that is nice.
I tried to add some flavor to the Nurses addons and fix the problematic ones. If you read them all you probably noticed that there are no addons that give and additional Blink. IMO having 2 blinks is perfect for the Nurse. Allowing for more is not healthy for the game. (The 3 blink grab achievement will need to be reworked if there are no more additional blink addons.) I got some inspiration of the Huntresess's addons that apply status effects. The suit the Nurse a lot with the bleeding and increased healing addons. Her very rare and ultra rare addons are super cool and let her play a bit different then normal.