Opinions on a slight nurse nerf?

McMyrvoll Member Posts: 2
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

I think the nurse with more than 2 blinks is way too powerful in many cases due to the long range she has with her lunge. I think that her lunge should be made slightly shorter for each extra blink add-on, or for each blink she uses. So if she uses 4 blinks her lunge is significantly shorter than with no blinks or just 1.

I think this would be a fair nerf since it's so hard to actually get away from a high rank nurse since your only option is to try to mind game her because of the inability to palletloop her. Most times in high rank once people get in a chase, they go down within 30 seconds or so. It seems that very few actually get away.

Would appreciate others opinion on something like this because I'm curious if others feel the same way.

Post edited by McMyrvoll on


  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited June 2018
    Well, as a Nurse Main I can tell you 3 Blinks should be her max. 

    First though, she has the same Lunge as most Killers if not shorter. Lunge is based off your current movement speed, which Nurse has lower movement speed than other Killers except Huntress and Hag. Her lunge is not longer than any other Killer. Same length or shorter only. 

    Second, your supposed to go down in less than 30 seconds if you can not lose a Killer. M.Cote literally said chases should last at MOST 30-45 seconds. Not minimum of 30-45 seconds if you are found. Looping was was never an intended game mechanic, it was an accident brought on when the developers changed Survivors hit boxes back in Patch 1.4.0. The game was never designed for every chase to last a minimum of 30 seconds, Gens being quick and easy to repair at 80 seconds each does not allow for such long chases at every Pallet. IE : Looping. 

    So, I half agree, half disagree. 
    Post edited by SovererignKing on
  • McMyrvoll
    McMyrvoll Member Posts: 2

    Yeah i agree that any more than 3 is kinda broken..

    I know she has about the same lunge as others, but combined with the fact that she can blink instantly right next to you is in my mind a little too strong. For new nurse players I can see that they might struggle a bit with the blinking and lunging but a good nurse, well I don't really have to explain it.

    IMO I thinks nurse could use a little nerf but on the other hand since many other killers have gotten some nice buffs now we might see less nurses.
    Don't get me wrong tho, I enjoy playing against nurses every now and then, but I'm getting a little tired of mostly seeing nurses in high rank. Interesting killer to play against since you have to use a completely different playstyle, but it gets kinda tedious after a while.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    McMyrvoll said:

    Yeah i agree that any more than 3 is kinda broken..

    I know she has about the same lunge as others, but combined with the fact that she can blink instantly right next to you is in my mind a little too strong. For new nurse players I can see that they might struggle a bit with the blinking and lunging but a good nurse, well I don't really have to explain it.

    IMO I thinks nurse could use a little nerf but on the other hand since many other killers have gotten some nice buffs now we might see less nurses.
    Don't get me wrong tho, I enjoy playing against nurses every now and then, but I'm getting a little tired of mostly seeing nurses in high rank. Interesting killer to play against since you have to use a completely different playstyle, but it gets kinda tedious after a while.

    I completely agree. It would get boring facing the same Killers over and over. Problem is viability. Other Killers are so badly under par compared to her, you’re just gimping yourself if you don’t pick her. It’s not a little gimp either, it’s massive. The Clown is the first real Killer to put up a fight against Loopers. Hag and Trapper has soft counters, but it’s so RNG based if they run to a Loop that you’ve trapped, and your traps haven’t been disarmed already. Not to mention the set up time, just using your power as Hag or Trapper is counter productive. 

    Blinking right next to someone requires very precise timing and predictions of your oppents movements. I play on PS4, so this is even more important than PC as FPS and lag REALLY makes this even more difficult. You drop FPS out of the already low 30 FPS on every blink. Then you have controller limitations. 

    Nurse is a trade off. Her Skill Floor is much higher, in exchange for her Skill Ceiling being also much higher. Her add ons do need tweaks, but that’s really that’s it. 

    High Rank Nurses have earned thier place imo. Most don’t use add ons anyway. If Looping wasn’t so powerful, you’d see much more variety in Killers. The problem is how to make Killers viable against Looping without pulling Nurse like mechanics into the foray. Looping was an accident, they have to somehow rebalance the whole game for its inclusion. Which they are doing. I don’t mind getting Looped, as long as the game is balanced for it. I love chases, I just don’t want to lose because I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, finding and chasing Survivors.