Barbeque & Chili

Barbeque and Chili is an essential perk at high level play for its ability to reveal survivors, force them to hide in lockers/hide near the hook, and also rewards more bloodpoints.
Can we expect some kind of nerf considering we have Iron Maiden to synergize with BBQ making it nearly impossible to hide from the killer?
Best Answer
Most of us use BBQ for the bonus Bloodpoints. The aura reveal is an addes bonus if we can see anyone, but generally speaking a good deal of Players hide from it ahead of time.
BBQ was already nerfed recently (resulting in more camping btw)
Ways to counter BBQ:
Bait run directions
Hide behind gen
Use distortion
Go into a locker
Go closer to the hook
Here you go, 5 ways to counter it. With these strategies you will always be able to hide from it
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The Killer is giving up two perk slots for slightly more effective cross map awareness that lasts a few seconds. If you realise they have Iron Maiden, then you can always use its several other counters (especially the close proximity one).
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Run in the other direction
Pretend to work on gens or totem for 4 seconds
Hide behind gen
Run to the hook
Run Distortion
Any combo of UE, Lightweight, Premonition, Dance With Me, Spine Chill, Quick and Quiet and Poised can help you out too.
There is no lack of counters for BBQ, it does not need a nerf.
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Oh my lord, when will people stop wanting nerfs to this perk?
I don't think there is any other perk that has as many counters as BBQ has. Please, stop.
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"several" other counters so far include:
'pretending' to run somewhere
Using a perk that has 3 tokens to counter a perk that can proc 6+ times easily
Hiding in lockers: not possible in my hypothetical because we have iron maiden
Running to the hook. (a gamble)
Does nobody see why these 'counters' don't really seem realistic? The killer gets no downside for running this perk. Only upsides. There are downsides for running hex's, they can be destroyed, but not this perk, at least ruin can be dealt with, this perk cannot.
I'm not trying to be annoying but playing against a Billy with BBQ has to be the least fun thing in the entire game. Insta downs + mobility + not being able to hide in lockers because they're running iron maiden. BBQ needs to either have its bonus BP's removed, or should be reworked in such a way that it also has a downside of some kind, because it is arguably the best perk in the game.
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+1. Even before the distortion perk and locker buff BBQ had a multitude of reliable ways to counter it. At this point its just survivors complaining for the sake of complaining rather than using all the tools at their disposal to counter act the perk. OP you need to Git Gud. End of story.
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Barbecue & Chili most CERTAINLY has a downside...
Disconnectors don't count. 😋
In any case, you're definitely not the first to complain about this Perk, but there's WAY more Survivors who disliked being camped.
So they made a Perk that gives incentives to leave the Hook (auras) while also making it VERY appealing to run. (The only "more BP post-trial" Perk for Killers.)
I dare to say: You're one of the very few. For every B&C complaint, there's multiple others who actually make use of lockers now.
Oh yeah, Iron Maiden's a once every 200 trials.
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and the only time i ever see iron maiden is on meme builds or a legion trying to do his adept achievement. Perk is situational trash. Dont know any killer that would consider it worthy of a perk slot and even if a killer in the very rare circumstances has iron maiden with BBQ there is a plethora of other options available.
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No thanks.
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Devs give counters:
Proceeds not to utilize said counters.
OP, pls nerf.
git gud
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Here we go again
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High Level of plays.... and they are using Iron Maiden? What....
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without this perk there would be more killers camping
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Do not bring up Iron Maiden as a buff to BBQ & Chili, it is a ######### perk done wrong. 15 seconds Exposed is nothing, if you get caught that's on you, Haunted Grounds tier 1 is 30 seconds and if you can avoid that you can avoid that ######### embarrassing disgusting 15.
That said when the new chapter comes out I will be running Iron Maiden to catch Jane's fat ass and hope it works.
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How to kill Jane's that are trying to do adept 101
1) Use Iron Maiden
2) Bait out the stun
3) Profit
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There are loads of perks that have no downside. That's why people use them. If every perk had a downside then only a few of them would be worth taking.
What about Bitter Murmur or Rancor? Surveillance, Discordance, Tinkerer, TotH to an extent as well. They reveal you/give away your location potentially several times a match like BBQ does, and that's for doing your job. At least with BBQ someone has to get hooked first, but with the others you are almost guaranteed to be revealed by them at least a few times even when everyone is doing everything right. Why does BBQ get drastically more hate than other detection perks?
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You do realize that bbq helps eliminate camping. It's so the killer actually tries to find other surviors and not sit under the hook
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You all seem to think that someone running BBQ suddenly won't camp.
If the killer doesn't see any auras from BBQ, guess who's not leaving that hook.
Again, if the purpose of BBQ's creation was to stop camping, it's doing that quite poorly, because the killer will circle the hook until they have reason to leave should they not see an aura. To those being toxic in my perfectly reasonable discussion, I ask that next time you play, try and do it without BBQ. I know my games are vastly different when I don't run it.
⚖️(Let's not forget people pairing this with make your choice too, got to love a nurse running that one)
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The locker perk doesn't last nearly long enough to be useful to the killer if someone is far from the killer. If someone's far away, most killers won't benefit from the aura reading and they still need to find a survivor who may have moved and catch them after you find them.
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I don't think all not-campers magically start camping if B&C is removed.
And i don't think vice-versa.
I think it's silly to want to make one of the very few anti-camp incentives worse.
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BBQ is supposed to give INCENTIVE for the killer to move away. But since it has been nerfed, it will happen more frequently that noone lights up becuase they hide in lockers, use distortion or hug gens.
And guess what? THe killer has no target to chase, what is he supposed to do? Of course he will stay closer to the hook, thats common sense
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BBQ have counters.
If your fella is downed near you enough run toward them and the killer won't see you.
If you are far away use a locker and exit or run 5 seconds in one direction and then change direction.
In fact, BBQ will be buffed in the next chapter.
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Dude... i dont even use the aura i just like the blood points. besides the perk has a lot of counter play and is in a pretty good spot balance wise rn
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BBQ & Chili is a newbie killer. New survivors won't know it reveals everybody's auras (beyond a certain distance) and end up sabotaging their own teammates.
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iron maiden? really? nobody but huntress takes that perk, and while a lot use BBQ she's far too slow to really get you with that.
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Technically, normalising the primary effects of perks across all three tiers isn’t so much of a ‘buff’.
NOED for example wasn’t technically buffed because Exposed was normalised across all tiers. In fact the removal of the attack cooldown made it a nerf. It just makes the perk not worthless at Tier 1 or 2.
Maybe this is the way the devs are preparing for removing the perk tier mechanic from the game down the line?
Either way, there’s no reason to use BBQ for the auras or the points unless it’s T3, so at least making T1 and 2 have 40m would encourage people using it more than they already do if it’s not max tier.
It doesn’t buff the T3 perk in any way - just normalises T1 and T2 to not be absolutely useless.
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They made gen auras orange as hell AND did locker auras to quietly nerf it. Stop whining about it, god damn what else do you people want?
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There are so many counters, but why do you want to hide your aura in the first place? Show yourself, give the killer an incentive to leave the hook.
And as long as you are not facing a Huntress, you can still hide in lockers. Almost nobody uses Iron Maiden except for Huntress players.
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Bbq is fine, there are a handful of counters to it that others mentioned above^
also any killer that brings bbq and stays near the hook anyways even after it triggered(without any aura) is lazy imo. Then y’all wonder why you get “gen rushed🙄” you’re not out applying any map pressure. Just waiting to hook chase Bc that’s what most killers do.
Also survivors ######### you doing pulling others off without bt if the killer is right in that area ,not applying map pressure. Go do some gens. Stop rewarding poor gameplay to these goons.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.