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What do YOU mean when you say that a killer is not balanced?



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    But due to the way the game works, they wouldn't necessarily have to be great at the game, they'd just have to not be found first and then rush gens.

    As a survivor, I'm mediocre at best, and I still escape more often than not, because I play stealthily and am usually not the first to be found.

    As a killer, I've gotten kills that I definitely shouldn't have because survivors were cocky and tried to pull stupid stunts like unhooking in my face or looting a chest right next to me while I was AFK waiting for them to leave.

    Look at all the threads complaining about killers camping and still getting a 4k. The only reason why a killer doing nothing for two full minutes (three if you include the chase) results in anything more than a single kill is because survivors were cocky and stopped working on generators to try to save someone who cannot be saved.

    EDIT: While we're at it, let's not forget that the majority of trials end up as 3v1 (or even 2v1) very early on due to DCers, which heavily tilts the game in the killer's favor.

    But anyway, this is off-topic. If you wish to discuss this subject, please open a new thread.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    @Gorgonia Here's an example of what I was talking about. In my last trial as killer, I found and hooked one survivor early on. A last-second-switch Claudette with a flashlight was in the area, trying to blind me, and then chased me when she failed. She unhooked in my face, so I grabbed her and then put her down. Naturally, I stayed around the hook, not wanting to lose the advantage of having two disabled survivors with only one generator repaired.

    A Meg approached, so I gave chase and ended up putting her down as well, without losing the hook. That's three survivors I managed to disable after only two generators had been repaired because rather than fix the gens, they decided it'd be better to hook rush. And the only reason two generators were even repaired in the first place is because the fourth survivor, a Kate, brought along a green toolbox with add-ons to gen rush, as well as Streetwise. Eventually, I killed all three of them.

    I let Kate repair the rest of the generators and leave because of how stupid her teammates were (though she proved this mercy was undeserved, since she hung around the exit for some five minutes before finally going on her way).

  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360

    Best example is. Nurse Is balanced because it takes incredible skill to master her power. If a nurse gets a 4k against good survivors she deserves it. If her blinks were easy and didn't take much skill at all she would be an unfair killer.

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    In my opinion, a killer's strength (or lack thereof) has to do with his chase advantage against a single survivor, which translates to map pressure.

    The biggest factor in this is a killers mobility. The better they can deal with the survivors defensive options while in a chase, or the earlier they can end the chase, the stronger they are.

    Just look at the top tiers: Nurse, Billy, Spirit, Hag (some might disagree with some of these, but it's the general consensus).

    All of them have tool to both deal with loops effectively and to move around the map quickly to force survivors off of gens and increase pressure.

    Myers has snowball potential with Tier 3, but his power has limited uses (unlike billy), gives him minimal improvement on mobility (a slightly longer lunge I think), and does nothing to help with loops. If survivors play well, myers will not be very strong.

    The biggest issue with balance in this game, is that the devs are balancing the killers and survivors on a 1:1 basis, instead of a 1:4 basis.

    By this I mean they're looking at the chase between one survivor and the killer, and since they don't want the survivor to feel like they're doomed to go down on the chase eventually, they give them the tools to offset the killers power role ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. So you have 4 survivors with the ability to best the killer on an individual chase, and the killer can only commit to that one chase while the survivor team has 3 free pairs of hands to do things risk free while the killer is engaged in the chase.

    This problem is one of design and mechanics. There shouldn't be pallets in this game, other survivors should have to help their teammates in the chase by activating levers and switches to cut the killer off in the chase or help their teammates survive. An individual survivor against the killer should be overwhelmingly in disadvantage.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    What is with the necroing lately?

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    For me that killers are balance its that require skill and they dont destroy the game theres alot of killers that arent balances and for me theres 2 things that not balanced

    1.-require no skill

    2-that are weak

    And we all know what killers are weak and those are leatherface freddy and thats it

    And theres 2 killers that for myself are broken and those are billy and nurse billy the problem its thst they directly use chainsaw when its near to the survivor and nurse she just destroy the game just like that if the nurse have omegablink good luck of escaping or with 3 blinks

  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    you're right about splitting balance and viability of the killers. Not every killer can be as strong as very other, the only thing the devs are missing is balancing every killer around his own ability and giving him/her enough advantages/ disadvantages to make is power useful and fun to play against. Imo no killer is balanced for that reason. Nurse has a high skill cap but no real downside for the core gameplay, sure she can be weak against stealth plays but only if the player isn't good at stealth himself. Billy also lacks downsides on his ability if played correctly. spirit, hag, huntress and clown are the most balanced killers in the game but have some issues do to gameplay or design choices the devs made

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    What you said is pretty much what balance is. A lot of the confusion with balance comes from the way people use a certain mechanic or deal with it.

    The whole reason the balance with this game is messed up is because people don't seem to adapt. They see something they don't like and avoid it. Or they just complain till it goes away.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Why do you get downvotes? You basically said the truth.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Some people are just downvoting everything I write. Thanks to them, however, I am the undisputed Forum King, with more upvotes, downvotes, and (will soon have) posts than anyone on the forum.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,199

    I mean a couple things when I talk about balance. For me, I find it odd that the map size and number of objectives remain the same despite killers being able to traverse the map at different speeds. Gens are always on timers. To me, it's an objective fact that a killer like the Clown is at a massive disadvantage compared to Nurse, Billy, Spirit on a map like Temple of Purgation. It's math.

    Another balance criteria I look at is how their power compares to other similar killer powers. I'm going to pick on Clown a bit here, mainly because I honestly think he's the worst or second worst killer in the game (check the stats). Compare him to Huntress. It takes longer for Clown to reload his bottles, yet they don't actually damage survivors, nor do they travel as far. His slow down when throwing a bottle is equal to how much the survivors get slowed down by the gas without a hindered add-on. In other words, his gas doesn't actually do anything except blur their vision and maybe cause a delayed reaction. So, Huntress can down survivors from a distance, has more hatchets to throw, and reloads them faster (obviously assuming locker proximity). Clown on the other hand has a similar throwing mechanic yet is worse at everything.

    That's an example of what I mean when I talk about balance.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2019

    For me it's when a killer can put out decent map pressure and control aspects of the game but also has some counter play which takes thought.

    Take the nurse while some consider her op I think she is a great example as a killer who is balanced as she can be stealthed and breaking line of sight means she must be used in a way where knowledge and skill is a big factor in how well you do, it's also why you see such a large disparity in kills accross the ranks as you must learn how to play her.

    Now the two killers who place traps, trapper and hag, both of them have counter play but the hag is more balanced to me due to her pressure, while bith need to set up the hag can traverse the map and punishes survivors when they screw up, the trapper if caught you have to make a choice on whether to go for them and risk the rng letting them escape before you are close wasting time and the pressure you can put out.

    Freddy is another example as with him the balance shifts from one side to the other, the dream world is a place where the survivor is highly disadvantaged but is also so easy to get out if due to this but without the dream world Freddy has no real pressure or anyway to stop the actions of survivors so his pressure is dependent on the rng of survivors getting out, it's why i think his power is unbalanced as its not about how you play that allows good pressure it's more about how lucky the survivors are at getting out of the dream world, I think rng isn't a great mechanic for balancing as it's not in anyone's control.

    Personally i think a lot of killers are more balanced than we tens to think but the use of there power is what let's some players down, they don't know how to mind game or push survivors into areas where they easier to get a hit.

    The most balances killers for me are nurse, hag and Huntress, all.of these take spme akill and map knowledge.

    While Billy is a strong top tier killer they are easier to use and this is why you see Nurse and Billy a lot at high ranks as one takes a degree of knowledge and skill to be really strong where as the other is just strong due to speed and one shot downs but both allow good map pressure.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    To me, I ask if the killer fundamentally breaks one aspect of a survivor's toolset by just using their power. If they do, the killer is generally fine to me even if most people find them weak.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Balanced Gameplay:

    Killer Skill > Survivors skill = Killer win

    Killer Skill < Survivors skill = Survivors win

    Killer ability:

    Easy to learn.

    Hard to master.

    You have much freedom(playstyles).

    This is my opinion for balanced gameplay.

    And I think DbD has very bad balanced gameplay.

    Deleting a complete playstyle, because EGC isnt a good idea(endgame piggy).

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    I agree even tho i also take into account how good they are downing/sacrificing survivors, or rather, how effective their power is at doing it/ giving opportunities to do it.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    What would you expect the Kill rate of someone playing this Killer optimally to be if they are playing against optimal survivors?

    1-3 = balanced (guaranteed 3 or 1 is not balanced. It must be a range)

    0-2 = weak

    3-4 = strong

    Exactly 2 = stale (From survivor PoV its perfectly balanced but from Killer PoV they lose every game)

    Assume perks but no items, offerings or addons. The games RNG is what produces the range.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Ihatelife people don’t like our king for some reason.

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625
  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I personally like how most of the killers play. I think where most of the them struggle is the chase. Some maps it is just impossible for certain killers to apply pressure fast enough to keep survivors off of the gens until you clear the field of pallets. But with some teams, they gens are finished by the time you clear enough pallets and sometimes the map RNG gives survivors too many jungle gym and vault options even with the pallets gone so they still can waste the time of the killer.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Being looped to oblivion, and don't have a way to stop it, or an upside in other aspect to compensate. Example: Legion, he fail at stopping looping and at having a profitable power in any aspect.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    It's really simple. It really is.

    I'm an above average killer. I'm on console. I hit rank 1 EVERY season. I crush with Freddy and Wraith mostly. I eat souls with LF and crush with Myers/Doctor and Hag, and usually 3k with Trapper.

    I don't play Nurse, or Huntress much at all. I rarely play Hillbilly or Spirit.


    So, if I'm having a very hard time over the course of 2-3 matches with a killer... they are weak. That is what unbalanced is to me. If an above average skilled killer like myself can't dominate every 2-3 matches, then something is wrong.

    Then there's SWF, which "can" skew things greatly.

    There is no overpowered killer on console. There's only weaker ones. I personally don't think Freddy is all that weak. He is weaker yes, but he can be good if used right.

    In skilled hands, ANY killer should be able to 3k or 4k. It should be somewhat easy. Average skilled killers should have a decent time as well. It's the power role.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Trust me, coming from a console nurse main, if you use an extra blink with a range add-on you’ll find out how broken it is.