Fallyn Member Posts: 12

What if we made totems worth the time it takes to cleanse them. By this I mean totems that act sorta like NOED and activate after certain conditions eg. a certain number of gens finished. Then hopefully more survivors would actually take the time to clean dull totems. WOWWEE CONTROVERSIAL IDEA.


  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited March 2019

    I think there should be a bonus to all players when all the totems have been successfully a few K or whatever to everyone. Even if one person did them all...whatever. They still got the extra bp for each cleansing. Once you see that bonus pop up, you’ll also know that NOED can’t proc. So it basically would also function as a totem counter, except you wouldn’t know how many are left at any given time, only when they are completed...which is fine.

    i think something like this would make cleansing totems feel more team oriented, since everyone can benefit. As it is now, if you see someone cleansing a dull, most people view it as the person is wasting their time. This would change that. People don’t want to spend time from the main objective simply to prevent a perk that may not even exist. It needs to be more rewarding on its own. Just the flat 600 bp is crap.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Dull totems and Hex totems should grant 1,000 blood points in the boldness category as well as a 10% Lightbringer bonus. Potentially, if you can get all 5 totems, you'll have collected 5,000 blood points and have 50% of your Lightbringer completed.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I would be ok with all of these changes, if totems were jet black, and didn't light up when they were hex totems. Or even if they were just hidden properly, and were more obstructed from the third party camera.