Freddy suggestions

Edilibs Member Posts: 699

I understand there must have been numerous Freddy threads so i'll keep this short as possible. I main killer and i main Hag and alternate Myers but i've also come to alternate Freddy as well. I've seen his strengths and weaknesses. The biggest strength of course is that he's invisible another big strength is that he is THE BEST KILLER to utilize "Make Your Choice" (close to Hag) and another is that he's short (good for cornfield maps)

What i suggest with Freddy (If he indeed is getting reworked or buffed) is

---- Increase the time it takes for a survivor to wake up the other out of dream world (moderately)

--- Reduce the time it takes to put survivors in Dream World (slightly)

Honestly that's all i feel he needs. Yes he is a perk Killer and must use at least yellow tier perks to be competitive (red ranks) but other things might make him Nurse, Hillbilly, Spirit tier and the developers may or may not want that.. What do you think?


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Ok hold on, I've been wanting to use Make Your Choice on ma boi but for that to happen everyone needs to be in Dream World. What's your strategy on this?

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    You drag the survivor to a hook that is out in the open (much easier soon with the changes to Decisive Strike) and then wait outside of MYC range. Run towards the hook as soon as the unhook happens. If you're using power range addons you can put them to sleep long before you reach them. Use your power to scan around and look for hiding survivors.

  • gcardoso
    gcardoso Member Posts: 35

    i dont know about ur suggestions but he needs to be nerfed. it's like not even fun playing in a freddy game unless ur team is full of premades.. he's damn broken survivors almost dont have chance to recover from dream world so please fix it

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176


  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2019

    Ok so I run Ruin/BBQ/MYC/Nurses. After a hook if you can catch a survivor in your path put them in Dream World then go out of Make Your Choice range. There you go, now on your way back the other survivor may snap the rescuer out but by that time your close enough to down them for the Make Your Choice. Even if you dont get a survivor in dream world after a hook Freddy is still scary at this point because you dont know where he's coming from which is the best thing. If they choose to do a close by gen or decide to heal the survivor they just unhooked thats Christmas! lol

    I feel that the set i have is the strongest with Freddy. One of the best things about it is that Survivors don't expect BBQ so they wont go for the counter (lockers) and because Freddy has a shorter than normal terror radius even if they skill check out with Self Care when they start healing again its already to late, Freddy knows where they are.

    I get very good results with Freddy unless im on a terrible map for him (Haddonfield, Coldwind Farm and Yokahoma Estate) and because im super solid people really arent use to non NOED Freddy so some of the time they wont even make it to end game because i have such a strong perk set with him. Also i think NOED Sucks on Freddy but thats just my opinion.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2019

    @DudeDelicious I droppped Legion completely for Freddy and he's the perfect Killer for me. I get really frustrated playing Legion because i cant afford to make a mistake at all it seems and it severly hurts me so i dont really like them (Legion) I think Freddy is good like at least B tier and i never agreed with any and everyone that said he is the weakest (or a weak killer) People be buggin! lol

    Those buffs i suggested would probrably bring him up to Spirit/Billy tier or right below it so i dont think it would be a bad idea, but your right, people would complain.

    Also i agree with your comment about people taking Freddy as a joke until they go up against someone thats really good with him. I love it when people try and disrespect Freddy by unhooking right after a hook because im like "oh" "you just got your teammate tunneled lol

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Edilibs I would not be running Nurses on Freddy. His base aura reading alone is strong enough of a tracking tool. I would swap it out for Sloppy Butcher.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Nurses is actually pretty helpful because tier 3 is 4 m bigger than default lullaby radius and it really helps to catch survivors off guard.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    i always tought survivor in dream state shouldn't get to see woke survivors, but then survivors should have some sort of way to drawn atention, like a snap or something, but THEN that would be anoying for killer, so whatever.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    I tried Sloppy Butcher on him and although its good as well i much rather have Nurses because those survivors that are "NOT" in the dream state can get semi free heals. Basically Nurses puts more pressure on them. My Freddy is a rushdown one

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    To you it seems like its a waste but to me its definetely not! BBQ is a staple and one of the main reasons i do so well with him at Red ranks. Are you kidding me BBQ is godlike on Freddy! lol

    Im not a NOED scrub and im actually really good with Freddy so for me BBQ is a must

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123
    edited April 2019

    I actually use nurses and sloppy butcher. It boosts Freddys already powerful aura reading ability and sloppy slows down the heals so I can almost always make it to the survivors before they finish the heal. It also stops players from healing within your TR which is the only place Freddys aura reading becomes neutralized. When nurses shows 2 or more players aura healing eachother its very satisfying! Espescially when u know sloppy is making those heals difficult :) Its an easy way to keep players asleep because you can easily catch them together, and have a little extra time to get there and be a savage little dream demon!

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    You should be able to grab even if they aren't in the dream world, maybe? I believe locker grabbing while not in the dream world makes sense, but I don't know about vaults, I do think though that trying to escape the dream world should be like the Doctor's deal but for the other survivor bringing you out, and they pause to fall asleep like a regular survivor would when shocked.

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123

    Dude that would truly be a nightmare build! I need to unlock coulrophobias shared first tho! :( When i get it tho I will defs add it!

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Almost every survivor who play against a Freddy doesn't care about being pulled in, they get a generous base 7 seconds so they'll just unhook someone or finish off a gen and you can't do a thing.