Hard to swallow pill

Sometimes survivors force hook chasing and tunneling upon themselves Bc they unhook their teammate while the killer is near or chasing them. Go do a generator Bc if you try to hook farm me at an unidealistic time, instead of a last resort as a Hail Mary , I might just suicide. Have fun with the killer.
-survivor main
I wish more survivors were like you. Yesterday I had some serious vitriol spewed at me because I dared to camp when 2-3 survivors were around the hook at any given time. The first hooked survivor was the one to complain the most, saying that I was camping even when there was nobody around. I wonder what she thinks is going to happen when she lies like that. Does she think I'm gonna ignore the fact that I literally saw them around the hook?
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It's always funny to me when I get called camper by 3 surviors swarming around my one hooked one and when they all die because of that they complain I didn't play "fair".
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It shouldn’t be called camping when the killer clearly knows there’s other survivors really close by to the hook. In those situations, I get more annoyed at my team, as they should be trying to lure the killer AWAY from the hook.
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There’s no reason for you to ignore that, go get em tiger. they obviously need to learn some lessons. I messaged the killer and told them I didn’t suicide Bc them but Bc my teammate tried to farm me. I asked them to let the ace bleed out a slow agonizing death. I spectated and saw him try to do it again to a Claudette. I was like this ######### ace.
When i see things like this happening I just do gens and hope for the best. I might try to get them off before struggle or death as a Hail Mary(depending on who is in the lead).These survivor teammates I get sometimes man. They bring worst cases upon themselves. 🙄
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That’s not camping, I don’t call it camping. I call it bad teammate(s)
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Exactly this. The worst thing is that it's this time of the month again where people turn into over-altruistic monkeys to get to a rank where they don't belong. In almost every game I've been unhooked before the killer could even turn around ... :')
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In this special case the ace was yeeted by the killer, which he deserved. Right after I was like i hope I don’t kobe and hit struggle. Instant death whilst the spirit carried him to a hook. Cut my life into pieces it was a last resort. Welcomed home by the campfire, old friend.
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That’s okay, we might get to red ranks slower Bc we aren’t boosted apes, but when we get there we most definetly see them all snowballing each other to death. Maybe that’s fun for them?
These are also the same people that hate bbq but refuse to get into a locker so they can make a safe unhook, or continue to work on their gen.
on the Bible about two days ago I had to stealth around doing enough gens to get hatch Bc these guys managed to snowball each other in a very fast pace to death. I finished a ruin gen and a half before they all got each other killed. That’s how long it took three different times.
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I remember a week or two ago I spared a Claudette as Legion on Haddonfield because she had an (Explicitive referring to a donkey or posterior) Visconti farming her.
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Sometimes farming is the better than not unhooking. For example:
you are going to hit stage 2 soon -> unhook. Either you escape or you get downed and hooked again (both is wasting more time of the killer)
Someone who tries to rescue you got spotted in a deadzone next to you -> unhook, cuz getting slugged next to the hook is to powerful for the killer
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You hook someone, check for the BBQ aura, walk 5 steps away and hear the unhook behind you..... you can just facepalm and smack down the farmed guy =)
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Exactly the type of scenarios I’m talking about , I will legit suicide over this , Bc someone will probably save the farmed guy and they’ll do it again. Gg I already know where the match is going from the insta unhook. I just sigh Bc it’s like whose team are you on? Bc it’s not mine ya farmer, Go back to your phone apps and watch your plants grow.
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yeah agreed the only time its okay is to waste more of the killers time.
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Or getting the "you tunnelling (insert profanity)" even though everyone was 2 hooked before any single survivor actually died.
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I’m so sorry you guys have to deal with salty survivors who don’t know how to realize that sometimes things that happen are on them.
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Or when you get insulted for camping after moring the last survivor with 5 devour stacks 😉
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The amount of times I've been called a camper because I've spotted a survivor nearby is honestly ridiculous, survivors know they are playing against real people who have the ability to use their eyes and ears to see and hear people right?
I tried to explain that to a group once. I was called a wallhacker and that I must be hacking because I knew where they where all the time. Sorry but if you leave your arse hanging out behind a tree I'mma see you and hunt you down.
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I hate this so much 😂 The amount of times I'm called a camper for going after someone who's trying to save is ridiculous.
If I know someone's there you bet I'm going to stay and look for them around the hook. and If they then unhook in front of me I'm going to go for the injured target over the healthy, It shouldn't be on the killer to fix the survivors mistake of an unsafe unhook.
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Are you calling me fat?
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Why? Because its to hard for you to go after the rescuer? Sorry man, thats just no argument.
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Why Is it on the Killer to fix a survivors mistake? Going for the injured survivor is just the smart choice.
Unfun for the person of the hook sure but so would having to switch targets to a healthy one and start chasing all over again when you could simply get another hook and give a bad play a pass.
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I bring Make Your Choice. The survivors made their choice when they unhooked in my face before giving me a chance to even turn around.
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Boy, I will shove my punishment stick up your ass sideways.
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dh requires you be a set distance from the hook.Hook chaser maybe, but camper no.
Or they were just pulling each other off back to back once your terror radius disappeared.
or you were actually out around the map hooking them.
Idk could of gone a lot of ways tbh. You can get 4 stacks of bbq by hook chasing and not tunneling. Meaning your enough distance to make it seem safe , but heading there as soon as the unhook get the guy that hasn’t been hooked. If you’re good with any high mobility killer it’s gg.
To be fair it’s the survivors fault for not noticing the pattern though. Because I mean killers be killing yo that’s what they do.
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Or maybe we can not blame the killer Bc we have a crappy teammate that doesn’t know the below
when you should save
when you should do gens
when to do a Hail Mary and hope for the best
literally if survivors followed these rules we would win no questions asked against these kind of tactics, and guess what it would also eliminate killers not trying to tunnel, and would severely punish killers for camping.
If you don’t pick up on them trying to snowball, you don’t have enough in game experience, Bc even they can be punished all you have to do is do half a gen, stand on a hill and see if they’re still over there patrolling the area and waiting. Use your vantage points survivors.
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I just really hope the new emblem system is going to help me to not get in lobbies with these kind of survivors. I rather play in the purple ranks where it's not all about altruism, than in the red ranks where I'm nothing more than a gen jockey because nobody else bothers with (ruin) generators.
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I agree. I hate if I'm on a hook and someone is trying to get me off in front of the killer when the killer has not been camping. Or when they run the killer around the hook. Take the killer away from the hook!
I play much more killer now than survivor, but I see this all the time. I usually will try to go for the idiot survivor, unless they have been toxic. If I do down the rescued one, I'll typically leave them and chase the farmer.
Just a dumb move if the killer is not camping.
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On my life a huge lot of survivors in reds are boosted altruistic animals, boosting hook chasers, neither of them are that good. Maybe good at chasing and hooking and getting the save, but not controlling the game. Neither side.
I cant tell you how many times I’ve seen them refusing to do ruin , rather would throw match and look for totem. It’s like this is life here , better learn those skill checks.
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Its just the "easy game thinking" of killers, which punishes a player whos not to blame for it. Even though no one said thats its on the killer side, but they said they were forced to down the unhooked and thats a terrible lie used as an excuse.
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The worst is when you're on a hook and the killer isn't a camper but sees a survivor hiding nearby for a hook save. That survivor proceeds to loop the killer in front of the hook rather than taking a hit and leading the killer away. Once the end game chat comes up the survivor calls the killer a camper, I usually call the survivor out on their stupid plays.
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Purple/red idk I play solo for the challenge a huge majority. Idk what to tell you.
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Yeess! You understand me <3
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What region are you playing in?
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The problem is not knowing who is part of the swf. If I realise I let the solo go and even give them a hatch. Had a game yesterday where 3 abused the rock glitch and were teabagging. I got them all and spared the person who was the only one doing gens and was separated from them. But it is not always easy and who knows if she was with them.
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You know you can get up there too as killer, my friend said he got up there with hag. I mean darn those survivors!
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Hard to swallow pills?
Legion is not a fun killer to play against. Nor is it a hard killer to play.
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He’s not fun to play against. It’s basically healing gens, or not healing cheap shot. Everyone is forced to split up and play generator simulator so you can hurry up and get out Bc he’s not fun to get in chases against. Shocker doing generators aren’t fun for survivors.
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I'm not sure what's been more annoying these last few days, the hard camping tunneling killers at 5 gens left. The lag switchers and stream snipers that're so bad they have to do both.
Then there's the teammates that'll drag the aging lunatic with the very large chainsaw into the group to lose the aggro. The teammates that bring a Freddy into the entire group doing that last gen.
The ones that'll have the killer 2 steps behind them and unhook you and let you get rehooked then run back in and unhook you again.
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@Swiftblade131 he is fun to play against imo.
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@MegsAreEvil so you’re saying “don’t kill”? If they unhook in my face then I’m going to tunnel, you can twist it anyway you want, but in the end it is the killer killing which is fair.
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pls guys learn to read.
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Hard to swallow pill
Legion actually takes skill.
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@MegsAreEvil I can read, you said we shouldn’t tunnel if they got saved in our faces. You’re telling us not to do what a killer is supposed to do, you’re basically saying that we should always hunt down the best looper and not try to pick on the weaker prey. But arguing with you is pointless as you seem very entitled.
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easy to swallow pill
sporty bob meg should be removed from the game asap
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Quite true. Many times they'll just rush right in front of you for a stupid save and expect you to ignore them or it's camping/tunneling. If they had literally gave me a few seconds I would have left.
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I've done that, especially if the survivor was annoying me in anyway. Other times I'll remain on hook so they can get extra points.
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Then quote where i said that. You wont be able to do that. Go back to elementary school to learn reading.
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I love going against legion. I actually feel like I may not get away. It gives a thrill of a chase and not just a sense of "how far can I loop this time".
Maybe it's just me, but I dont get uber upset when I lose and die. Even if it's a 20s one down billy and I dont get saved. I just move on to the next.