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Devs: When you equalize solo to swf?

Akuma Member Posts: 407

So many streams before you said you would equalize solo player to swf.

And here the things you did since then:

  • everyone can see the obsession

<applause here>

I mean im pretty sure you know things. Like how ridiculous broken the nurse is <here ignoring all plebs who dont know how to use hacks> and how damn frustrating it is to play solo survivor. Watch any stream (SOLO Q streams, not swf) and they're all dying. And dying. And dying. AND! dying - except they are the random of a 3 man swf. Or it's a rank 20 legion without addons or sth

So please change basic things for solo players! It's hard It's frustrating and it's everything but not fun to play, or cool. When I want to play dbd to have some fun I play 4 man swf or killer. 4 man swf with TS is the only way to enjoy this game. To play this game NORMAL.

If you continue balancing this game like this you'll have way more matchmaking issues because no one wants to play solo survivor anymore. I mean you always wanted extra modes in dbd. Yea. Give solo q's some buffs like aura reading and ######### and call it PLAY dbd. And then you have a new mode called solo player. With all its horrible, frustrating sides.

please i wanna play more survivor on my own but i ######### cant =( I cant it's too much for me, for my brain, for my heart, for my whole existence.

And giving solo q's a totem counter will NOT fix that!

Also another question: When you will remove bloodlust? it's THE worse since you relased it and as a solo survivor it's just annoying af. It influences so much, more than you would expect. And I dont understand why "get out of the jail for free cards" are a thing. <here ignoring people who say survivor or killer perks would just give that for free, for doing nothing>





solo queues

@devs @mods @ACM @communitymanager @anydevinthefog


  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Sadly I don't see them bridging the gap between Solo and SWF, They really should though, I'm against voice coms since it'd ruin the atmosphere of the game but there's been plenty of ideas that don't involve that, My favorite was having icons beside the players showing what action they are doing. SWF Is a majority of the player base and should be taken into account when balancing the game.

    As for bloodlust, I disagree, It's there for a reason. If you've looped long enough for the Killer to get bloodlust you've already done a good job. chases should not go on indefinitely, If they could a lot of things would have to be looked into to balance that.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Only ingame voice comms will fix this problem

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235
    edited March 2019

    To put solo up to swf's strenght without adding voicechat in game would require the devs to add multiple mechanics into the baeekit which would outright kill multiple perks which needed rework or deletion then.

    But adding certain mechanics to the basekit will also buff swf as they also profit from the basekit (duh). As the most prominent example would be seeing teams aura (kindred, empasthy or even bonds), the precision of the voicechat would increase as they get additional info for strategizing.

    If they added voicechat into the game, they couldnt add any restrictions or weaknesses on it because survivors would ignore it for 3rd party software (discord etc) or abuse it, the example would be the famous "killer can hear it too", which survivors would only use to insult or blast noise while using 3rd party software for strategizing.

    Its actually a rather complex problem.

  • Ghost_Potato
    Ghost_Potato Member Posts: 59

    I would love voice comms actually in game as long as:

    A: It makes a loud bang sound like when someone is jumping over a pallet rapidly

    B: Un nurf killer perks and skills to actually help in a chase

    C: The mic input is off unless the mic option is checked in game to get around 3rd party cheaters

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It can't be done, yes you could aura perks and notifications on screen but it will never be enough.

    Solo will never know where the killer is at all times, if someone is about to go down, what pallets are used on the map, if someone can run in and take a hit, how far along a gen is, if the others are going for a save and that's just for starters.

    To add all that it would need to be baseline and not perk by using perks, it would make the screen cluttered with notifications and also make the game mind numbingly boring knowing everything that is going on.

    This is why they need to look at swf queueing as a separate entity and add more to those that choose to play in that mode, extra gens, more totems, no offering stacking, limit item use etc.

    Knowing everything is a huge problem with this game and as a solo player it would make it very mundane.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    No. Please no. Voice comms are the worst solution for this.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I'm not going to use in-game voice comms. There are enough means already, though I like the idea of showing what the person is doing. The icon could change completely, using white or red colors to signify health state.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    No please no inagme voice. you know how toxic gamer, young gamer and parts of the dbd community are. In addition i really enjoy the fact that hey cant scream at me. Like when you hit someone with calm spirit: he just accept his fade without losing any word.

    And i know (from a ridiculous old experience) that seeing auras of the other survivors wouldnt "buff" swf. everyone knows everything it's crazy

    solo player have one big problem and that's organisation and efficiency. If they could calculate things better it would be soo more enjoyable. Makes me so sad. Wanna play survivor but this just ruins my mood

    in addition the devs wants a competetive game so it's time to change some things and like i said the solo q's how they're now could be a seperate mode (no one would play *cough*)

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    the gap is only getting wider, playing solo survivor will soon been extinct. I’m sure the devs want this game to be SWF Vs Killer bases anyways.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I think the activity Icons would be a great help for solo players. A totem counter as well. Perhaps a minor map feature, if they are within 16 meters of a gen that has zero progression, the gen is highlighted.

    These functions only work on solo que and cancel out if you end up in lobby with a member of your friend's list.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    If there is only one solution, it is the best and the worst at the same time, I agree

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    No. If you need to cancel the feature when in SWF then it isn't bridging the gap between solo's and SWF but rather you are just buffing survivors in general. You know you did it right when the mechanic is useless for SWF and critical for Solo's.

    That means icon and cleansed totem counter. That means showing survivor locations. That means saying what perk the killer has when another survivor gets a notification about it or showing what perks, items ect the other survivors have at the start.

    Showing generators withing 16 meters? Now I suddenly know where a generator that I might not have known about before is even if none of the other survivors knew about it already.

    Trying to check for friends playing together is a fools errand, it makes the game almost impossible to balance (like SWF right now already does) and is easy to bypass

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Solo is solo, change it, and its swf, but guess what, people will be mad, things will change back or another way that you won't like, oh but guess what then people like you will be mad and want changes again and again it will happen and then what? Everything goes to hell and it just becomes a mess, is that what you want? Cause that is what you are exactly asking for to happen, swf is swf, solo is solo, do you not understand the definition of solo? Almost any games is like that anyways, its not just dead by daylight, go to any other games and play with friends and its great, but go solo and its harder, why? Because from their, you rely on your own skill and no one else's. So unless you want things to become even worse, then keep at it, changing the way solo is to what you want will not make things better and will make it worse for all four sides of this uncontrolled community.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited March 2019

    Some games have a bigger problem with this than others and almost all of them try to mitigate it as much as possible.

    VC for randoms, Pings, Emotes, Showing allies mouse in strategy games, inventory peeking, Shared FoV for MOBA's ect.