New chapter idea: halls of death

Chubster Member Posts: 197

welcome fog traveler!

it's me again! and i know im posting this in the wrong category, but i need to put this out there, because i think that it's a good idea for a chapter.

new killer: The nerd

backstory: Gilbert was born in a middle class family in New Jersey.
Being the little brother of the family, he always got beaten up and bullied by his big brother, but he didn't care, all he cared about was the grades in his school.
In elementary school he was fenomenal, same goes for middle school; it seemed the same for high school, but a series of event cause his dream of becoming a scientist to go up in flames.
After a heated argument between Gilbert and the school bully (which was started by accident over a distraction by Gilbert), the bully and his squad of bullies started to target him over the year and in the end, they lured him in the basement of the school, where they proceded to pour acid on him.
When he came home, his parents were terrified and angry, to the point where they sued the school over said incident, but all charges were dropped after the school said that they needed to have proof of it happening (since something like this happened before, but was done intentionally).
The worst part wasn't the fact that now Gilbert looked more monster than human, but was the fact that his brother was also part of the gang of bullies that poured acid on him (he was the one who lured him in the basement to begin with).
Gilbert anger grew more and more to the point where he snapped; he lured his brother in his room and proceeded to bash his skull with a pipe wrench, then he found his dad stash of weapons, and proceeded to shoot up the school. When the police arrived, no survivor was found, except for one person who proceeded to run in the nearby woods, to be seen for the last time.

face appearance:

  • half of his mouth forced closed because of the acid, the other half is forced to remain open.
  • His right eye is completely melted down his face and his left eye is forced to remain open at all times.
  • his nose is melted
  • his left ear is attached to his head because of the melting
  • part of his skull is also revealed

body appearence

  • his clothes are tattered and filled with holes from the acid
  • you can also see bones from the back
  • his left arm (the one which doesn't hold the weapon) has his ring finger and pinky finger conjoined and his thumb is mostly showing skeleton)

weapon: a pipe wrench, the same used to kill his brother.

mori: The nerd picks up the survivor, puts him on his feets, and proceed to beat on him with the wrench, then he will shove the wrench in the survivor's mouth, the survivor will fall on his back, then The Nerd will deliver a fatal head crush from the wrench.

The nerd power is called The firestarter

a tiny device once created to win 1st prize in a competition, now used to hurt survivors who are unlucky enough to step on it

  • The nerd will begin the match with 5 firestarters, which can be placed anywhere on the ground (you can increase the amout of firestarters up to 8)
  • the firestarters recharge over a 20 second period (one every 20 seconds) (can be decreased up to 10 seconds)
  • when a survivor steps on it, said survivor can't run, can't interact with anything that uses m1 or m2, and will leave pools of blood that the killer can see (can increase the amount of blood left with add ons
  • the killer gets a notification when a trap is triggered
  • survivors who are hit by the firestarters can try to remove the needles from the body, this interaction takes 10 seconds and you need to hit a series of skillchecks similar to snap out of it
  • failing to complete said interaction will remove the needle from your body, but will give a warning to the killer and will put you into the exposed state (you can be one shotted)

the nerd's perks are the following:

  • hunchback's resilience
    those years of beatings from your big brother did put some strength into you, when a pallet is thrown onto you, you have a 30%/40%/50% chance of the pallet breaking on your head and a 15%/20%/25% of not losing a survivor from your grasp when you get blinded and or pallet stunned.

  • obsession: tag team
    when you were in middle school, you always hoped to work with the people who you liked, and hated when other people worked with said people, you become obsessed with one survivor in the trial, when this survivor does an action that can hurt you, such as a pallet stun, a flashlight stun, a decisive strike stun or a wiggle stun, you will gain a** token** up to a maximum of 2/3/4. you can use this token to** instantly break fallen pallets**, break pallet's when they're still up, block windows when going through them and breaking generators for 15%/20%/25% of it's total charge. But if a survivor does something helpful to the obsession, such as healing her, freeing her from a hook, saving her from a grasp and taking a hit for her, you will gain a blood token for a maximum of 0/0/1, this token can be used to **instantly knock down a survivor **(you can also lose the token for missing, so be careful)

  • egghead's intuition
    your incredible IQ makes the survivors feel dumber, when a skill check is trigger there's a 30%/40%/50% that the skillcheck will play in the following way:

    • played in reverse
    • played like a decisive strike skillcheck
    • have a series of skillchecks that must be hit in rapid succession (like the ones from friday the 13th)
    • play a fake one, that must not be hit in the right spot
      you can tell which skillcheck is going to play from the sound warning.

new survivor: Alberto Verani

backstory Alberto Verani was born in Naples in 1972. Not being an academically good student, he couldn't fulfill his dream of becoming a dentist, but he could fulfill another dream of his that he liked. After his brother's birth, his parents got a divorce, and the father got to keep the 2 sons, so basically Alberto worked his ass off to clean the house, cook, and watch over his little brother until he was old enough to take care of himself. Alberto, being a charismatic jock, good cleaner and good around children, he managed to land a job as a janitor in a middle school in Milan, so that he could have a source of income, since his father got fired 1 month before. He fell in love with his job, he would always talk to the kids, never scolded them and also gave back the stuff that the teacher took from them during lessons; he was every kids dream, not so much for the teachers who were trying to knock some sense into them, it seems like this job was going to be good, until someone had to fakely spill the beans. After 7-8 years of doing the janitor at the school, he noticed 2 police cars pulling up, a couple of police mens entered the school and proceded to arrest Alberto without giving him a reason; after the court trial, he was sentenced to life in prison for presumed pedophilia. After 15 years, he was released from prison because the teachers admitted that was all fake and they tought that he was a pedophile. He was given a 30'000€ check to restart his life, but all that couldn't bring back the thing he loved the most; his job, so he said a last goodbye to the school, and went home. After this event he fell into bad habits, overeating, sleeping 6 hours a night, drug usage and then he got depression. He went to switzerland to enter the exit program, he was given pills that slowly killed him; soon he felt nothing, then he felt a warm feeling close to him, he woke up close to a campfire; worse part was that there were other people too, he then realized he had to put all of him, or what was left of him, to use in order to save all of them.

appearence and clothes his appearence is pretty average, quite slim, old, gray hair and having a brown-white beard (kinda like bill, except shorter). He wears a one piece mechanic suit (given by the school he worked), and has a third item, a belt with all the utility items he uses to clean.

Alberto Verani's perks are the following:

  • kids go play
    your incredible ability to search chests finds you items that make the survivors happy and the killers mad, when opening a chest there's a 30%/40%/50% chance of finding one of the following items:

    • Will o' wisp
    • Chinese firecracker
    • Winter party starter
    • All Hallows' Eve Lunchbox
  • scratches on your hands
    all of those years passed scratching gum off tables and mopping floors really made you a strong person, you throw down pallets 15%/20%/25% faster, interact with beartraps and jigsaw boxes 15%/20%/25% faster and when you stun the killer, you stun him for 15%/20%/25% more time

  • the Napolitan suprise
    being a smooth talker, you always got kids out of trouble, now it's used as a way of saving other survivors, when you free a survivor from a hook, there's a 30%/40%/50% chance that the killer will get stunned for 2/3/4 seconds if he's 8/12/16 meters close to the hook, if not then you can see his aura for 5 seconds if he's more than 48/40/32 meters away