For the next licensed chapter (if there ever is one)

If we ever get a licensed chapter it would be awesome at some point to have it be Silent Hill. Silent Hill would fit perfectly with this game given the lore is violent, evil and involves supernatural forces. For the killer i can think of none other than the mighty Pyramid Head as the new servant of The Entity. Imagine this savage beast coming after you!

For the survivor it could be Officer Cybil Bennett. Pulled into The Entities Realm in the same manner she was pulled into Silent Hill.


  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    While it would be great to see this, it won’t happen due to Konami, the company Silent Hill belongs to, isn’t going to be willing to do something like that if the characters were connected to Hideo Kojima, with examples such as Metal Gear Solid or Smash Brothers, as they didn’t want the original voice actor for Snake doing any new lines for the newest Smash, or even having Snake in their newest game. It’s a shame...I would’ve loved to have seen more Silent Hill with how PT went. ;(

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223







  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845

    Idk, people are always saying scream chucks and all that. I want to see some of the best, like Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and maybe even Leatherface or Jigsaw. We already have blatant tip offs called the Shape, The nightmare, the cannibal, and the pig. Like, holy crap try to make it not so obvious BHVR >:(

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Pyramid Head was a product of James mind. If a survivor must be added alongside this killer I think James should be the one.

  • EmotionalDaisy
    EmotionalDaisy Member Posts: 164

    Could you imagine. Instead of a heartbeat, he has the static you always heard from the radio that just gets louder and quieter with his distance away from you.

    And even better, a silent hill map where its periodically transitioning back and forth with a siren alerting players when it's doing so.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Dr.Trager would fill this game well, same with ME BOI chris walker

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149

    pff yeah good luck getting that deal done with konami in charge

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    Konami doesn't care enough about its intellectual properties to even pimp them out to anything that isn't a Pachinko machine. Never going to happen, as cool as it would be.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    though it sounds weird for this game, i want a terminator chapter, t800 killer and sarah could be the survivor

    the map could be the factory at the end of the movie

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    Its a great idea

    (Plz candyman and helen)

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Pretty sure that won't happen bc the creator or whoever is a accused/proven (idk the full story) pedo so the devs want nothing to do with it.

    They put Terminator in Deathgarden. Chances are we wont see him here as well.