NOED is now..

Instadown rewards killers for not doing their job. Before you say “but back in 1.0 it used to be more op” which it really wasn’t cause one exit gate had to be open for it to activate.
Before you say, “jUsT bReAk aLl tHe ToTeMs” how about you just protect all the gens? Right back at ya’.
Change my mind.
25 -
To the crutch people who use it yeah maybe. To everyone else who doesn’t really need it, not so much.
4 -
NOED has never worked in the manner you describe in the OP. I'm not surprised you believe that, since you clearly never encountered OG NOED.
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BrEaK T0t3Ms ;)
9 -
BAD bait.
NOED always worked as soon as gens were powered.
Devs baited you to create this awful bait with their awful inaccurate descriptions from 2016.
Good job, OP.
3 -
Not when the game first launched, that’s incorrect. It only activated once a gate was opened.
0 -
That's incorrect. Been there since release, it always worked as soon as gens were powered, then they changed description to "once gates become powered" instead of "open", then they added 2 mins timer on it, etc.
3 -
^This. The perk was bugged since release, so they changed the text rather than adjust the perk because back then, survivors knew to open the gates and GTFO.
6 -
I mean good for you.. I’ve played since beta?
I could be wrong, but I thought in 1.0 it was only when one gate had been opened. It’s been almost 3 years.
0 -
Take it with a grain of salt, as the Wiki isn’t always accurate.
1 -
G8 B8 M8 I R8 8/8
2 -
No need to be salty, everyone makes mistakes.
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The wiki is accurate, that's what the perk said, but that's not how the perk worked. NOED was bugged when the game released.
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Might want to talk with the Wiki mods, as they had the same thoughts I did.
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There are no bugs in DBD. Only happy little features.
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i play killer & survivor 55 killer/ 45 survivor. The instadowns should be limited to the the tier of the perk.
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JuSt ClEaNse ToTems
Nah just jk, this is killer main territory, you know that?
2 -
Yeah I knew I’d get all the crutch, noed-reliant yellow rank killers in here.
0 -
Its not a crutch, because it is countered easily, from Hope to leader on totems, it is countered
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@altruistic do you know the numbers for 1.0.0 noed?
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Be nice to Dreamnomad. xD
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You know, freddy needs NOED to actually get people killed right?
Also even though you said it, Cleanse the totems because gen rushing will get you killed
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you are the 100th person i see with an anti noed threat today!
our company rewards you with the following answer for free! :D
8 -
The numbers were exactly what the wiki says they were.
1 -
Did a quick look on wiki...
It's literally few pixels below what you posted.
No need to say "Thank you".
6 -
You’re telling ME to get good? OMEGALUL
0 -
No, they gave a pic with the doctor telling you to : Git gud.
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Baby killers company?
3 -
Actually he gave a pic with the doctor POINTING as a picture containing the words "Git gud"
What those jumbled letters are supposed to mean is a question that science has yet to answer. Which is of course why the doctor is pointing st them. As a man of science he is very involved in mysteries such as this one. I thank the Killer community for bringing such an important issue to my attention
0 -
Hmm hmm good point. Hmm maybe the DOCTOR needs to Git gud. Hmm hmm very intriguing.
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Well first he needs to figure out what that means. After all neither "git" nor "gud" are coherent words
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What? All these years trying to git gud and not go hollow....and it doesnt even MEAN ANYTHING?!?!
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If exhaustion perk prevents you from going down does it mean yo needed it as a crutch to survive that chase and not go down for failing at your job as survivor ? And those work all the game and not just at the end while also can't be disabeled with standart gameplay unlike Noed.
Maybe you shouldn't call semi-decent late game killer perks crutches and realise that a lot of survivor perks are far more wothy to be called a "crutch".
0 -
Its true but killer mains will never admit it. Only THEY get to use crutches.
"But bua da gens go 2 fast 😢"
Give me a break. Killer is way easier than solo survivor these days.
4 -
70% of all lobbies are not just solo survivors.
1 -
Like I care? Doesn't change what I said.
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Doesn't change, no, but puts it into perspective. Namely, that solo survivors are a minority. Are you saying balancing should only take into account a minority of the playerbase?
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Same thing as always. People like you want to keep solo survivors weak and gleefully dodge swf anyway.
Nothing like an easy game eh?
4 -
I just asked you a question to understand if you're one of the people who thinks the game should be balanced for a majority or for a minority, so that we can continue the conversation. If you don't want to answer, that's fine.
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Not as much of a minority as the 4 man swf which was what, less than 9%? But people always bring them up as the normal, and not the rare exception.
So since 4 man swf is in fact a minority, we shouldnt balance it around them, correct?
5 -
I didn't say 4-man SWF, did I? Nor did I share my view on how the game should be balanced.
1 -
You didnt have to mention the actual minority for it to be used. You mentioned "a minority" and I mentioned the minority.
You mentioned that solo was a minority, and then asked someone if they felt we should balance the game based on the minority.
So I posed the fact that solo is less of a minority than 4 man swf actually is.
I also asked if we should balance it for them, as then being a minority, from what you said, I gathered that we shouldnt.
So, should we really balance the game on the fabled 4 man, seeing as they're the minority?
4 -
I mentioned solo was a minority to get The Crusader's opinion on how the game should be balanced. It wasn't an argument, it was a question to better understand their PoV.
I think the game should be balanced at the top, like all games should. SWF or not.
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Noed is still a crutch, doesn’t change the point of my post.
4 -
I faced a Billy with NOED today... he had killed 3 already and only 1 gen was repaired. I could never find that ruin :/
2 -
I never comment on goofy threads such as this, but couldn't help doing so this time around.
You added information from 1.0 that you clearly jumped on without continuing to investigate the integrity of the information you presented. Clearly debunked courtesy of @PureHostility and you never responded. Most everyone ignores facts others present when it derails their argument, which they felt so strongly supported by the information they see is no longer true.
And you continue to say "Noed is still a crutch"
So your thread resumes to be just another unsupported troll on a perk.
"Doesn't change the point of my post" . . . The point being to add another pointless troll thread? Anything more and you clearly missed the mark.
change my mind
What a joke.
1 -
The "killers rewarding failure" argument is flawed. Totems are a survivor objective. It punishes survivors for failing that objective.
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2 -
I didn’t respond because the thread got consistently defensive with killer mains defending their last crutch. As far as it goes, NOED is still a crutch wether you believe so or not, facts from fiction if you don’t like it go back to killermain land where you belong.