New Ranking System for Killers

Raccoon Member Posts: 7,663

It's so easy to intentionally lose rank now and stay where the easy games/easy BP are, bullying/taking advantage of weaker players for in-game gain.

Makes sense!


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    "Welcome, new Survivors!

    See that hook over there? You'll feel it a lot!"

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    Looks like Devs took the survivor meme : "Killer only want EZ 4K" at heart.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    I could reach rank 1 survivor and killer with some effort. I felt accomplished and happy making it each season.

    But . . .

    rank means nothing . . .

    I don't care that many players feel this way. I am far from a top tier killer/survivor despite reaching rank 1.

    But . . .

    my point is . . .

    If reaching rank 1 was so easy, yet only 4.3% survivors and 2.4% killers can even reach rank 1 (steam global achievement stats) and they make it harder.

    what was the point?

    That's all I am saying.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Because there were a lot of players making it to rank 1 that still didn't know how to play the game properly....... survivors wasting pallets, killers not breaking shack pallet etc... and then too the ranking was just completely botched!.... a killer pipping for not killing anyone? Really?why..... this for the most part is a casual game but let's not have it completely braindead easy...

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @Bravo0413 I hate this new reply format . . .

    I will try to level with you, and understand your point of view, but try to understand mine as well.

    "Because there were a lot of players making it to rank 1 that still didn't know how to play the game properly....... survivors wasting pallets, killers not breaking shack pallet etc..."

    Based on steams global achievement stats only 6.7% of players have even reached rank 1. Yet, somehow making it harder to reach rank 1 fixes what exactly?

    "and then too the ranking was just completely botched!.... a killer pipping for not killing anyone? Really?why....."

    I personally never encountered this, but if it were possible to do so than perhaps making it tougher was warranted.

    " this for the most part is a casual game but let's not have it completely braindead easy..."

    This goes back to my first response, if it were brain dead easy wouldn't more than 6.7% of global players (on steam) be able to reach rank 1?

    I am willing to bet over 50% of the Dead by Daylight community drops rank on purpose for easier BP/bully games. Next to no one cares about rank, yet they make ranking harder, which makes it even easier for players to drop rank on purpose and gain even more BP doing so.

    Making ranking up even harder does nothing to help the game. Even if it makes you happy keeping a few potatoes out of rank 1 . . .

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    DCing is still not punished, so thats the easy option if you want to bully noobs.

    The devs dont ahve anythign against that either, in fact they even officially support certain streamers that promote this behaviour