Thoughts on the Emblem Changes

It's only been my second day testing the new emblem changes, but I think I quite like them. While I'm not pipping every match as survivor, I really don't think I should. It feels more rewarding to get a pip now that it's a bit harder to do and I've been able to pip on both killer and survivor. Now it feels like the match is reflected in the emblems you get. Tough, really fun match? Did really good plays? You probably pipped. Boring, same-old type of match? Nothing pressing happened? Black pip. Did poorly? Lost a pip. This way it feels less likely to have people wandering into ranks that they don't necessarily belong in and encourages more fun types of playstyles that make for long, healthy games imo.
I like the changes, even if it makes pipping harder. Also super happy DS was reworked. Thank goodness.