I'm uninstalling this game. Since 2.6 and 2.6.1 I see a disconnect every ######### game. And if I'm lucky if I'm very lucky and I don't get a disconnect, I get a camping killer. Your new pip system is broken, the new killer is too op and you can't fix simple ######### like infinite load screens or ppl crashing in the middle of a game. All you stupid ######### care about is the money you make from dlc and the game just gets worse and worse. Every time someone disconnects, even a killer I lose pips, I have even played games where I see people escape and they still lose a pip. I've waited for years for you to get your heads out of your asses and fix this but all you seem to do is fix small things and create bigger problems....I'm done
”the new killer is too op”
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more broken
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Good riddance?
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I think if there's any chapter that's good, then it's this one. Even with it's flaw. Ranking system does need a fix, yeah.
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“Simple crap” try making your own game.
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If you think insults validate whatever you're trying to communicate, you're wrong.
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more broken
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more broken
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The problem isn't that they break something, it's that they don't bother fixing it after the fact. We get cosmetics instead of fixes.
It's been close to a year and they have finally fixed an issue with with darken trap addons for Trapper. Are you telling me that it took 9 months of coding to fix that issue?
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"ill post funny clips to prove my argument!"
yeah... thats gonna be a yikes for me
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you know its broken and these clips aside from humor show dozens of issues, and every one of us experience these on top of the rest of the known issues we have
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@CronaWins do you want the design team fixing bugs? I don’t.
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There are thousands of videos of people with issues, glitches, ppl lag swixhing and/or cheating and nothing is done about it. You can laugh at the humorous stuff but you cannot tell me you havent been launched by a hag or fell through the map or got stuck in a wall. This game is broken and it gets worse and worse, not better.
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DBD needs to hire more devs and more skilled
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@Drearystate they are doing all they can. Seriously make your own game try it I dare you. Dedicated servers should fix lag switch as far as I know.
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Also @CronaWins they have other issues they have to work out sometimes I’m imagining the bear traps were low on the list.
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Overly dramatic, but the one point about the number of people disconnecting is valid.
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They actually aren't doing all they can. They spend more time on the release of cosmetics than game fixes in the last 2 patches.
Dedicated servers won't fix:
Players DCing
Loading screen locking up
Issues causing the game to force close
Depipping because half your team DCed
Depipping because survivors DCed and I can't get hook events
Depipping because the killer tunneled you early
Depipping because you got farmed by your team in front of the killer
Not earning Blood Points sufficiently unless you farm and learn to bully the killer
Depipping as killer and survivor after starting the game with only 1-3 people
I used to write patch fixes for private wow servers 10 years ago. Years before that, I coded MUDs. These fixes are in fact simple. But they wont just let anyone work on their game and a majority of suggestions and fixes that users post get eaten by the forum being spammed with garbage. Their priority is really skewed.
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People would take you more serious if you wouldn't cuss so much. Sure, the new killer isn't op. But the dc's are a real issue, for example. Also the infinite loading screens.
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Don't bother, they will defend it at all cost.
Everyone know this is a problem, and anyone with more than 2 braincell will immediatly understand that peoples are asking for the Devs to put more RESSOURCES into their bug fixing department.
But disingenious, trolling kids would rather answer : "Do you want them to put artists at fixing bug huur duur "
So nothing change.
This disingenious, toxic, and sadly HUGE part of the community is the reason of the actual state of the game, and also the reason why it's doomed from the get go.
Tell me another game where a majority of his community act willingly like a spoiled brat and DC at this rate and for "reasons" like "i'm entitled to it, i don't like losing, i leave, nothing gonna happen >:D"
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It honestly seems like you’re more toxic than those of us who know the design team should not be in charge of big fixes.
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"No u"
If that's all you got to answer, that mean either:
-You felt targeted, if so, take it on the bright side and maybe think about where you were wrong, instead of blaming others pointing it.
-You lack reading comprehension, in that case, i will copy/paste the important part:
"Everyone know this is a problem, and anyone with more than 2 braincell will immediatly understand that peoples are asking for the Devs to put more RESSOURCES into their bug fixing department.
But disingenious, trolling kids would rather answer : "Do you want them to put artists at fixing bug huur duur "
So nothing change."
Better ?
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They've sold millions of copies....millions...does that not count as money to hire devs, not to mention with that money they released another game "deathgarden" which is similar to dbd. They clearly have enough resources to push out new games.
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This is Canada's best place to work of 2018 award, the largest independent game developer Canada has, but we don't have the resource to fix simple issues.
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@Drearystate At least it seems like they are looking for more programmers. You can go to their website and see the open jobs.
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And that's exactly the problem. Because they keep implementing higher priority issues every patch, nothing gets done. The whole point of a patch is to 'patch', not break.
Hell, DBD have a PTB so the public can even test to make sure it's eveything's working which most games don't, and yet the issues don't get fixed and they implement the problems anyway.
Concerning the Trapper addons, it may be a lower priority, but at least make sure people in game are aware they don't work, instead of giving the impression that they aren't broken.
Wraith audio addons are currently broken. Both the map wide bell and the silent bell do not work. Are they going to pretend they do work for another 9 months so killers keep running addons that do absolutely nothing?
I love the game. I've put 3k hours into it, but i'm not going to pretend they don't have a magnitude of issues. Changing the rank systems shouldn't take priority over game issues.
Post edited by CronaWins on2 -
The new rank system is still new tho,you guys act like its been there forever they'll change it if the community doesnt like it,and if you dont want to get tunneled then just use the new ds.
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I disagree but dude has a point here. Can't even play survivor and literally take any items or offerings bcoz its a waste. Either not connected or 2 man trial. R1 killers playing with r13s does'nt help either. Matchmaking hasn't been this bad, ever.
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Until next time! 🤗
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What an Argument. I am a NEET by tust Logic I'm not able to complain about any service
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Too OP. if it's such "simple #########" then how about you go and fix the infinite load screens?
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Death Garden was a real success though lul :)
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Try to make a game before getting pissed about "simple #########"
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If your car doesn't work do you have no right to complain? Holy Crap this generation.
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No you have a right, OP said that they can fix this simple ######### I believe, and game development is not easy
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Making cars isn't easy either. Yet you have ppl like me shitting on car companies and politics while I couldn't even get a degree. That's not an argument
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@Drearystate then leave you ######### loser
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Ladies and gentleman
We got him!
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It's easy to understand if one person has finally decided to move on theres probably thousands more that have chosen to not jump on the forum or voice their opinion and silently decided to leave the game. These people need to read the book "A complaint is gift". The book explains that the majority of people that are unhappy with a service move on to another service without expressing their true feelings regarding the issues that made them chose another over their previous choice and the ones that do complain care enough for that particular service to voice their opinion in hopes it will get better so that they may stay, that is why it is a gift, they are given the opportunity to right the wrongs before that customer/guest moves on. I'm done waiting....I'm moving on.
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Too bad you think that way, good bye we will miss you :'-(
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you gotta do what you gotta do
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You do realize that the VFX people aren't game coders so they can no more fix bugs then the coders can do cosmetics.
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Goodbye. I love this game even when there are minor flaws they will be fixed in due course. Thanks devs for creating a really exciting and interesting game.
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Lol... bye then.
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See ya! Won't miss ya!
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