PC Tournament stream cringe

Rob_Zombi3 Member Posts: 31
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

I mean this is honestly disheartening, disrespecting and so much cringy beyond belief.

  • "funny" self-promoting casters, even worse - badly prepared casters. They are not knowing stuff in the game, names, numbers, amount of games in their own damn bracket. Suprise that Billy can use chainsaw to move around the map? Jesus.
    Why not give it to some experienced professional streamers? I bet many would be willing.

  • awful music intermezzos

  • organisation level zero. Teams were kept in the dark, manually contacted and call on fly. Several streamers were in the teams and they talked about it like they had no info beforehand and were not sure what to do. This made a long transitions and people waiting, both on viewers and player in the tournament side.
  • mods in the chat allowing spam or insults but very keen to mute any objections about casters behaviour
  • amateur giveaways - apparently not sure how to aproach it. Resulted in spam. Guessing number was a joke, I hope.

etc. etc. The list could go on.

Its a sad day to Dbd. Only positive thing it shown clearly is how the killers are gravely weak and prone to loose against SWF. Finally. Only perkless nurse stand a chance....

Whats your opinion on the stream of tournament? Good job so far?


  • ZappyBoi
    ZappyBoi Member Posts: 29

    This is brilliant! They were SPAMMED SO MUCH for 12 min, they just shut up!


    These are commentators who have never played. Wow.

    Just wow.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    The music is making me cringe the hardest. What is with this upbeat electronic music. It does not fit the theme of the game at all. Give us the pre stream DBD soundtrack that the devs play for us. That would have been perfect.

  • ZappyBoi
    ZappyBoi Member Posts: 29

    @SadonicShadow I think it was a ever common case of bE putting a friend ahead of someone knowledgeable and respectful.

    I understand if they had to sign a contract with esports to say "Esports reserves the rights for all decisions"

    OH SNAP! Vince Vega is in their stream! They called Vince Vega to SAVE THEIR STREAM!

  • Rob_Zombi3
    Rob_Zombi3 Member Posts: 31

    @SadonicShadow said:
    The music is making me cringe the hardest. What is with this upbeat electronic music. It does not fit the theme of the game at all. Give us the pre stream DBD soundtrack that the devs play for us. That would have been perfect.

    IKR? Overall these guys are punks that are not knowing what they are doing. The current FPS drops are just cherry on top (watching it now).

    I was thrilled for the tournament and now I am seriously dissapointed>_<

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Rob_Zombi3 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    The music is making me cringe the hardest. What is with this upbeat electronic music. It does not fit the theme of the game at all. Give us the pre stream DBD soundtrack that the devs play for us. That would have been perfect.

    IKR? Overall these guys are punks that are not knowing what they are doing. The current FPS drops are just cherry on top (watching it now).

    I was thrilled for the tournament and now I am seriously dissapointed>_<

    Honestly i wish TydeTyme would have hosted this tournament. He does an awesome job when he hosts his tournaments.

  • ZappyBoi
    ZappyBoi Member Posts: 29

    DUDE! They just asked Vincent Vega, 'What perks, what perks have been helping these players the most tonight?'

    This is a PERK-LESS tournament!

  • Rob_Zombi3
    Rob_Zombi3 Member Posts: 31

    @SadonicShadow said:

    Honestly i wish TydeTyme would have hosted this tournament. He does an awesome job when he hosts his tournaments.

    Anybody with experience with this game and being able to actually stream in professional settings, really. I don't want to be all negative. Its great that BhVR is trying to push it on the big screen but these guys from SpaceEsports was just a mistake IMHO.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    @Rob_Zombi3 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    Honestly i wish TydeTyme would have hosted this tournament. He does an awesome job when he hosts his tournaments.

    Anybody with experience with this game and being able to actually stream in professional settings, really. I don't want to be all negative. Its great that BhVR is trying to push it on the big screen but these guys from SpaceEsports was just a mistake IMHO.

    Yeah, just hot damn space esports really ######### the bed with this tournament. Been sitting here for a half hour listening to ######### electronic music because they cant figure out why there stream is lagging. Dude is so incredibly unprofessional. Even left his mic on and you could hear him talking in the background. I love that BHVR is trying to push DBD into the competitive spotlight but damn if they didn't pick a ######### host.

  • NightRaider315
    NightRaider315 Member Posts: 27
    Ya it was truly sad that these commentators were so unfamilier to the game. The part that proved this too me the most is when one said “The Billy’s chainsaw is not only good for downing survivors, but also has fast mobility too!” That just proved to me they clearly knew very little in the game. I watched TydeTyme’s DBD tournaments and he made the brackets a lot more clear and was a very experienced player with the game. Hopefully we can learn and future tournaments can be better.
  • ZappyBoi
    ZappyBoi Member Posts: 29

    They're saying the most generic thing. Here are quotes that can be applied to any game...any:

    "There's more competitors facing each other."
    "It's getting intense, as people keep facing off."
    "The players are getting ready."

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    @SadonicShadow said:
    The music is making me cringe the hardest. What is with this upbeat electronic music. It does not fit the theme of the game at all.

    Why does it matter? It's a tournament , not some RP stream.
    Having a tournament doesn't exactly fit into that theme either.
    Do you see every streamer playing some atmospheric music on their streams? Pretty much every streamer is playing types of music that doesn't fit in the game, so what? You wanna go to their streams and complain? xD

  • Rob_Zombi3
    Rob_Zombi3 Member Posts: 31

    @Grey87 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    The music is making me cringe the hardest. What is with this upbeat electronic music. It does not fit the theme of the game at all.

    Why does it matter? It's a tournament , not some RP stream.
    Having a tournament doesn't exactly fit into that theme either.
    Do you see every streamer playing some atmospheric music on their streams? Pretty much every streamer is playing types of music that doesn't fit in the game, so what? You wanna go to their streams and complain? xD

    So is this some guy streaming or actual tournament casting? If this is just some guy streaming, point me to another guy who is streaming the tournament so i dont have to endure the cringe talks and loud out-of-my taste music ;) That basicaly tells it, any time else you can choose your content creator, not this time - so I would expect them to be decent. Why not use DbD soundtrack or similar tune?

    Also I would argue that you don't get some random electronic songs on dev backed tournaments, anywhere anytime. Or that you would let yourself several times talk over a very loud music.
    I get it. This is like a first big community tournament officially supported but still, these guys were just miss.

  • ZappyBoi
    ZappyBoi Member Posts: 29

    @Rob_Zombi3 said:

    @Grey87 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:
    The music is making me cringe the hardest. What is with this upbeat electronic music. It does not fit the theme of the game at all.

    Why does it matter? It's a tournament , not some RP stream.
    Having a tournament doesn't exactly fit into that theme either.
    Do you see every streamer playing some atmospheric music on their streams? Pretty much every streamer is playing types of music that doesn't fit in the game, so what? You wanna go to their streams and complain? xD

    So is this some guy streaming or actual tournament casting? If this is just some guy streaming, point me to another guy who is streaming the tournament so i dont have to endure the cringe talks and loud out-of-my taste music ;) That basicaly tells it, any time else you can choose your content creator, not this time - so I would expect them to be decent. Why not use DbD soundtrack or similar tune?

    Also I would argue that you don't get some random electronic songs on dev backed tournaments, anywhere anytime. Or that you would let yourself several times talk over a very loud music.
    I get it. This is like a first big community tournament officially supported but still, these guys were just miss.

    Yes PLEASE show us ANYONE ELSE who is hosting this tournament WITHOUT the dumb duo.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    At first I couldn't understand why a tournament wouldn't have a losers bracket. Then the 30min wait between every match began.

  • ZappyBoi
    ZappyBoi Member Posts: 29

    For Petes sake...the commentators know so little about DBD they compared it to Call of Duty:


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Is this thing going to end? It started at 6 PM EST and it's currently 2:06 AM EST. This has been going on for like eight hours. It isn't even on the final round.

  • Broccoli_Jaeger
    Broccoli_Jaeger Member Posts: 252
    I am so happy that i didn't join the tournament. It sounds awful 
  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Also who hosts a worldwide p2p tournament? No ######### it's laggy asf.