players amount drop



  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    You literally almost never face a legion. Out of 3 hours today I faced 1 legion and he didn't even use mixtape.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    All of you do know that drops in player base could be very well with (some not all) people who loved DS because of how it made them feel good or "better" and since with the rework (which was needed, and now NOED needs a rework as well) People who relied on DS stopped playing because of how now that they don't have their overpowered perk no more. Some of this player drop could well be some people leaving that we don't need (The ones that cause trouble within the game and community)

  • ricardo
    ricardo Member Posts: 53

    i dont know what region you are in but in EU i have seen more legions than plague since dlc dropped. It can be new pip system because its so ez to get 2 pip as legion

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I haven't since Legion since rank reset. About 15hrs of survivor game play.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    EU and u see legion more because the plague gets looped to ######### since they nerfed her. Well the devs seem to be content with releasing killers that very rarely get played.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I jinxed myself just got them on new map with the filthy blade add ons forever to mend....

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 2,221

    I’ve always been pro buff everything Bc nerfs take the fun out of games for either side. Moral of the story people like to use cool stuff.

  • Sinner
    Sinner Member Posts: 334

    I stopped playing for these reasons:

    • DCs
    • Solo survivors got nerfed too much
    • Ranking system still not based on skill (chase)
    • No meta breaking and game changing new survivor perks
    • Gens and especially healing take too long to do now, which is boring
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    Even though I am not counted in the number of people represented in the information given (Ps4 player here), I haven't played the game in weeks.

    My reasoning for this boils down to poor customer service ultimately.

    It started with sound and overall performance. With the introduction of the new engine, sound was terrible, frame rate was worse, scratch Mark's were busted, and graphics were too dark. This made survivors difficult to find and games to be even more frustrating. Furthermore, it promoted a style of gameplay that I find boring (camping and tunneling) in order to get even 1 sacrifice. Frustrated and bored after a single night, I logged off and played something else and awaited the next patch.

    6 weeks later, after seeing the new patch download, I logged in again. Frame rate is still busted. Scratch marks are alittle better. Sound is better except for Haddonfield. Still too dark. I logged off and started another game.

    6 weeks later, I'm playing another online game which has a game breaking bug that got patched in 4 days...4 days...when the new chapter drops. Log on, read the patch notes, play the tutorial because, after 12 weeks of basically not playing I'm bound to be rusty. Sound is a mess again. Graphics are dark and fuzzy. Back to the other game for me for the next 6 weeks at least...

    The issues that caused others may be different, but I doubt I'm the only one sitting on the sidelines between patches.

    Sorry. That got long winded so...

    tldr - In my opinion, 6 weeks is too long between patches to fix issues in some cases (example - 6 weeks to work on sound issues is bad, 12 is horrible, 18 is just inexcusable). I believe that the developers should, in light of the new engine implementation, suspend the 6 week patch schedule temporarily so they can patch certain issues in a more timely manner.

    Anyway, that's my story and my opinion. Thanks for reading. I'll see you all in...June(?)...

  • JFF
    JFF Member Posts: 166

    I’m not even surprised, everytime a new patch drops, more and more issues are introduced. Let’s not forget the fact each time engine gets updated, the game runs and looks worse, even though it was supposed to fix the mentioned issues.

    Another cause might be infinite loading screens/DCS. And I don’t know wether it’s just me, but I see a pretty big increase of moris lately.

    What I would recommend in the current situation is to make operation health and focus at least 3 months on fixing core issues of the game. It’s not too late, they still have time to wake up.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    May take on this is simliar to @Mc_Harty

    "When your game is riddled with so many bugs, balance issues, poor maps, band-aid fixes, delayed content, a rank system that's meaningless with heavily flawed emblems, no changes to the meta for killer or survivor and a lack of communication to address anything, I'm not surprised honestly."

    The Devs are pretty disconnected from their own playerbase and try to please the wrong people (Looping is legit and survivor have "fun" being chased aka "the chase IS the game"). True fans of the genre (horror/survival/asymetrical games) are leaving.

    Freddy is a pain to play and the rework is promised for what...month? Years? and nothing happens.

    Legion players can't play, because of all the DCs.

    Temporary solutions become permanent (killer FOV reduced to solve locker peek).

    Bugs become features (reduced efffective size of beartraps).

    Ideas that are praised on the PTBs do not make it live for reasons that no one understands.

    And other bad ideas don't even go through the PTB process.

    It feels like Blizzard announcing Diablo Mortal. :P

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I'm still playing this game, I love it. Nevertheless, some issues bother me. I'd say the worst things for me are the huge amount of dc's and the weak performance + graphics on console.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @Mc_Harty "When your game is riddled with so many bugs, balance issues, poor maps, band-aid fixes, delayed content, a rank system that's meaningless with heavily flawed emblems, no changes to the meta for killer or survivor and a lack of communication to address anything, I'm not surprised honestly."

    You, saying this ?

    I don't know if i should laught or cry bwhahaha

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    this game is becoming unplayable and unfun for survivors with each patch

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    i'm curious what the reaction will be from the devs with the shitstorm that is going on right now.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited March 2019

    Well if you look at the time frames there is a dip in the Marchs and Aprils in previous years.

    Not saying there isn't some pissed of players with the state of certain things.. but I wouldn't be too concerned yet unless it continues to drop.

    If I were them, I wouldn't really be worried unless the numbers continued to drop after implementing dedicated servers.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    We'll have to wait and see what the dev's reaction gonna be to all this.