Adept Plague

I've met the requirements, but didn't get the achievement. Does anyone know if the achievement is broken or not?
*stares at Corrupt Intervention 3 in jealousy*
This should've been fixed with the latest update.
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The achievements are currently broken, yes. Also, do not prestige Plague. There is currently a bug that doesn’t allow some players to use any perks or add-ons with her if they prestiged her.
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Thanks, that's good to know. The new update did say the achievements were fixed. Was just wondering if anyone else was still bugged.
Edit : I DID get the one to escape the new map after fixing the gen in the temple last night. So i thought all of them were fixed.
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I though it was because of the bug, because I did pretty much all my killer adepts as ruthless killer but with 4k. But now it doesn't accept ruthless killer emblem you had to be merciless and get 4k at the same time. Did you meet that in your game?
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No, only got Ruthless, but I just got my Adept Legion the other day with three D/Cs and barely a safety pip. If they made it HARDER to get these achievements, that's stupid. Because it's already A LOT harder to get 4 kills than it is to escape.
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Just the 4k is needed. Mori's have been known to prevent getting the achievement.
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I was upset last night when I didn't get it either, glad to know they are bugged.
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Yeah I know. Also disconnects does not count as kills like before. So it is pretty hard to get them right now.
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Agreed. The adept survivor achievements are easy. Even if you're terrible as survivor, if you play enough you'll escape at some point. The adept killer achievements are bad enough being 4k with the hatch mechanic existing; if Merciless is also required... well, that's not okay. It's really not. Especially when you add in the fact that they made double pipping even more difficult than it was before.
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When did they change it and where can i find the notes on it?
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I am not sure if it is a bug or merciless killer emblem is requirement too. Because I got mine after I manage to be merciless killer and get 4k and no one disconnected miraculously at the same match.
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Exactly. If there's a double pip requirement now, along with the 4k, then the adept killer achievements are going to be nearly impossible. It makes it harder with d/cs not counting as kills now if that's true too. Especially on certain killers.