Why the pipping system is not representative of a player's skill

Right so in the new update, the new pipping system has been implemented, increasing the number of emblem points required to safety, single and double pip. Personally i believe that this is possibly oneo f the worst changes ever implemented into the game, especially for survivor mains.

Firstly I'd like to say, yes it was too easy to pip previously, and getting to the top ranks was not much of a challenge if you knew how to play the game. However with the new system I think they've taken the points required to pip too far , especially for ranks 8 to 1.

I think the overall issue comes with the system itself. The pipping system relies on a number of factors, only one of which is how skilled the player is. For example: you could be the most skilled player, but that doesn't stop a killer from tunnelling you, and making sure you get no emblems apart from maybe evader. Another factor is the quality of other survivors playing with you. If the other 3 survivors can not hold up a chase for longer than 5 seconds, then the likelihood of you being able to complete gens dramatically decreases meaning no Light bringer emblem for you. You could also turn this on its head and say, a survivor team who is relatively strong and gen rushes means that it is difficult to acquire evader and Benevolent for yourself, which isn't exactly your fault.

Alternatively, with the new killer, The Plague, recently released, I think its fair to say if you are playing against her then you'll likely get silver Benevolent max, as there is really no healing side of the game against plague, meaning your benevolent emblem is likely to be very hard to get a high rank on, compared to if the killer was someone else, say wraith for example, where you have the opportunity to heal yourself and others without fountains.

Therefore, the piping system itself really doesn't give an accurate representation of a player's skill level if it depends on all of these alternative factors which are greatly out of the player's control. Along with the toughening of the system requiring more points to even rank up, this makes the new ranking system an absolute shambles for survivors.

So what can be done? I think instead of having the emblem system, ranking and pipping should consider these things :

  • number of blood points acquired - is an accurate representation of how much the survivor contributed to the game, non specific of different tasks and actions.
  • The rank of the killer you are playing against - if the killer is a massively higher rank than you are, the likelihood of you completing different activities in game reduces. This cant even be accounted for in the new system because although you have to get more points to pip in higher ranks, a rank 8 survivor against a rank 1 killer still has to get the same amount of emblem points as a rank 8 survivor against a rank 15 killer for example. This could also be turned on its head with killers and the relative ranks of survivors.

But yeh that's what I am quite frustrated with the change they've implemented. Yes ranking up was too easy previously, but this was not the way to combat it.


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    I feel moving the scale +1 for each tier was a lazy effort to prevent unskilled players from advancing up the ranks.

    IMO, the purple ranks will become the new red ranks as moving up will require an inefficient play style for both sides. Kill survivors too fast? Be lucky to black pip. Survivor DCs? Well thats a loss. Idk how a survivor is going to pip in red ranks. They are almost forced to stay in a match longer than needed just assure they don't depip and more than likely safety.

  • Sam_ESC
    Sam_ESC Member Posts: 4

    I 100% agree with this, definitely a lazy effort from the Devs. Survivors need to stay in matches longer so they dont de pip, yet that lends itself to holding the game hostage which is just not what anyone wants really.

  • rangerdanger0
    rangerdanger0 Member Posts: 41

    I don't see an issue. I played a few games yesterday and EVERY time I would finish, I would at least pip still.

    Guess they can't please everyone

  • Sam_ESC
    Sam_ESC Member Posts: 4

    Thats great and congrats on the pipping! Its just like if a game is finished quickly due to gen rushing for example, players may be forced to unnecessarily stay in the match for longer than needed in order to get the emblems up, which isnt really the point of ranking up, you should rank up on your ability to do activities and tasks required to escape a game.

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836

    There’s a lot of problems with it.

    Survivors have to rely on each other to score pips consistently. Killers have to rely on survivors not quitting or dying on hook to pip. If generators are done too quick or everyone dies too soon, then no one will pip.

    Additionally, more players are being matched together because of the pipping requirements. Plus to top it all off, there’s still no incentive to rank up, so why bother?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Cant help but feel this is one way the Devs are addressing the short match situation. Without changing gens or adding objectives, you are now required to prolong the match and engage more in each catagory. While some emblems are more difficult because other players factor into the results, I think this is to test & encourage more teammate interactions over a straight solo survivor approach which was proven most effective in previous patches.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    I had a game against a Wraith who wouldn't chase me for some reason, and instead decided to tunnel another player. I ended up getting Bronze in Evader because of it.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    If you reach red ranks you never have a match again

  • TsvndereVermin
    TsvndereVermin Member Posts: 18

    The ranking on PS4 is pretty sad. Yesterday I found a Rank 3 Kate in a locker. Doesn’t sound bad huh? Well maybe she was infected (I was playing as the Plague) and she was coughing and puking really loudly. And it was a SWF and her teammates were Rank 17-14.