MoM isn't this all powerful thing killer mains are making it out to be.

Firstly it does only effect people that M1 which does suck however it isn't the new DS. DS gave you a free escape if you got downed. MoM gives you a free hit (much like dead hard) that doesn't down you immediately. You have to be hit 3 times for this perk to activate on the 4th time. Chances are if you have had a good game as killer this will be the middle of the game not the end game (assuming you hit 2 times to down and have hooked at least once) it doesn't stun the killer. It will be like a missed SB hit when you go to whack the survivor but they have SB. It is not like they magically disappear for 5 seconds they will at most get a free boost slightly that doesn't effect you at all. Chances are you will catch up with them really quickly unless you area nurse and got fatigued after your hit (then haha nurse isn't balanced anyway)

MoM gives the survivor a massive nerf afterwards. You can see their aura. If you are a killer with good map pressure that basically means GG for them. On top of that you don't get to choose when you take your free hit. It is automatically applied then you are stuck in injured state for the rest of the game unless you want the killer to know where you are for then entire game. People are likening this to OoO in reality they are nothing alike. When you look at a killer with OoO you get to see them you know where they are coming from when they come towards you and can move. You cannot do this with MoM (again don't liken it to Freddy because you are invincible for 7 seconds with Freddy before he can hit you)

People seem to forget there are perks to counter this. If you use rancor that survivor is basically #########. (Yes you should have to use perks to counter the other team prove thyself/ruin healing perks/sloppy butcher borrowed time/make your choice. ) Play with your food would probably let you keep a stack ect.

Personally I would rather use DH then this ######### perk because it seems like a shitter version of DH or Adrenaline with way more draw backs. If anything if you think that this is overpowered then DH is the most OP perk in the game.


  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    What's MoM

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I disagree.

    Good survivors don't care about revealing themselves except for against a good nurse. They literally take object of obsession and tbag you at the start of the game or flashlight click to get your attention.

    You can make it activate though, just like getting WGLF stacks, just go and get your hits when a killer is trying to hook somebody. I don't think that being able to activate it is that difficult.

    Solo survivors most probably won't use it as much as SWF. Just like the old DS, SWF groups will take this perk and use it very strategically.

    We'll see I guess but I don't think this perk is balanced at all.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    Exactly. I understood why killer mains were pissed with DS because 4 DS's wasted 12 seconds of killer time not to mention chasing and catching again. But this is just a weak DH. Most killers won't bait out DH until the person has used it once (basically your free MoM hit) then in the next chase killers might bait it out or survivors can use DH to get to a pallet or window they wouldn't make without it. I do t use DH but it does seem stronger.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    But it isn't OoO. OoO lets you see where the killer is coming from so they don't care if the killer sees him because they can just move when the killer can't see him because he is too close which wastes killer time. This means you don't know where the killer is and the killer always knows where you are what you are doing and could tunnel you until you die or ignore you most of the game.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    edited March 2019

    @Brady Mettle of Man, a leaked upcoming perk. Let's you ignore an attack that would otherwise down you, at the cost of your aura becoming permanently visible to the killer.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    @black_fence I don’t like how it screws with some killer obsession mechanics if they tweaked those to work better with perks like this id have no problem

  • ImAGirl
    ImAGirl Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2019

    Another crutch perk.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917
    edited March 2019

    This game is dying and its your fault killer main. Stop complain and crying, the game as survivor is unplayable. Now even a killer without hands can win, just ridiculous unbalanced this game right now is, and killers still complain for something still work in progress.

    Now go and win with your "balanced" nurse 5 blinks or huntress red hatchet or spirit no sound phase, or instasaw or mori.

    Really, now its a joke

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    It’s another perk that wastes a killers time and rewards a survivor for getting caught.

    Sure, on paper it seems balanced because you can totally just see the survivors aura after they use the perk! But you’re talking about a game balanced so badly that survivors will already use a perk like OoO which shows the killer their aura.

    Its a stupid perk to introduce right after they finally nerf another stupid broken perk.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    U are an example of why this game is dying, keep complain yeah then no one will play survivor.

    Im already rank 1. I play both roles but now later the update i can only play killer, because survivor side even at rank 1 everyone disconnect and get down in 10s

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited March 2019

    1) The survivor gets a speed boost, the killer gets the weapon wipe animation and slow down. It guarentees the distance to make another pallet/loop.

    Like DS its power will depend on where it's used. Have they run into the open? Then not too big a deal. Have they just made it to one of the broken window loops in the game? Then congrats you just lost the chase.

    2) A survivor can heal to 99%. You get no aura reading. If you do happen to find them then they tap heal. Now they have full health and the aura reading doesn't matter since you found them anyway. Combine it with iron will (meta perk) and you're set.

    3) Rancor.

    Generally games go like this...

    Hit - hit - hook

    Unhook - heal

    Hit (perk active) - hit (doesn't count) - hit - hook

    Unhook - heal (aura reading active)

    Hit - hit - hook (sacrifice)

    You can see here that in the vast majority of cases (Legion aside) the survivor will mostly be hit in chases and then hooked. This means the aura reading won't be active until they're on death hook. Unless you tunnel them specifically, this will normally be late game.

    So if they're on death hook anyway then Rancor does very little for you in terms of saving time.

    This raises 2 more questions...

    1) Why on Earth would a survivor heal late game knowing the killer has Rancor? They're down in one hit anyway once the last gen pops. There is literally no reason to heal and give away your aura.

    2) If you're using Rancor, why on earth are you tunneling down the obsession anyway? Knowing that you can A) One shot them and instakill at the endgame and B) They can tank 1 extra hit than the other survivors in a chase which is going to make that chase longer, losing you time.

    Then we have the other perks. STBFL and PWYF. I am 100% confident that PWYF won't let you keep a stack but still, why on earth would you be chasing and hitting the obsession anyway if you're using PWYF or STBFL?

    Now the question is what will the non-obsession versions be like?

    The whole draw of the perk is the free hit, just like DS was the stun. So we have to assume that some how in some way non-obsessions will be allowed to take a free hit. Now imagine 4 of these in a game. Imagine them on a 4man swf squad with instaheals and exhaustion perks.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I dont think its to strong , but I can see why killer mains are not thrilled. The issue is the additional chance and chase that follows. With the end goal of killing 4 survivors for increasing rank, granting more chances than the many possible existing ones feels crippling for time efficiency. Time is already in short supply and a single hit can be the major difference in how many gens pop.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    As a Killer main, i'd like to say that i myself never saw it as all-powerful.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited March 2019

    Can we actually wait for the perk to come out before panicking about irrelevant #########? There are far more issues right now than WIP perks.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    As a survivor main I think this perk will be OP.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    Maybe it is because I play LF so it won't really effect me but I still see DH as a more powerful version of it. 1 hit all game isn't likely to do much if you are a good killer. If you can't make up for a missed hit then you aren't really a great killer.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Out of curiosity, what was DS? It was just 1 more hit in the chase right?

    The only benefit DH has is that it's repeated use. This is nothing like DH really. Dead Hard gives the killer the missed attack cooldown which is short, MoM gives the killer the full weapon wipe which slows them down much more. DH gives you a small dash forward, MoM gives you the full speed boost from a hit. Lastly DH can be baited or mistimed, this can not be avoided at all.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    Then compare it to balanced landing. You don't take a stun as killer where players take a 75% decreased stun and they get a 3 second sprint. For MoM you will only get a max of 2 second sprint. Most killers are faster than survivors so you should be able to catch up the extra second it takes you to wipe your blade.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    You do get the weapon wipe though which pretty much stops you from moving.

    Just remember that this perk can be used in combination with exhaustion perks.

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    Balance Landing reads "add 8 seconds to a chase"

    MoM reads "add 22 seconds to a chase"

    It is a lot easier to get to the next pallet or jungle gym with 22 extra seconds instead of 8 and MoM is essentially unconditional and unavoidable compared to the very specific trigger areas for balanced landing on any given map.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450

    Works only once per game, has a massive downside, has anti-synergy with a lot of perks if you want to avoid the aura reveal by not healing

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304


  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    Let's not forget that you can use balance landing *and* MoM in the same perk build at no consequence.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @xChrisx You think nobody is playing surv? It's quite the opposite.

    And survs on rank 1 didn't change yet. These are the same people who haven been there for weeks and months.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Madjura Several people explained in the closed thread why that aura reveal is not a massive downside. And besides the aura reveal, there isn't another "downside".

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    The "survivor mains" for lack of a better term seem very excited about this perk. A number of streamers have said it's going to be very powerful.

    I think it seems obvious it's going to be strong and not weak as other suggest.

    Like DS it will do little on a weak survivor but be really strong on a good survivor. Again the issue is when 4 survivors take it.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450
    edited March 2019

    Permanent unilateral aura reveal is in fact so strong that the closest thing to it in the game is a killer power that has massive downsides, Freddy's power, and is actually weaker than the Mettle Of Man aura reveal because Freddy's terror radius is greater than 16m. Object Of Obsession is NOT comparable because you control when you are revealed and you see the killer.

    The closest things to the positive effect are Borrowed Time (can only be applied to others) and Dead Hard. Dead Hard is far superior to the Mettle Of Man effect because it can trigger multiple times.

    Mettle Of Man however can be used with an Exhaustion perk other than Dead Hard. So you can go exhaustion perk + Mettle Of Man to get a once-per-game Dead Hard plus the exhaustion perk, or Dead Hard + Mettle Of Man to get a second Dead Hard in a chase, once. Or you can go no exhaustion perk + Mettle Of Man to get a once-per-game Dead Hard, in which case you should just use Dead Hard instead of Mettle Of Man. In any case you are using a perk slot to get a once-per-game Dead Hard effect with a downside.

    The upside of Mettle Of Man is a once-per-game Dead Hard (technically it's worse because you can't use it to dodge traps). The downside is giving the killer an effect that is so strong that a weaker version of it is only allowed to exist as a killer power with severe downsides.

    And that's why Mettle Of Man is trash.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Lol giving out your aura isn't a negative. It's such a skilless perk that once again rewards survivors for failing at chases and rewards them without any real counterplay.

    I don't mind giving survivors strong perks but they either need to be difficult to use and not automatic and uncounterable like this or they need real disadvantages and not aura reading which does pretty much nothing. Finding survivors was never a problem for killers so how can aura reading be considered a weakness for Entity's sake.

    If it for example slowed their gen repair speed by some decent % then I would consider it fair. If you are good at chases you can waste more time with it then you would lose by having that repair debuff and it would prevent it from beiing OP if all 4 survivors use it.

    Current version is braindead uncounterable free instaheal once per game without real disadvantage. And what's worst it punishes M1 killers the most. How are we ever gonna get out of nurse/billy meta if we keep printing anti M1 perks that benefit poor play by survivors. I wish more perks were like deah hard. In hands of skilled survivor it's the best exhaustion perk imao.

    I really hope that devs take their time and think this perk through since I don't want to wait another 2-3 years before they decide it's OP like DS (not such much but pretty close) was and give it rework.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @Kebek Completely agree.

    New DS is a perk that works. It gives an instaheal but it has a time limit and so can be avoided. Plus who does it hit the most? Tunnelers and Nurse/Billy when they're on a rampage when hooking back to back.

    This new perk, Billy who is already incredibly strong can avoid it completely since they mostly M2 everyone. Nurse isn't hurt too much because if they make it to another pallet or loop then she can just blink right through it and hit them.

    Freddy/Pig/wraith/Doctor etc could easily have a lot more time added on to their chase if the survivor gets to a good area. Freddy especially, what does the aura reading give him? Nothing lol. An extra 8 metres perhaps.

    But again you just 99% yourself with iron will so the aura doesn't activate, then tap heal if the killer finds you and you'll likely be on death hook then anyway.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    You must not play at red ranks.

    DS has always only given you 1 extra hit, sure there was the 2 second pick up time and a few seconds of walking and stunning to pad the numbers. But DS has always been a chase extender. All a decent survivor needs is this extra time to turn the first 2 gens popping into 3.5 gens done.

    This perk really isn't needed. We finally got rid of the DS meta for extending chases. And now we will be getting this.

    No thanks. I'm probably gonna be a much much more casual player from now on. I don't know ######### these devs are doing anymore. Its not balancing #########. They think survivors need this chase extending ######### when the gens get popped in under 6 mins vs good players.

    And this is with a 4 minute wait timer as killer.

    I've spoke with staff about the unfair ######### in the game, unfair ######### that people in higher ranks don't need, at all, so it only gets abused where i play.

    The answer of the staff is that "the survivors need x"

    I asked about Ds "survivors need a way to make chases last longer"

    Ummm... pallets windows and map knowledge,..

    I asked about the hatch being open when there's already 2 open gates.

    "Well then the killer can patrol those two gates and the survivors cant escape."

    well two things... first, no. I still gotta hit them twice, so if they are full health near an open door, and i don't have noed (which i don't use) it's done. Secondly, if the gates are open and the hatch is open, that means there (more often then not) has been escapes. Through the gate. Which makes this whole point moot to begin with.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688


    "the survivors need x"

    Lol. As a solo survivor I can tell you that for the majority of killers we don't need OP perks added.

    What survivors do need is some things on the killer side taken away or adjusted. I.e NOED, iri head + infantry belt combo, instasaw etc

    But no. Survivors (myself included) cried and cried for noed changes or at the very least having dull totems count towards lightbringer and notifications when dull totems are cleansed and the devs said "No, we're not doing it".

    So instead they just add OP perks to the survivor side instead.

    Now it becomes this "arms race" which they said they didn't want. Just like how it used to be NOED vs DS.

    Nurse flying around the map with multiple blinks can be a problem yes. But for a typical Pig, Leatherface or Trapper without NOED there is no issue. Now those are the killers that are gonna ger boned with this perk. Which leads to people sticking with Nurse/Billy etc because they think it's needed.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    So someone going out of their way, to get hit, instead of doing work, 3 times, just to have one free shot later (one time use), to then be revealed when healed until they're downed, isnt balanced at all?


    So Is dead hard op? Since you can activate it after one hit, multiple times a match, whenever you choose?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    If giving out your aura wasnt a negative, Nurses, BBQ, and Murmur wouldnt be ran as much as they are.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    No one will go out of their way to get 3 hits. Everyone will most likely take 3 hits, especially loopers that want to be chased. They don't care about their aura being read since they want the killer to chase them.

    We don't know how the perk works yet but assuming when the killer hits a survivor they get the weapon wipe animation and the survivor gets the speed burst then yeah, this perk will be op.

    If you've every played at red ranks you know how long a good looper can hold a chase. This is just gonna be new ds since it extends the chase even further, this will be even better than ds because it literally has no counter unless you are playing billy.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    Here's the thing.

    Noed is a thing that needs fixed, sure.

    But when you are talking about red add-ons, you are talking about something that can't be spammed every game.DS, MoM, and other perks can. Unless that Huntress has been saving those two add-ons for a few months, or plays like a streamer (8+ hours a day) Red add-ons are supposed to be OP. I'm not saying this doesn't need some tweaking. It should also be noted that the bloodweb needs a heavy rework too. But think of taking iridesent head and infantry belt as the same as taking a commodius toolbox, instructions, wire spool. Aka the ability to do most of the gens with one toolbox (fastest way to do gens, only way to be faster is to take mechanics with instructions and swivel sockets, and a swf team so you don't need to do much more then 1 gen) It's a bit to strong, but it's not something that can usualy be spammed. (well, at least yall get to keep your toolboxes after a game. I wish i got to keep my add-ons if i 4k or something)

    And you don't need to be defensive, I could go back and screenshot the staff comments on my past posts that says the equivalent of "survivors need x" But that's kinda pointless. Anyone that's been on these forums long enough will have seen there attempt to spin bad designs.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I have played at red ranks, and we in fact can tell how it works. I've been using it on ps4 in kyf.

    Your entire post makes it seem so broken, yet it's still worse/more situational than dead hard.

    But you're right, you know everything hon. <3

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Bitter murmur is only ever used in engame build with Noed so that's not a good comparison (or on nurse but that is a whole another balance discussion).

    BBQ give bonus points and enables reinishiating chases after hooking so that you don't lose as much of your preassure as killer while still having like 6 counters. It's utility perk that doesn't win games by itself neither does it hinder smart survivors who can avoid it easily.

    Nurses is used on killers who have synergies with it like Myers so that can get free hits. There are killers who benefit more from it so they run it more often but against survivors who know where to heal it's once again useless since they won't heal besides LOS blockers. It punishes poor play by survivors which is main way killers win games.

    Revealing yourself with MoM is effect that happens after you get free instaheal once per game and from my understanding it deactivates after you get downed again. So yeah your aura will be revealed for few minutes per game but you'll also get free instaheal perk each game. I certainly don't look forward to facing 4 SWF survivors with 4 instaheals and 4 MoM.

    So once again busted SWF bullying perk that isn't very useful for solos. Just what we need, more broken SWF perks to bully low tier killers.