Massive SWF bug

Just played a swf game. When the killer hooked my friend, and i switched to spectate my friend who was hooked, I was instead watching the killer, and able to call out their actions. I didn't, i just laughed about it. But i could have.
I have had this happen a couple times too. It’s when u spectate the hooked survivor. I play solo on Xbox.
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I saw that, as a solo surv. Switching to the hooked survivor had me watching the Plague shimmy around vomiting. It was funny, and I backed out and Spectated again, and sure enough there it was. I hope it's not allowed in SWF of course but it was strange to say the least.
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it's like you are still watching the guy on the killers shoulder, even after they were hooked. i've now had this happen 3 times.
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Man this is a big bug. Did you report it, video and all? Hopefully they fix it fast.
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It’s been reported in the bug section of the forum :) Several people have been having this issue D:
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As @FalseFroggs Said it's been reported and the devs are aware of it and working on a fix.
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Yeah you can spectate the killer if you play with SWF and spectate your friend after he dies. Its cool... but unfair imo
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Can you see the killer's perks as well.
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No, it's like you are spectating your teammate on his shoulder, even though they have hooked them already.
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Knowing the devs about 2 years for a fix