Opinion On Infectious Freight? (For Mostly Nurse)
Seems like its going to cause a domino effect from the start to the end, find the entire team in the beginning, down them in two seconds, get the yelling from the other, instantly down them, etc.
Calm Spirit becomes meta.
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Yes, that's how finding survivors works.
Once you find them, you can instantly down them. No looping, nothing.
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Nurse in a nutshell.
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I want it for my Wraith since I like slugging.
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It seems good on Evil 3 Myers to lose less time and chain more downs but even then it feels very situationnal, still a pretty decent perk ngl, but idk if it will be meta.
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I would say even on a slugger nurse, it might be situational or partly avoidable by not sticking togerther or avoiding the terror radius. Of course it might be strong, when it triggers, but like Plu said. Kinda decent.