Tips for the Shape?

some days ago I decided to give Mr. Myers more love (might PIII him just for the bloody mask) but I need some help.
What perks and add-ons do you recommend? Any good strategies you can recommend me?
I haven't played him for too long so any helpful advice is appreciated
Since it takes ages to type on PS4 and I know others will tell you the same things I would I'll simply say this:
*Stalking Intensifies!*
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Just stalk them, survivor mains love to see that whole delicious daddy nodding and stalking them. Sometimes I give him a twerk but then I remember a lot of idiot killeer mains can't take teabagging as a fun gesture of any kind and yeah....some daddies don't like twerking. Maybe if I used Jane instead of Dwight....
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Not a huge Myers player, usually do just to specifically play his jump scare strat or when I want to mix it up.
How do you want to play Myers? He has a few ways he can be played, but fully understand that in the end you are a pure M1 killer and nothing more. His stalking is part of his kit but it will not help you directly in a chase. You are going to get pallet slammed and looped.
A “regular” Myers will stalk to T2 and fill his T2 gauge until it almost goes into T3. Any addons that assist in building it faster or keeping it active longer is helpful. When a survivor is around (preferably two) you pop T3 and nail them.
Jump scare Myers is someone who uses the cracked mirror and the add on that slightly increases his lunge during T1. That mirror allows you to wall hack and see survivors within a large radius when you stalk. Using monitor and abuse will reduce your terror radius in T1 to zero, meaning you are a stealth killer... the trade off being that you are very slow. This build is fun for maps like Lerys or The Game. Do NOT use this build in maps that are wide open, as it is hard to conceal a near seven foot tall killer without solid walls. This is a meme build but reactions from survivors are priceless.
Perks? Anything to slow the game down (ruin), pallet effects and destruction of them (brutal strength, etc), and monitor and abuse (your tiny terror radius becomes even smaller).
Others can give better advice on Michael, but this is what I tend to do.
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Try this build:
BBQ, Agitation, Sloppy Butcher, Monitor & Abuse as perks
J. Myers memorial, Dead Rabbit as add-ons
You'll have a really small terror radius in EW tier II and NOT in a chase, so make sure you're always looking for good angles when approaching gens. You can surprise a lot of people and get quick hits.
J. Myers memorial will let you stalk a lot faster and always 99% your power until you're piggybacking someone 😈
Don't engage in any cartoony chases, since that's Myers' main weakness. Feed your EW and catch someone else with their pants down.
At times I even take BBQ to make room for Make Your Choice. Myers is a beast on most maps when played right.
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M&A is a top perk for him.
NC is very good, especially with M&A
You can as always add BBQ for money and auras and Ruin, but if you don't like those 2 perks you can always run BS and Bamboozle for looping.
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Alright no longer typing from a PS4 so I'll give you my main build I use for Myers (My main killer) and a few tips I like to use while playing him.
BBQ (optional I use for BP grinding. If you don't wish to use BBQ you can swap this out with almost anything), Monitor & Abuse (one of the best perks for Myers), Nurses Calling (great since your Terror Radius is so tiny/non existent), Make Your Choice (good since it lets you save your EW III uses). For add-ons I use Dead Rabit (makes EW I have a 0m TR and EW II Have a 8m TR when used with M&A perk) and anything that adds speed to my stalk buildup. This is my "main" build as it allows me to stalk a survivor quickly without them noticing me so I can get out of EW I ASAP and keep my TR at a super small 8m while in EW II. Thanks to MYC and Nurses I can keep pressure on people as they are unhooked all while saving my limited uses of EW III.
There are plenty of builds for Myers including a fun one that actually increases your TR to be massive in EW III. Find what perks work for you.
Do your best to get out of EW I ASAP. Unless your build is using Scratch Mirror and is therefor locked into EW I you want to get to EW II so your speed and lunge are not hindered. From there you will want to stalk survivors to get your EW II as close to 99% as possible BUT DON'T POP IT until you are right behind the survivor so you can quickly activate and down them without losing any time on your EW III charge. Since the "power/juice" you can stalk from each survivor is limited so are your EW III uses.
When approaching an area you think (hopefully know) a survivor is hidding/doing a gen try to stay hidden with "line of sight blockers" as to not alert them to your presence. It can really catch people off guard when you approach a generator from the outer wall of the map (since its extremely unlikely a survivor is watching that way) and can net you a few more seconds of surprise stalk or a free hit.
Myers cannot "win" loops as his power doesn't really help him. Sure you can pop EW III to get that increased lunge distance but its risky as you could end up wasting the charge and still take a pallet to the face. You can however use that time to get free stalk as most survivors won't want to run away from the pallet and therefore will stay in a visible spot trying hopelessly to hide their body from your wandering eyes.
When you have EW III (and have 1 hit downed someone) it can be advantageous to leave them on the ground and hunt for someone else. Since people will be running scared of your 1 hit capabilities they will most likely not rush to heal their downed teammate. This will allow you to apply more pressure on the team.
Remember that corn is your worst nightmare!!! For some reason a survivor that you can clearly see becomes impossible to stalk once a few feet into a corn field. Don't waste too much time trying to squeeze in a few stalk ticks just to let that survivor escape you, instead if in a corn field I would recommend committing to a EW II chase and only going for stalk once out.
There are plenty of good YouTubers you can watch play Myers for other little tips/tricks such as Monto (mostly plays for fun) or Tru3talent (use to mostly play to win, still one of the more "focused" killer players).
I rarely seems to get notified when someone "@'s" me (thanks forums!) but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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I made a guide for playing the shape, feel free to take a look!
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I was actually going to link your thread. :)
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On Myers i use NoEd, because he is sort of a slow like killer, have to stalk, level up, stlk level up and then tier 3 is fun to go on a stabby spree! He is the only one i use NoEd on just to give him a bit of a chance. That is just my lil bit of advice but some have given better ones.
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Thanks for all those tips! I will soon try to use different builds to see which playstyle I can handle the best.
But what about the Plagues new perks? I think they will work great on Myers
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And this.
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I think Myers could get some great use from Dark Devotion (TR transfer perk) but it won't be as effective vs SWF. As for infectious fright that perk is amazing for Myers EW III since anyone in radius becomes your next target instantly. It can get you a 4k slug in no time if the team isn't great at looping.
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Myers main since 2017, and close to 6000 hrs in Dead by Daylight. Remember whatever is the build you are running, remember you are a mid-tier killer then not supposed to win every single match even if you become a god at sneaking and stalking
Myers build for Rank 20-15:
Deerstalker - Nurse Calling - BBQ - Brutal Strength (a very LOL build)
Myers Build for Rank 15-10:
You are still facing massive noobs, so go for the same build
Myers Build for Rank 10-5:
Spirit Fury - Enduring - BBQ - Ruin
Myers Build for Rank 5-1:
You are not having a really good time at this ranks, Ruin usually get spotted and cleansed early, ppl know what they are doing, win as Myers is not easy at Rank 1, but I give you a build which will make you able to handle them as much as possible:
Monitor&Abuse - Discordance - Enduring - Spirit Fury. Add-ons to stalk faster and Ebony Mori/Offering for Lèry, the Game or Howkings lab
Monitor&Abuse + Discordance have both a deadly sinergy, keep your EW II at 99% and go to the generator marked from Discordance. You will find at least 2 survivors there, and they will have time to run away from you only if carrying Sprint Burst or they see you coming from far away. Some maps really hurt this build becouse it work around M&A and those like Swamp or Coldwind make Myers visible from so far away.. your best choice is to help yourself with the 2 add-ons to stalk faster, and eventually Ebony Mori, or an offering for a closed, claustrophobic map where survivors can't see from where you're coming. That's all