An idea for the Emblem System

So, please beware that what I'm about to say is serious. It's not a bait, and please I'd appreciate it if my opinions conflict with yours that you don't attack me. Just don't say anything or be modest about it. With that said, on with the show.

The emblem system so far has been, controversial at best. Many players dislike the way it dictates how the game is mean to be played. Survivors feel that the emblem system expects too much of them. Killers feel that it doesn't reward their skill, and instead requires them to play worse in order to rank up. I had a simple thought on how to possibly remedy this without changing the core of the emblem system too much.

Survivor Rework: While you all don't agree with me, I feel that the Lightbringer emblem and Evader emblem should be worth double points. This means, an iridescent Evader should give 8 points instead of 4. Why? Well, think about it this way. This is supposed to help those who are caught in unfortunate situations. A survivor who gets tunelled by the killer all game has no chance of getting Lightbringer, or Benevolent points. The only thing they can get is Evader and Unbroken. If Evader was worth double, and a person ran the killer around all game, they would black pip or pip in the lower ranks. Why? They would have 8 points from Evader, and 2-4 points from Unbroken. The 10-12 points would allow them to black pip in all cases. For Lightbringer, this means the same. If somebody is getting chased, you have no chance to really save, or get chased yourself. So, the points here would also allow you to black pip at the very least. This change would allow players to at least survive at high ranks without getting too rewarded for only doing one thing.

Killer Rework: Unlike survivor, I feel that Killer only needs one Emblem should be changed, Devout should simply give double points as well. So, killers who steamroll survivors should be rewarded for their skill, but not too much that defeats the purpose of the emblem system. If they destroy survivors, they should at least get gold Devout and a high Gatekeeper. This is 6 + 2-4 depending on how well they did. So, killers who truly excel should get 10 pips if they played ruthlessly. This is enough to 1 pip. So, killers can still rank up, but much slower due to not playing how the emblem system wanted.

So, these are my potential changes. Thank you for reading this far. I don't know whether or not they would be good in practice but it's worth a shot. I don't believe people who prefer the current emblem system are in the majority right now.