Anyway me and my friends were playing kyf

Okay so basically we had an argument because i said you can't bring in a mori . And my friend ran tombstone Myers, and killed everyone. And then they said "You said you can't bring in a mori" then i replied "Yeah, i banned Mori, not Tombstone". Long story short they said Tombstone was the exact same thing as a mori.
Should have said "Nothing that lets you kill us by your own hand is allowed, except Hex: Devour Hope and Rancor" or something like this, the tombstone is too similar to a mori and can be pretty annoying. When I play KYF we usually ban the tombstone
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See i see your point, but you don't say "Oh look, it's a Mori Myers" or see a Trapper and go "Oh, I think he has a Tombstone" what they were trying to say was The Tombstone is the EXACT same thing. One is an offering and one is an add on for Myers.
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Yeah exactly. Usually we let Devour Hope and Rancor to be used but because there is counter-play to that
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Its not the same, because Tombstone has a downside, therefore making you play worse than what you would do without Tombstone (potentially). It increases the amount required to trigger EW3, completely depletes it when used and makes you slower. You should have just been more specific.
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Yeah i could have been more specific but the people that i were playing with have been playing since it was first released on PS4, plus i don't see anything wrong with Tombstone.
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I always ban mori’s and tombstone in mine.