What happened to the doctor? (Herman Carter)
In the lore, they say that some killers kill willingly, and others are tortured to do it, (basically brainwashed into it).
But my real question is, what is that THING the doctor has on his face? Those hooks holding his eyes and mouth? What are you guys' guess?
He got tortured, I'm guessing the Entity felt it would be suitable that he would be punished in such a way. I'm guessing they are contraptions that force him to be alert and stuff.
But we Legion don't question such things. We only give 28 stab wounds.
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Only killer I give little sympathy to is Clown. He was already going crazy in the beginning. All the rest were definitely all formerly innocent and nice people, like the Nurse and Huntress.
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He has eyelid especulums and that thing dentists put in you mouth so that you dont close it
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Seems like he's under constant torture devices. The business suit skin implies that his headgear intend to provide a great amount of pain and the hallowed blight is just pitiful. I wouln'd say however that he's a victim, if anything I would put him in the sadomasochist category.
My favorite char of the game and I cannot squeal enought when I face him, specially in his business suit. The only killer I actually enjoy being camped while I whisper: "Im the only survivor you need"
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-----> Definition of a Fetish
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Hey, you see people going nuts about Myers, pig, legion and so on. Wouln'd go as far as calling him "Daddy" thought, that just give me chills.
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It's actually been theorized that The Doctor actually "gets off" when he electrocutes the survivors. No joke, some people say that whenever he manages to electrocute people it sends a wave of electricity down to you know where and causes it to spasm and release. This is the reason for the laugh, he enjoys it....A lot
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Hmmmm O.o
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I know i know, but i am not kidding and this ain't April 1st, i legit think that as a sadomasochist type killer. This actually happens.
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Wasn't he doing experiments on people, I'd assume he also tested on himself
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Herman also began to enjoy his work a little bit too much. He was experimenting with mind control and it is easy to assume that he did not care about the health of his... subjects.
The crazed headgear may something that he himself rigged up as a contraption in an attempt to exert mind control and terror over the people he worked over.
The entity “may” have had something to do with it, but honestly I think Herman did a lot of it himself.
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I see him more like some sort of Mengele style mad doctor, but working for CIA.
Sadistic by nature, and i think putting science above anything else AKA no moral or empathy left.
And his famous work, helping the CIA's questioning/brainwash prisonners...
...he now has it fusionned on his head, and it look like it spreaded to his left arm.
The Entity always got a cruel sense of humor if you ask me.
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Here you go.
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@MagicalYummies Above post is also for you.
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The machine on my head was given to me by the entity so I could zap the survivors I come across to kill and track them also the entity and I love to hear survivors scream
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Dr Herman's contraption reminds me of the film a Clockwork Orange. Only worse.
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Considering the Devs confirmed that it was The Entity who did that to him I assume Mr Herman Carter initially wasn't willing to take part in the entity's little game.
I imagine him to be the type who cared more about his research and his experiments than running around twatting people with an instrument of punishment. Hence why The Entity probably forced him to play along.
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I'm pretty sure the Entity keeps his eyes and mouth opened to force him watch tbagging suevivors and eating pallets even in-between trials.
No wonder he went crazy...
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From what i gather in his lore and addons, he got so invested in his lust for mind control he even tested it on himself and it drove him crazy, my assumption for the reason he looks the way he does is due to his insanity and constant testing on himself. And perhaps the entity is torturing him to keep him insane?
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Refer to my above post.
And I believe that the good mad Doctor wanted to do things on his own terms, so when the Entity tried normally offering the Doc to comply with her orders, he refused until she decided to force him.