Before you gut whispers

Please fix the end game before you even touch it, and by fix the end game i mean put a time limit before the survivor just automatically dies otherwise we will see a rise in game hostage situations where the survivor player just does nothing but giggle and crouch around the map till the killer quits.
if you don't want to do that then give the killer the option to end the game with no penalty to them or the survivor as if they had just run out the gate because some of us have better things to do then look for someone who thinks it is fun to hide with 2 doors open and an available hatch.
would really like to know why you are hell bent on destroying the killers version of a terror radius that you need to sacrifice a perk slot for...
yeah, i see quite a bit of that on ps4. both gates open, hatch open, no more points to be had....yet, they are still here, hiding. utilizing their vast drawing pool of time to agitate a stranger with childish nonsense.0
It's going to suck cause I use it as a staple perk. Guess it's time to pick up stridor III and maybe some slightly better headphones.
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I gotta say, it doesn't happen often on PC. There have been some games where the survivor is just hiding, not trying to escape at all, but it's rare. I've probably experienced 3 in the 600 hours I have played. They've already explained that they are working on making the endgame more dynamic and fun for all, so this should be a moot point once they get all their design changes in.
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@TrumpJunior said:
I’m also not a big fan of the new Whispers. IMO, it’s one of these perks that are in an absolute sweet spot right now, but the new changes probably gonna make this perk very unattractive for some people.the perk will serve zero purpose after 1 or 2 kills and just be a hindrance with constant whispering.. it is a full blown nerf to delete it from use.
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@Uberfish said:
I gotta say, it doesn't happen often on PC. There have been some games where the survivor is just hiding, not trying to escape at all, but it's rare. I've probably experienced 3 in the 600 hours I have played. They've already explained that they are working on making the endgame more dynamic and fun for all, so this should be a moot point once they get all their design changes long as it isn't an easy win for the survivor because you closed the hatch then they will resort to just crouching around the map.. this happens now if you kill 3 of them with 4-5 gens up.
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I think that devs need to put NOT IN MID PATCH over your whole screen. They are just having an idea and it's not final1
It literally said on stream "NOT IN MID PATCH" and people are already complaining lol
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@MegDenson said:
I think that devs need to put NOT IN MID PATCH over your whole screen. They are just having an idea and it's not finali see you haven't been around for long, anything the devs have ever portrayed as an idea has usually ended up being introduced just as they have said without any changes from the "idea" stage... and if they do not hear any objections after announcing the idea then they think everything is all sweet and will go ahead with it without even looking at it again.
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@snozer said:
@MegDenson said:
I think that devs need to put NOT IN MID PATCH over your whole screen. They are just having an idea and it's not finali see you haven't been around for long, anything the devs have ever portrayed as an idea has usually ended up being introduced just as they have said without any changes from the "idea" stage... and if they do not hear any objections after announcing the idea then they think everything is all sweet and will go ahead with it without even looking at it again.
Well, remember the first idea for Decisive strike change? They changed it and STILL it's work in progress. Looks like YOU haven't been around and came week or less here.