Your worst map and why?

Knuckles Member Posts: 218
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

Ok...let's hear it! I've seen survivors DC as soon as they know it's the swamp. As killer I'm not a fan of the closed in maps like The Game or the Institute . What's yours?

Post edited by Knuckles on


  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    As killer- Ormund. Big. The bi-level middle building is easy to get looped around. Objects that are easy to get stuck with because the killer's line of sight it terrible.

    Survivor- Swamp maps. Hard to find totems or the hatch. Ugly to look at.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Survivor: Lerys and The Game: everything is so close together and i can't focus because every single tile is pretty much a mind-game.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Haddonfield. Map blows for most killers with so many corners and line of sight issues. It's really common to get infinites along the fences which is really frustrating. A lot of survivors run Balanced Landing now which makes the houses a nightmare at times. It's easy for survivors to stealth around so you lose time as a killer. With the layout of the map, it's easy to get gens done as fast as possible. So yeah screw this map lol.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    The recent maps are all trash. They look nice and so, but for gameplay it's stupid.

    The best balanced map the devs made was fathers capella (clown). Everything after that map is garbage, like real garbage. Oh, and F swamp maps. Hated then since release and even after the "rework" I still hate them.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Killer: Thompson house and Rotten fields (I don't even know why, I just do so bad on that normally and I hate that map with a passion) and I guess haddonfield

    Survivor: Yamaoka I guess, I don't really have a map I'm bad as survivor, I just have killers I'm bad against

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Fractured Cowshed. I hate this huge map. Its everything bad combined. Huge size, big central cornfield to stealth killers while seeing them, safe pallets everwhere, transparent coldwind tiles, the infinite barn, the cowtree in the middle... get me out of here

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161
    edited March 2019

    As killer; Coldwind maps. I main Michael Myers and have severe corn blindness, especially when trying to tier up.

    As survivor; The Game. That map just sucks for obvious reasons. Not a fan of Shelter Woods because of lack of pallets and good looping spots. Azarov's Resting Place is bad because of how the gens are basically split into two ends of the map.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    Appreciate the posts so far...good points

  • ImAGirl
    ImAGirl Member Posts: 147

    As Killer, Rotten Fields.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited March 2019

    I have different issues with each map, and it also really depends on which killer I'm using. I should note that I'm bad at tracking general.

    Coldwind: I have an extremely hard time seeing in the corn. Absurd number of pallets.

    MacMillan: Survivors love looping the main building and I don't always have Bamboozle for that obnoxious window. Survivors that know how to use the adjacent jungle gyms in the middle of the map are very difficult to catch.

    Temp of Purgation: The only unsafe pallets are in the lower level of the temple. Very large map. Edit: I should also mention that there is typically a ridiculous number of pallets in close proximity. Note to devs: lots of 50/50 pallets close to together, or a small amount of safe pallets that are spread out. Pick one or the other. Putting 6 safe pallets in adjacent tiles is not good map design. That is in no way fair to killers against good survivors who know how to play those tiles.

    Haddonfield: I have a hard time tracking around all the blind corners. Very RNG dependent experience.

    Lerys: I generally don't mind this one too much unless I'm on Spirit. Her footsteps are loud and good survivors tend to be unpredictable. Good map.

    Crotus Prenn: This is a good, balanced map. Survivors can play the middle building but there are counters.

    Badham: Badham offering=SWF bat signal

    Autohaven: Again, absurd number of pallets.

    Yamaoka Estate: Too big.

    Swamp: Experience will really vary depending on the survivor map knowledge. The map has several very strong structures but they aren't immediately obvious.

    Red Forest: Not too bad. Again, low map presence killers get shafted here.

    Ormond: The middle building can be obnoxious. Fairly survivor sided map.

    The Game: Kind of survivor dependent. You can eat a lot of pallets if survivors know where they are. Hag, Nurse, and Spirit wreck this map though.

    Post edited by edgarpoop on
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Ormond is my worst map, and I main Legion.

    Before I transitioned I played a lot of Huntress and hoo boy those loop walls. That's not even mentioning the size or the bad aura reading on the map. Overall, it's just not really cool.

    The exception is the Ski Lodge. There was clearly effort put in making the lodge look like a proper hangout and it feels cozy and safe in all of the snow. (Ironic since it's a basement spawn.) The view from the upper level is also quite pleasant. Yet you never get a chance to experience this because you're running around like a lunatic to desperately find whoever you can.

  • ShirtlessDwight
    ShirtlessDwight Member Posts: 190

    Yomaka or what was the name of it (spirit map). I'd rather play on Game.

  • TangledHelix
    TangledHelix Member Posts: 89

    Survivor: The Game. Everything is just too close together and like all the pallets are unsafe.

    Killer: Family Residence, everytime I get this map its all p3 claudette hiding in the bamboo and I can't find anyone.

  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287

    Survivor: The Game. It's awful, I hate it. Everything is too close together and I never get any good tiles. The pallets there all suck too, except for the ones above and below the bathroom and some baby Nea always camps them at the beginning of the game.

    Killer: Family Residence. I literally CANNOT see someone wearing brown/green clothing crouching in those damn bushes. It sucks for survivor as well, not a lot of pallets.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    Killer: Mother's Dwelling. I can just never to that well on this map. I also hate getting Haddonfield as slow killers.

    Survivor: IDK, probably Family Residence. Middle area is a pallet desert and I'm constantly running into stuff I didn't see. Also the 2 shrine areas look like you can use it for BL but really only 1 of them works, and they look similar from a distance when you are focused on running from the killer.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    As both survivor and killer I loathe the most Yamaoka maps. It is hard to see as killer and somehow I can't hide as survivor either. Also I find it so hard to control longitudinal oriented maps.

  • Anzi130
    Anzi130 Member Posts: 51

    Right now i am not a fan of the Onmund Map as killer because the gen and hook auras are too weak and hard to see..

    But otherwise i hate Swamp the most. Its just a huge map.. this is both for playing survivor and killer

  • Kamikaze_Rose
    Kamikaze_Rose Member Posts: 247

    We can thank No0b3 for the uptick in Balanced Landing users.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    It's not a coincidence that the most hated maps are either the bigger ones or the smaller ones. This should be good enough to make the devs understand that they should stick with the size of the Autohaven or MacMillan maps.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616


    I don't really care how preventable that window is, i still despise it.

    Gigantic waste of time when taking into account it's just 1 window.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    The worst map for me... Ummm..

    It is the lobby waiting screen. Because that's what I'm seeing since the new matchmaking went live.

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    Swamp, Red Forest, Spirit's map & The Game.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    I don't really watch No0b3, but I believe you. So, when are we rioting? (:

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    Haddonfield on both sides. No explaination needed.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Yamaoka Estate as survivor and killer, like 8 pallets in total, compared to the second lowest which has 15 (the game) and it's absolute cancer as Killer.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657

    For Killer, I dont know.. Probably Ormond, because I get lost in those structures.

    For Survivor, either The Game, Lerys or Swamp. I would say the Swamp is the worst for me, I just hate this Map.

    Honorable Mention to Yamaoka, there is one Log behind the Bamboo which I alway run into, regardless if I am playing Killer or Survivor.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2019

    As a killer the corn maps and red forest variations are brutal and need tweaking.

    As survivor I don't think any of them are really that bad.

    For both sides I don't think most of the Autohaven maps are well designed. There's no hiding, no juking, just a crap tons of pallets. Not fun.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    Killer: Grim Pantry. Absolute worst map for killers imo as it can spawn a true infinite even for survivors not using balanced landing.

    I dont mind any maps as survivor tbh.