Idea for HEX perks buff

Give HEX perks base power, that will stay after the totem broke.
HEX: Huntress Lullaby
base power: survivors receive 6% regression penalty when missing any Skill check.
Totem effect: give token each time survivor is hooked, 1-4 tokens - time between skill checks warning sound and skill checks become shorter. 5 tokens - no skill checks warning
HEX: Ruin
base power: great skill checks give 0% progression
Totem effect: good skill checks give 3/4/5% regression
You get the idea. What do you think ?
Interesting. I like it. +1
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i like it. 10/10
Thrill could continue to slow down the speed that totems are cleansed based on number of totems left.
Devour could still give the speed boost...? Maybe?
Haunted Ground has no effect anyway unless it gets broken.
NOED is end game only, so it doesn't really need a lasting effect after it's broken.
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as base NOED can still give 4% speed boost, so it was at least something
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For Devour Hope, they could remove the 2 Token bonus entirely and grant you a *permanent* 5% movement speed bonus instead when it gets cleansed.
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Bad idea killers dont need buff
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You're right. Killers don't need a buff. Hex perks do, because they can get removed from the game completely very early, meaning the killer is playing with a handicap, and 3 perks.
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it's called hex perk buff, not killer buff
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That's ONLY on missed skill checks. which doesn't happen too often, unless you're playing with noobs.
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you can lower it to 3-4%. I think no skill check warning as base power can be less enjoyable
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it already does the extra 6% regression. the only thing the stacks do is close the gap between warning and when it goes off. Keeping that effect would be too OP. 6% isnt that much, to be fair. All it would do is slow the game down just a little bit. Ruin is 5% at tier 3, and that's barely any regression at all.
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Yea, but i'm also saying, that when you play as survivor, as base power "no skill checks warning or closing the gap" will be more frustrating then simple extra regression. So yea, regression should be base, if we see this change to HEX perks.
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a lot of these ideas sound pretty okay. devour keeping the 5% movement speed bonus would be broken.
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if it was permanent, but as it stands now it's for 10 seconds after you hook someone.
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Sounds super unbalanced.
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making perks actually last until the end of the match sounds unbalanced? how so?
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So the base buff sticks with you after it's gone. Well isn't the whole point of a hex perk is that it's a strong perk and that survivors should be rewarded with not having to deal with the hex if they break it. The killer knows going in that it's a gamble.
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It's still a killer buff ;)
Bring a hex totem is a risk of losing one perk but it's rewarding if survivors don't find it in time. Even Peanits said it.
If you want to protect your totems bring Thrill of the Hunt ;)
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Bad idea. Hex like ruin doesn't need a buff. Its good perk as it is now and proof is 90% of killers take it. Why do we need buff something which is good now?
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I have legitimately spawned into the map, and headed straight towards my totem, and had it get broken before i made my way to it. How exactly would Thrill help if the totem can get broken before it's even possible for me to try to protect it? Maybe your sprint burst or balanced landing should only work for the first 45 seconds of the match too, then you might change your mind about it.
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It's not a problem with the totem itself it's a problem with survivor/totem spawn that need to be fixed. When this will work as intended it should be alright.
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That's something they've been "fixing" pretty much since the game released. It's been three years and the totem placement is still trash. This is a good alternative.
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You already have perks like NOED that makes survivors one hit.
This literally DEFEATS the purpose of even having hex totems if it doesn't matter if they are broken or not.
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I feel like they didn't even read the thread @DudeDelicious They just wanted to come in and give an opinion of something they don't understand to try to look smart.
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That does seem to be how it works here @DudeDelicious
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Yes and No
The reason they are destroy-able is because they are supposed to be powerful.
Now Ruin and NoED (Which can be turned off before it even activates) i will grant you but lets look at the rest.
Third Seal: Worthless, may as well take knock-out since you can't turn that off and completely useless against SWF.
Devour Hope: Good on paper bad in practise, it will get found at most 2 stacks unless the survivors are completely ignoring totems and it will probably spawn at shack or next to a gen anyway.
Lullaby: Unless you can stack this max it's easy to ignore just like Devour Hope
Haunted Ground and Thrill: Both of these suffer the same problem, they are only useful running with other Hexes to try and protect them and since we have been down this list Ruin is the only one worth it.
So what can be changed? whilst the thought of making them partially passive after cleansing is nice i think making them harder to get rid of/find is the way forward.
I can easily find all totems including hexes within the first 2 minutes of a game starting even WITHOUT small game, they are THAT predictable with spawns and i have played those maps over and over.
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It depends on map size.
If it's something fairly small ToTH can make defending a totem worth it.
If it's any of the farm, forest, swamp maps. No chance of keeping it up.
Personally i think they should buff ToTH, now not to make it slower on totems but to do several other things.
First make it so ToTH reveals which totem is which.
Second make it so you can see which hex is being cleansed and also show a colour, Green means it's been started Orange means it's close to being cleansed bit like Surveillance for your totems.
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hex ruin will be a bad idea reason killer camps the totem whatever he wants and so how the survivors do the gens and the hex lullaby also bad idea combine with Unnerving Presence combo you cannot win sorry mate but its a terrible idea
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I'm sorry, but could you please re-English this post? I can't understand what you're trying to say here.