If BHVR had an April Fool's joke for Dead by Daylight, what should it be?
Title says all.
Also, Happy April Fools!
Swap survivors and killers, making it that each survivor portrait and model is swapped with a killer. And visa versa.
Add in some crazy values and stuff, make everything a chill day.
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Make Nea a killer and Trapper a survivor.
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Reverting the changes to DS and bringing instablinds back
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All hooks autosabo itself when killer wants to hook someone
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"Not my face! Not my beautiful faaaaace!"
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They would announce that the infinite loading screen got fixed, 3v1 matches won't exist anymore and MoM won't get released. Oh wait...
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When you jump in a locker you can't leave.
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@Akibahara Clearly you haven't been on Twitter. @Deviusqc (one of the devs or was it designers?) has been having a field day.
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Well, remember the old bug with the ability to have survivor perks on killer, and killer perks having survivor perks?
Bring that back
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I am confused, what happened on discord?
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I know a perfect joke.
There would be a 50% chance on opening a chest that a bear trap catches you.
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-switch version lands tomorrow/gets cancelled
-fixed an issue that caused game get bugs
-DbD reverts to 1.3
-introducing gamemodes
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introduces an update so the survivors has baseball bats and can kill the killers.
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A game were survivors would start the trial with infinites flashlights and their goal is to aim at the killer and get many points as possible while the killer objective is to run away from the survs using their powers
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A rank 1 viable killer.
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good joke would be if they say that matchmaking is fixed
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Cancel Ash’s release.
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I actually had a dream last night where every killer had nurses power. Therefore console players suffer from the slideshow blinks
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Delete the Legion.
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A joke? If they came out and said all the bugs were fixed and nobody would cry on here anymore
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"We heard your feedback and decided to buff Legion without fixing them!"
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A patch devoted to bugfixing and solo survivor buffs.
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Windows on maps periodically block both killer and survivor. Sometimes it would result in survivor deaths and sometimes it would result in survivor escapes, but in the end it should balance out.
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"We find adding anything to The Plague's power will result in it being too oppressive for Survivors."
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I thought this new pipping system and matchmaker yo-yo reverts were the jokes. You mean, they aren't? :)
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That they actually read the forums.
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Change the chase music to Benny Hill.
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change the icon for an escaped survivor (including escape cake) to have the survivor dabbing.
Or adding an ultra rare item for the survivor that lets them dab and blind the killer for the whole game. if the killer is within 5m.
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This game
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As I previously suggested on their stream, changing it to survivors hook killers since we all know who the real threat in the game is.
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Doing their job well.
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Shutting down the game matchmaking and the forum because gamer are toxic.
I credit r/Games moderation team for the idea
Post edited by Dragonredking on0 -
Fully balancing the game without game breaking it
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they fix the game but the following day the next patch introduces 40 new bugs
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A Freddy rework. Haha, oh, wait...
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Sending a message to all perma-banned players that they've been unbanned.
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freddy being buffed. ha!
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"We watched your 'I'm Sorry' video and accept your apology. Welcome back to the fog!"
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"We have put a perk into the game that after hitting a skillcheck makes the killer drop you allowing you too run your instamed kit and take the killer back to the loop"
Oh... they did that
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Sad =(
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They would assure you hitboxes are fine
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Mettle of Man.
Ok BHVR, it's April the 4th now - Well played, you got us all good with this but you can remove it now.
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I wanted Nea to be a playable killer for a day, At least that one thing and that's all I'll ever ask