We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Ever gotten an achievement in a memorable way?

Chi Member Posts: 781

Like for example, I got the last kobe for the Not Today achievement this way:

The match starts out like normal, I work on one gen with the kate and then do another on my own before things go horribly wrong.

Nurse had downed both Dwight and Kate around the basement, put them in it, and camped it. Claudette farmed them, and went down as well. So now I was the only person standing with 3 people slugged. I decided to be like ######### it, ran downstairs as everyone was being hooked, farmed every single one of them and then went down.

I thought that was the game, but lucky for me the nurse hooked me before Claudette died. And I remember saying, I am going to freaking kobe, no way that I don't kobe right now, kobe gods don't forsake me. And I kobe'd. And then I got downed straight away.

BUT, I had an ace up my sleeve. The new DS! I hit the skillcheck and ran, making sure to break line of sight. The Nurse was clearly quite bad at blinking because she did not once prediction blink. She only blinked once she saw me, but by then I was on the hatch. She hit me and I was out.

I still depipped though because of the new pipping system, and the farming but that was fine. It really felt good escaping there. Somewhat changed my mind of the new DS as well. Somewhat, not completely.

So anyone else got a story to tell about an achievement?


  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I got the 'Escape from the Lodge and live to tell the tale' trophy or whatever its called.

    It was a surprise to me as I don't even own the DLC. I didn't know that was possible.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I have a couple of stories.

    The first is for the Not Today achievement. This one is quite simple and not too awesome. Essentially I was being camped by this Leatherface, I wasn't too far from the exit. One of my teammates managed to distract him for a few seconds, somehow I unhooked myself, slow vaulted the window next to the hook to not make noise, he sees me, I start running and drop the pallet on him so I managed to escape.

    I have another story that I wish was the way I received that achievement. I was opening a door and this Myers comes straight at me, Evil Within 3 activates, I'm too slow to react and I end up on the hook. He proceeds to camp me, going back and forth to check whether or not someone was coming to save me, in fact there was a Meg right behind a van (We were in Haddonfield). Myers finally goes relatively far away, I save myself, I'm surprised but happy. I get to the door, my trusty Spine Chill gives me the little boost I need to finish opening the exit, I escape. I have a video on YouTube because a couple of guys from Reddit asked for proof, but I'm in school now and I can't access it.

    Another time was for the Where Did They Go achievement. I was playing with some new friends for the first or second time, I don't remember exactly. It was us and one random, we finish all gens, doors are not opened yet and then I find the hatch: "Oh, I found the hatch" "Oh sh*t, where is it? I have a key" "You have a key?" "Yeah, just got it from a chest". I tell him where it was, he ends up getting chased but manages to escape through the hatch, the killer starts camping the hatch, but doesn't understand how it works. My other friend gets close, hit, escapes, after a while the random arrives, hit, escapes. I smile "Nice", get close, hit, escape. Achievement unlocked.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    All achievements for DLCs are available to unlock, except the ones for the characters of course, if you don't own the DLC

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Thanks I never knew that. I usually buy the DLC's day one so never realized.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited April 2019

    Yep! I got the Item of Obsession Trophy in a game VS the Spirit who ended up killing the other 3 Survivors...while using Rancor and ofc, I was the Obsession and Urban Immersion'ing around to find the Hatch. I hear her Heartbeat as I'm crouched and nestled against a Hook next to a Rock/pallet area. I stand perfectly still as she circles around the nearby area....with the Hatch a few feet away...soon as her back was turned I ran and got out ...POOF Trophy. Not once did she ever find or chase me...and I was Nea with Pink hair xD

    It was one of the most tense moments of the game for me...Spirit looking to Rancor Mori you as you narrowly slip past them and thru the Hatch is intense

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Unlocked less than two weeks after launch. Told these randoms in lobby I was going for the achievement (no SWF at this time.)

    They said okay, let's try it. Trapper on Azarov's Resting Place. Really intense game. Last gen pops, and he is chasing me. Hits me down with NOED. The whole team comes to save me, leads me to the hatch, we all escape.

    One of those games I will always remember.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    I got the informus hard to get evil within trophy by pure luck managed to kill obsession first and triggered dying light gave me enough time to kill a looping Dwight slugged a kateright before the gates opened and killed a tapp midway though the exit zone them grabbed kate took her far enough away that she coualdant get hatch bit could get the gate chased her down and killed her a inch from the exit barrier

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 704

    O recently got the have three Survivors hooked in the basement at once achievement, only because the Survivors acted like complete and utter potatoes.

    Down a Meg, take her to the basement. Just as I finish the hook, Dwight tries to unhook right in front of me. Grab Dwight, begin his hook. Finish, see Nea run in for the unhook on Meg. Grab Nea, hook her, get achievement, THAN Jake runs down and begins to unhook Meg. He gets hooked for his stupidity.

    Sacrificed all four because none of them could leave each other alone.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    Adept David! After dying so many games, being camped, and tunneled as well I finally ended up escaping at the gates while killer had NOED and murdered my team.

    I was the only one alive but hey man I needed the adept David....LMAO

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    I wouldn't say eventful or memorable, more like Ironic... I have two accounts on PC and two on Xbox. Both of my smurf accounts (made to play with noob friends) I got "Item of Obsession" without even trying. My main accounts, I can't seem to get that achievement no matter how hard I try! lol... I've got all other survivor achievements finished on my main accounts other than the new Jane and Ash ones.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    edited April 2019

    Yes, in fact I got two in the same game! "Adept Laurie" and "Where Did They Go?!?" I was getting all the Adept achievements and it was Laurie's turn. The game itself went pretty smoothly, I don't even remember who the killer was. Maybe Hag or Spirit? Either way, we got the gates open, I run to one, then behind me, I notice a survivor sitting on top of the Hatch with a key, I'm like cool I'll escape through it. Then right as I run up to it, she opens it and I jump in but little did I know all 4 of us were there and I got the hatch achievement as well as Laurie's Adept in one game. It was insane. Even more insane getting two of the harder achievements at the exact same time!

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I got the blue basement hooker one when i hooked the 4th out of all 4 Survivors at the same time, all in the basement.

    It was a gorgeous sight, seeing them hang, struggle and get taken while Steam was like: "Yo, i like what you're doing to them. Here's a reward."

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    From the void she kills.

    I was on haddonfield and it was one of my first games as nurse. I was using extra blinks and I went to get someone near a generator and got a grab on someone else.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I dont have interesting stories for achievements, but I did get both Shock Therapy (complete the generator on the second floor of the Asylum) and Hemophobia (escape without being injured) in a single match because my team mates were asses and DCed when they got caught. The Killer let me complete a generator on the side and left me to get the hatch.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 781

    I remember my adept David. I thought it was going to be hard, but I went up against a Myers that didn't seem to know what they were doing. Looped 'm for 4 gens before he gave up on me. He would constantly give me the window in jungle gyms, moonwalk when I can clearly see him doing it, kept switching direction when he got somewhat close to me in a loop which extended the loop by a lot. In the end he got two kills because of NOED.

    I got my Item of Obsession in a similar manner. It was a really bad Leatherface I went up against. He revved at every pallet and continuously gave up chases. It was the easiest escape of my life.

    Both of this was at the red ranks by the way. Both matches I contemplated on whether these were yellow rank killers.