We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Should Dead By Daylight Have a Ranked Mode?

Video for those who hate reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEleWadi1yA&feature=youtu.be

So Fortnite added a ranked mode for their game this last patch, and made unranked super hardcore unfriendly in its last patch as well kinda forcing ppl to play ranked if they want balanced gameplay. Not gonna drag that convo into here, but long story short all the big content creators and pro players hate it. The Topic got me thinking though, What if Dead by daylight added a “Ranked” mode and a “Casual” Mode. Would that fix any of the current issues with the community or would it just make things worse for the game?

    A lot of people have asked about having an unranked mode where people could get blood points without losing pips, and could play with their friends who are newer without taking them up against high ranked killers. Kinda like how League of legends has it. Personally my concern would be two things. ONE ranked would have even less players if they did this for sure, because there would probably be people that just NEVER played ranked, and TWO without some kind of reward why would anyone play ranked after getting rank 1?

    I think it could be a good thing though, but Just because its unranked that doesn't mean that a killer is NOT gonna just facecamp you, i mean there's no pips to lose so if you piss him off he has nothing to lose, and there’s no guarantee that SWF’s wont still just run OP perks.

    If they do it, they would have to add rewards for ranked one! I had an Idea for like Legacy tokens. They could be used to buy legacy cosmetics on anyone that wasn’t a part of the original Legacy set, and isn't a licenced DLC so like Ace, and Hag or David and the Huntress. 3 to the top 1,000 survivors and killers every reset and 2 to the top 10,000 survivors and killers, and everyone gets 1 just for making it to rank 1 each season or reset. Then people would still have a reason to play ranked each month but could do other things if they just arent in the mood

TLDR: If dead by daylight we’re to ever add a ranked mode, they would have to add rewards and make em good! Could be nice to play with friends and not lose pips or be able to practice a new killer without having to play against tryhards! WHat do you guys think though? Would it be good bad or just a waste of time?