Abandoned church and the grave field.
NEW KILLER : The Priest
He was possessed by the great evil. He was in exorcism ritual once but it ended up everybody in the ritual were dead. Few day later he killed all the nuns and priest in the church. There is a rumor that in daylight he's just normal priest listing to confession of people. Next morning, all those people will end up dead in pray post head twisted backward. No one know where will he go next.
Weapon - Cross
Mori - Confession
He press his burning upside-down cross to the a survival forehead, break the survival's legs to make them in pray post. He walk behind the survival and twist the survival head backward. The survival down to the ground head twisted.
The Priest's Power - Unholy Strength
He can charge up to 3 Level, while he is charging he can't move.
Every charge level take 1 seconds. He will grant following ability.
Level 1: Gain Bloodlust tier I for 3 seconds. if the Priest see any survival while in this effect, Bloodlust is continue.
Level 2 Increase maximum of charge hit range by 50%. The longer press, the longer range. And grant effect of previous level.
Level 3: Next action cool down decrease 50% and perform in faster 50%. And grant effects of previous level.
After he perform an action, the Priest will lose the effect of Unholy Strength
The Priest's Perks
1) Corrupt Confession - Hooked survival aura will not show to other survivals that further than 24/12/0 meters away from the hook. The grunt of pain of hooked survival will louder/further 24/36/48 meters. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
2) Sinful Action - Increase Dull Totem by 1/2/3. After a Totem was destroyed by a survival. All survivals who are within 12/24/36 meters of other remaining Totems will show aura to the killer for 3/4/5 seconds.
3) Evil Cycle - Once per trial the, when first Hex Totem is destroy. If there is a Dull Totem left, the Hex will move to another Dull Totem remaining. All remaining Totems will grant Terror Radius for 3/4/5 seconds and will increase token for all Killer's Perks related with token by 1/2/3.
The Nun's Perks
1) Innocent Blood - She get 1/2/3 tokens at the beginning of the trial. Every time she is hit, her blood will make the killer blind for 0.75/1/1.5 seconds. This perk have 120/90/60 seconds cool-down.
2) Holy Protection - She get 2/3/4 tokens at the beginning of the trial. Every time she will suffer form negative status provide by killer remove a token instead. This perk have 60/45/30 seconds cool-down. Expose, Deep-wound and Broken will take 2 tokens instead of 1.
3) Persuasion - Every time she 200%/150%/100% repair the generator. She and any survivals within 24/36/48 will get 1 token for all Perks that related with token.
Sinful action would just be coupled with NOED.