Rewards for killers for disconnecting players

Am I the only one fed up with players quitting? Is it my fault that I am a good player as the killer? Yes is my fault.... But I should not be penalised by player leaving the game because they are scared, frustrated or just not good players at all.

I have gotten reported for playing as the clown, and doing the smart thing. Which is throwing a smoke grenade left and right and cutting off the players path.

They called it funneling and all quit and reported me.

Why do we ask the killers have to play by the survivors rules and regulations which they seem to make up as they go????

What if I decided as the killer to make a rule and say, "HEY!!!! NO WORKING ON GENERATORS... FOR ITS STOPPING ME FROM KILLING YOU!!!"

Then we get players who quit as soon as they first get downed... Ugh...

How many times have I used a survivor pudding, or a party streamers. And gotten nothing because everyone quits......

I believe the quiter bonus should count as a sacrifice. I believe we as killers should get more points for people quitting. 650 is definitely not enough. I believe if a player quits they should rewards the killer more points than even a sacrifice. And call it a humiliation bonus.

Its not the killers fault the player is not good at avoiding them, I mean dang, when I play as a survivor and I get caught, I dont place the blame on the killer. I blame myself for not paying attention well enough to get away and hide.

It also goes the same for the killer quitting. If the survivors are doing great and the killer quits, the survivors should be rewarded extra points and also consider it an escape.

Please BHVR you need to fix this. I believe if thats done it would make quiters obsolete. On top of penalties for quitting.


  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836

    Each DC should give a BP bonus to everyone else who stays. Random number, but say 20% BP at the end of the match per DC.

    That way you’re incentivized to keep playing.

    Of course there could be a different bonus for when the killer DCs, but this would make Solo survivor and killer a lot better to play.

  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Either way. It should be fixed. Its a nuisance

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    Yeah I came here to say this as well. I believe survivors should get a quitter bonus as well since a DC already puts them at an advantage. Maybe not as much as the killer but something.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Wow. You need to stop playing for a bit and come back later. You are way too into this.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Rewards! Yes! How about any time a player disconnects, each remaining player at the end of the match gets to view their inventory of items, offerings, and add-ons. Choose anything you like and move it to the inventory of your matching survivor. The disconnector loses the item.

    Example: Claudette DCs. At the end if the match, you view her items. She has a very rare map you want. You select it and YOUR Claudette now has the map. You can use it next time you play survivor with her. The person who disconnects later finds there is no map when they thought the had one. Up to 3 other survivors may also pilfer items if none of them disconnected. (Items duplicate if there are not enough of one to go around for each player that chooses it.)

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited April 2019

    I think the killer should be able to pick up the dead body of the disconnected survivor, and hook them. The entity is instantly summoned and consumes the survivors. Its like they were onehooked. That way the killer gets bloodpoints and emblem points. Plus the remaining survivors also get a few more seconds to do gens/healing etc.