Should I try to learn Billy or Spirit? Or stick with what I know?

johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

Right now I’m most comfortable with Hag, Pig and Plague but I would like to use one of the “better,” killers and the Nurse is out the noise and stun is too much.

will my results improve if I learn one of these two better? If so who would you recommend and why?

Thanks, just looking for some opinions


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Spirit is much better, but the most difficult killer in the game, it's tough learning her but she is literally better than Nurse if you learn her, play both is my suggestion. I play Billy Hag and Spirit all the time, depending on which I feel like. Them 3 are amazing and Nurse just bores me.

    Also Hag is undoubtedly one of the better killers 😠

    She's joint with Billy.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Spirit, Nurse, Billy/Hag are the 4 top tiers in that order.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393


    Why Spirit is better then Nurse? Not trolling, just asking.

    Nurse ignores loops, windows, walls, pallets.

    Spirit has phase walk, when she can see only scratchmarks, not even blood without addons and cant run through obstacles.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Her chase is far stronger, her snowball is way stronger than Nurse too, she's more unpredictable and can catch you off guard, she's able to mindgame easily, and initiate chases almost instantly after a hook. A god tier Spirit will always be better than a god tier Nurse.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I love Spirit, but I don’t think she’s better than Nurse.

    Nurse ignores ALL survivor defenses except flashlights. You can never loop a Nurse, ever. If she knows exactly how to blink then her snowball potential is extremely high. Huntress and Billy also have high snowball potentials.

    Spirit on the other hand relies heavily on mindgames and wonky scratch marks. If you can follow broken sounds and scratch marks then Spirit is easily #2 best killer, but good luck trying to catch a survivor with Iron Will when you can barey hear the footsteps.

    The reason I believe Nurse is better is because she never has to chase a survivor for an extended period of time and she doesn’t have to deal with loops. A chase can be over in 15 seconds flat. Pair it with Infectious Freight and that overly altruistic SWF team is never going to beat you.

    Spirit can’t always mindgame a survivor but Nurse can always catch a survivor and end a chase extremely quickly.

    Nurse > Spirit > Billy > Hag > Huntress > Plague > Myers

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Spirit is a lot harder to learn but has far more reward gameplay. Playing Billy is almost like spoon-feeding you the win. Rev the chainsaw and down a survivor. Find the others with BBQ. Rinse and repeat. Yawn. He’s just so boring to me.

    Spirit takes a lot more practice but is easily a better killer. I would recommend Spirit over Billy anyday.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I’ve been watching some Myers video I like the thought of a smaller radius but that may be all I like about him the rest I find uninteresting an I wrong

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I was referring to if the sounds were not bugged, scratch marks weren't buggy, and if iron will didn't bugs footsteps. Also if the Spirit was god tier.

    Spirit would be much more difficult to face than Nurse. It's not even my bias, but I honestly think Spirit is quite a lot better.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Billy is a very strong but straightforward killer. He's pretty easy to learn and master, but he's a little boring I think.

    Spirit is potentially stronger, but she is way harder to both learn and master. But if you do then she's quite a monster. And IMO she is more fun than Billy because you can jump scare people all the time, even without Prayer Beads.

    Nurse can pass through walls and floors. This automatically makes her the strongest killer in the game. Spirit still has to deal with loops while he power recharges and if you get a survivor with Iron Will and/or Lightweight it will be REALLY hard to track them in phase walk. Plus some survivors are really good at just juking her phase walk enough to avoid getting hit when she comes out which extends the chase.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    Spirit is more forgiving with mistakes than Nurse. As a Spirit main who just cant "git gud" with Nurse, I had a much easier time learning how to be effective with Spirit without having an annoying stun each time i used my power. I think they are both solid killers, but the Spirit will always be my goto killer.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Play all killers, you might be surprised how good some are

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Billy is stronger for the instadown but less rewarding because he's just easier to play in general.

    Spirit is a tad weaker but way more rewarding to play because she's way harder to use correctly.

    Depends on what you are looking for, really.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    They're both worth learning. Billy if you look for a basic killer, low skillfloor with a high skillcap. Spirit if you look for a sound tracking killer, high skillfloor with a high skillcap. Billy rewards mechanical skill (if you dont use QE) and killer basics, Spirit rewards tracking skills and good headphones.

    Spirit is better against toptier survivors, but Billy stomps the majority of the playerbase.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    You can learn how to play most of the killers at a medium level if you just grind them all for a few hours each over a weekend.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    The Hillbilly is far superior to the other garbage tier scrubstomper you mentioned, so I'd suggest going for him (though I don't recommend playing killer right now).

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Really don't care about Billy but Spirit? She's a yanking machine, so fun to play, I recommend it. Michael is a risk reward killer, you let them do their stuff while you watch them. Getting more powerful.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Spirit is great. I'd wait for her bugs to be fixed though.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Chicagopimp2019 Spirit is not more forgiving than Nurse, she literally has 15 seconds of looping if you mess up, nowhere near as forgiving as a 2 second stun...

    @thesuicidefox good Spirits do not use uo all their gauge, good Spirits dont even need half to get past the pallet to get their hit.

    The reason I don't consider Nurse stronger, is because stealth renders her completely garbage, most survivors can't stealth at all, but some that can, make Nurse useless. A good Spirit cna listen for for footsteps and watch grass moving and track like that, that is assuming all these sound bugs are fixed. The only thing holding Spirit back honestly, is her bugs with footstep sounds, and stuff like that.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Both are high tier killers but spirit is much harder to learn.

    With Billy you just need to learn how the chainsaw works, it's not that hard.

    There's a lot of mindgaming with Spirit making her way more fun than Billy. I'd say go for Spirit.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2019

    @Poweas "good Spirits do not use uo all their gauge, good Spirits dont even need half to get past the pallet to get their hit."

    Yes I know, I'm one of those Spirit players. But when you get really smart survivors they will still juke you at loops. You probably won't lose the chase but you won't get the hit out of phase walk and thus the chase continues. Nurse can just brute strength them down by going through the wall and if you juke it's more luck based that she misses in that, it comes down to her messing up and not you making a good move. Spirit comes down to you making a good move, on top of the possibility she can also mess up.

    Also everything you said about Nurse being weak to stealth can apply to Spirit as well. I tend to give Spirit players a very hard time because I both play Spirit at a high level and I use Iron Will all the time. I know that grass and footsteps give away my position, so when I know she is phase walking I walk and avoid those spots. Another trick I like to do is slow vault a window, then fast vault back through and she will think I vaulted in the other direction. And while Nurse is slower, almost the instant she finds you she can hit you. Spirit still has to use phase walk and even at a short distance you can juke the hit as she will have to guess where you are since scratch marks take a second to appear.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    Idk. I play Pig mostly. Every now and then I play Legion, and I'm trying to get better with Nurse, but I'm on Xbox, so it's a tad difficult.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Your Spirit jukes seem, fun. @thesuicidefox. But I still think Spirit is better. Just from her incredible chasing ability. It's no secret that a god tier Spirit is the strongest chaser in dbd, even against good survivors because they can hear them out and catch them. Nurse is like this.

    To me, they're so close, but Spirit can maintain pressure better imho. Doubt we'll agree on this, though.

    Idk though, it's hard to stealth against a good Spirit, though. Take a look at Tru3, he almost always hears their breathing which creeps me the f out honestly. I'm sat there like '#########, how did he hear them?'

    Btw, I'm getting gold tomorrow or the day after, then let's play some KYF together on XBOX. 😊 We'll switch roles, btw I don't have Spirit on XBOX so I'll play Myers or something. I'm SecretSphinx7 btw.

  • Narancia
    Narancia Member Posts: 25

    Nah spirit isn’t better than nurse imo Atleast not against a good nurse