DC to give hatch

So here's the endgame.

2 Survivors are sacrificed and the 3rd survivor goes down for the first time in the match.

Infectious fright goes off and I chase the 4th.

The 3rd survivor DC's because they don't want to be slugged while I finish off the 4th.

The 4th gets the hatch.

If the 3rd person is "under their percentage" they get 0 punishment for sabotaging the game.

Compulsive DC'ers might get banned, but people like this who only DC so often will do so and ruin their fair share of games without being punished at all.

What is the stance on this particular situation?

Do we report the DC in this case for unsportsmanlike conduct or do we not report and let the dc system "take care of them"

I'm tired of this happening with no consequences.



  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    I'd like an official word on it though.

    Didn't pip and felt kind of robbed in the end. It was a bad experience that's more common than you think.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    I know how you feel, imo it's unfair to dc when the killer has no other counterplay against the hatch except for slugging, as people like myself really hate hatch standoffs. Slugging is really the only way to guarantee a 4k, especially when you deserve it, but to dc to make the hatch open really cheats the killer from earning his 4k, especially since to pip reliably you need to get a 4k.

    A 3k isn't enough these days to pip, you sometimes need a 4k to at least get one pip, and now since the new changes to the emblem system is sayng to killers to get a 4k to reliably pip.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    make it so that if someone specifically DCs to give another person the hatch, it reveals the hatch's location to both players. Once the survivor gets to the hatch, it closes instead. :)

  • ShirtlessDwight
    ShirtlessDwight Member Posts: 190

    You can also play SWF and give hatch to someone :)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Of course its unintended gameplay if the survivor leaves the trial by means outside the trial. Personally I'd include the "leave game" option in the menu for this logic, but people might get salty.

    It is an exploit. Remember kids that exploiting things means to use something (unfairly) to your advantage, be it having smaller collision boxes to run around obstacles in smaller curves or making the hastch spawn because the number of alive survivors drops below the needed threshold.

  • MsFrizby93
    MsFrizby93 Member Posts: 77

    Got the same as Sairek and I think it’s fair especially against slugging, until they do something about it I’m going to keep doing it with SWF, I only do it if the killer is sweaty slugging.

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315

    As long as there is no serious punishment for DC in the game, such situations will happen.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    It still baffles me that there's no real punishment for DCing a lot. I get that there's bans but when the devs are so vague on how that works it really doesn't have much impact

  • Captain
    Captain Member Posts: 39

    Trust me is an exploit. Taking advantage of the already broken 100% in survivor side hatch. If I do happens with 3rd the survivor doesn't get hatch Usually I don't slug feels like a waste of time. I hook the survivor and after they are dead I just go afk. I am not doing hatch stand off very boring. It's 100% in the survivor favor I want the ability to close hatch

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2019

    This sums up A LOT of my games. It seriously is an epidemic. It's bad enough we're forced to slug because of the broken hatch mechanic that doesn't get fixed, but even when we do that, they plug pull to give it anyway. Very annoying and has been going unpunished for far, far too long.

  • PunL
    PunL Member Posts: 136

    I have to say that I did it too once or twice.

    As @altruistic sayed it is just frustrating to slug me because you are greedy. I see that this is not the way to go, but have you ever concidered just killing the third one and go with a fair 3k?

    Yeah, my argumentation sucks, i know and i am not proud of it. But i guess it was allready said that the "hatchplay" in this game sucks at all.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    If the killer resets and drops you just go on a gen. They can't keep you off the gen and try to find the 4th guy at the same time. If they keep grabbing you/ smacking you down the 4th survivor can go work on another gen. ez pz lemon squeezy

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @PolarBear It is not ez pz lemon squeezy.

    I don't know why but the guy who is not getting slugged gets 'salty' and becomes full ninja mode, if the killer does something like that, the other survivor doesn't do a generator.

    I personally had that issue as a slugged person and I was getting grabbed over and over and over again, the other survivor wouldn't do anything. Working with the killer is a banable offense and since I don't dc frequently I thought DCing was the better option than selling my teammate.

    That situation went like 10 minutes and because of the drop and pick up, my slug bar wasn't moving at all as well.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Well that's the 4th survivors fault for not taking advantage of the situation, not yours. The sad truth is that most survivors don't know what to do in those kinds of situations and allow the killer to 4k.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @PolarBear It is not about 3k or 4k or even surviving. That situation alone lasted something like 10 minutes. It was kind of an unintended game hostage situation.

    The last survivor wants the hatch, the killer wants the 4k and as the third guy, you are getting dragged into this bullshit situation.

    I am sorry but I don't have hours to waste.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @Delfador you know damn well it's never an hour. And if it is, someone needs to stop being so damned stubborn at the hatch.

    Also, if you cant manage to stay a little longer than 5/10 mins a game, maybe dont sit down to play? If you dont have that much time dont queue up, and DC, just to ruin someone elses game because "you dont have time".

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552
    edited April 2019

    I am stupid

    Post edited by Delfador on
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    I DC my killer when we have 1v1 hatch stand-off

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    If you get hostages for 3 hours then yeah, ######### DC.

    I'm talking about the situations in question. 15 mins of stealth or being slugged for a few mins.

    If "you dont have time" for that, dont queue up. KNOWING dbds issues, still queuing up and then DCing over small ######### is childish and ruins the game.

    If you dont wanna commit the time to play it through (bar the few random outlier examples) then dont play. Its ruining it for everyone else.

    And you know damn well when I said hours I meant normal situations. Not some pseudo meg holding you up for 3 hours.

    So dont try to act like you have the high ground, hon. When you've clearly said you know theres issues, thay you wont sit and deal with it, yet do just that then DC and complain.

    Situation lasted 10 mins. Comes at me with a 3 hour anecdote.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552
    edited April 2019

    I am stupid.

    Post edited by Delfador on
  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    That definition is not flawless. Hiding behind a fire can is an exploit aswell then? An exploit is using unintended mechanics. Looping isn't considered an exploit because devs said it's not unintended and they want to keep that.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    So, if you get robbed in any situation in real life you just accept it? If you write an exam without any errors but just get the second best grade instead of the best grade... You gonna just accept it or you gonna complain to get what you really deserve?

    It's the principal, ofc 3k is good but if you deserved the 4k (or at least a chance to try) you should get it.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @Peanits Its fine if you dont ban for it, but game mechanics NEED to be adjusted so it doesnt happen.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Slugging has a limit. You will bleed out eventually

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552
    edited April 2019

    I am stupid

    Post edited by Delfador on
  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I'm still simply amazed at how many people consider this game to be competitive. It's not, it never will be. 3K and complaining...when the servers do actually work, enjoy the match and get a new one.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    First, its ma'm.

    Second, I said 30 mins of HOSTAGE holding. As in bodyblocked, gates open nobody leaves, etc.. things that to the average person are obviously not normal gameplay, and are extending it unnecessarily. Once you see that. 30 mins is MORE than generous for a DC based on hostage.

    I also said never an hour in reference to slughing and "salty" dcs, and have clarified that already.

    So you had one time last 3 hours or over an hour or whatever you say it is now, and that one time means you refuse to wait 5 mins?

    Maybe this just isnt your game. Maybe you just dont have the patience for things not always going your way.

    You indeed, DID insult me. "Retarted, ######### annoying, etc" after not refuting my points, still.

    You keep taking different parts of what I say and try to mix them to fit your side. I'm done here. You dont want to think things through, and you're not going to actually listen to what I say. Plus, your attitude, vernacular, and saying you'll DC after 5 mins is just bringing me down.

    Enjoy feeling better about yourself for quitting a game that you sat down with time allotted to play because "you dont have time" to wait "5-10 mins".

    Good luck getting slugged out there hon. <3

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    Every pvp game with a win or lose condition is a competitive game by definition. Look it up in the dictionary lol

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Just because something is competetive doesnt mean its ranked or needs to be an esport.

    Is pie in the face considered competetive? I mean it's you vs them...

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    Lmao reading this from you is probably the most hypocrite thing I saw in the forum so far.

  • raquelambersantiago
    raquelambersantiago Member Posts: 373

    I would be laughing so hard at any game that got held up for three hours lol. Longest time we have been able to have a standoff s far is 1 hour 9 minutes 37 seconds

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    Did I say DbD should be esports? Why r u attacking a strawman now, I was just making clear that DbD is a competitive DbD game.

    Competetive doesnt has to be esports cuz it needs balance in the first place, something which is missing in dbd

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I was using that as an example because you tried to make it seem like it has to be ranked with rewards and balanced as such simply because you CAN define it as competetive.

    I used an extreme to show how ridiculous the comparison and definition use was.

    Its not competetive at that level. It has no rewards, resets monthly, and the player rank is a MMR tool at best.

    It's not, for all intents and purposes, competetive.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Don't be glib with me...you know what I'm talking about.

    This isn't DOTA, this isn't CS:S, this isn't Overwatch, this isn't GoW....hell, it's not even Hearthstone!!!

    It's a casual game at best....

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    I was just making the definition clear of competetive cuz I'm sick of the "but muh, DbD isn't competetive" especially of people who use this false claim as a justification for imbalanced ######### in dbd.

    But yeah ofc, it's not cs go etc, hard in the first place cuz it's asymmetrical. Not even sure if any asymmetrical game is representive in the esports scene.

    It would be better to say "DbD is not an esports game" or "not esports ready" or "shouldn't be made esports ready" etc if you know what I mean

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552


    @Detective_Jonathan 's response made a positive effect on me so I wanted to say I am sorry and I apologize for my insults. I had bad experiences with game hostage scenarios so this is why I was stubborn. I hate when conflict happens between people. I also don't DC to give other people hatches etc.

    I am gonna edit my posts. Once again, I apologize.

    Hon <3

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited April 2019

    @Delfadorok so waiting 40 minutes or something might be a bit much. But can't you wait 4 minutes?

    The bleed out timer is only 4 minutes and isn't reset. This means that once slugged you are either revived and playing the game again or you are left in the game for no more than 4 minutes. That isn't a large range of time considering the situation being described here. You will never end up sitting there for even 10 minutes at end game. The other 2 people might but you as the slugged player never will.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    I take mental note of the a-holes that do this and bring out the trusty Insidious Bubba next time I see them. Same as people who sit around at the exit gates and don’t leave. You have to BM some manners into some of the people who play this game.

    I know survivor mains can get pretty delusional but I’m surprised to see how many are ITT downplaying the DC. Imagine if there was some exploit killers could use to make you instantly die on the hook or something. I wonder if replies like “enjoy your 3 gens done!” and “you don’t need to escape every game!” would still apply lol

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @NuclearBurrito No the situation is different than what you think it is. Polar said that just go and do a generator but in that instance, killer grabs you and starts to walk on the map. Bleed timer doesn't go down in that instance.

    I have actually a better example for that but I forgot to mention it. We 3 survivors all got killed and the last survivor left with 4 generators. He wanted to complete it but grabbed by the killer. Fine now he is gonna get hooked and the match will be over but nope, the killer refuses to hook him. Wiggles off, gets downed and still, the killer takes him on his shoulder and refuses to hook him. Bleed timer doesn't go down.

    It is not white and black as it seems all the time.

    In that match, killer did the same thing to me. So I either had to sell my teammate or god knows how many minutes or hours I will have to stay.

    Even a certain streamer has done it and made the other survivor sell his teammate but I am not gonna give any names so there is that.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @DelfadorThat's a very different instance. I'm talking about where the Killer is slugging you so he can stop the hatch escape specifically. DCing so the Killer can't toy with you as the last survivor is a different matter entirely.

  • exordiumexodus1
    exordiumexodus1 Member Posts: 3

    You should not be able to block the hatch as a killer. Slugging all 4 people shouldn't even be anyone's endgame. It promotes a bad overall environment. I do not have fun fighting a killer who doesn't even hook me and my teammates are so lackluster that despite not being chased they still go down right after me. This is why I stopped playing dead by daylight. How is that dev's let a survivor who has managed to complete nearly every gen, even though survivors usually fall short, watch all his teammates die but manage to survive till the end despite all of the disadvantages go through that. It's literally the last thing you can do. Your last hope. What you've been fighting for to survive. You frantically looking and listening for it...then your Hope's and dreams die because the killer is standing on top of it. You have to hand yourself on a silver platter to them or people say YOU are holding game hostage. Other than that you would have to run around to ultimately die. On top of all of thr struggles of a survivorbm, Devs are also gonna let the killer be able to just stand on top of the hatch and not chase you at all? This started consistently happening to me so I just stopped. I planning on getting back on soon but if this isnt fixed and the end game continues for killers to be just slug all survivors, then I'm gone. Hope y'all have fun.

  • exordiumexodus1
    exordiumexodus1 Member Posts: 3

    If the dev's change nothing, I think they should at least add an in game chat system with preset phrases so that survivors can communicate a little better. Killers can scream loud enough to hear in the entire map but we can't talk to each other? OK

    I wouldn't be as angry at worse teammates if could at least coordinate plans. But it seems with the latest updates to lockers that devs want to promote a game in which survivors spend more time hiding in lockers. If so, I'm also out. Have fun guys. I usually read these threads but never comment. I made an account because I feel strongly about killers being able to block the hatch. That is all