We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

State of the game (long post)

BigFudge Member Posts: 240

The game has become nearly unplayable. 15 matches tonight and every single one has had at least 1 DC. Between this and the completely ruined matchmaking I’m not surprised the player base is dwindling.

This, among other issues, has turned a genuinely fun and addictive game into a time consuming chore. I keep leaving and then telling myself “it will get better, just give the game another go”.

The ‘mains’ are at eachothers’ And the devs’ throats more than ever in what has become an arms race in the name of balance. All the devs’ hard work and efforts to appease both sides is only causing more friction which (unintentionally) has created so much hate and toxicity within the community.

Players both sides are now FORCED to play in a certain style if they want to progress rather than just how they feel comfortable playing!

If a killer wants to hide with insidious near a hook and use the hooked as bait that should be up to them, not punished!

If a survivor wants to be stealthy and escape like a ninja that should be rewarded, not punished because they didn’t run loops around an object in the killers face.

If a survivor wants to be a lone wolf and wait for the hatch that desicion should be theirs to make freely and not suffer hate messages and rage reports. I could go on with examples for both sides but you get the picture.

I don’t understand why the hell people cant just play how they want to play? Sure some other people might have a bad match as a result but that’s life, the next match may be amazing for them.

Devs, please stop taking so much notice of people’s whining and bitching about every single thing just because someone doesn’t like a perk or they didn’t escape or 4K in one match. Your game was amazing! But catering to the vocal minorities over everything has driven the game and community down a dark path.

Dead By Daylight feels unrecognisable now, it’s not the horror game that Originally hooked me in hard. If I’m a survivor, I want to hide and feel that adrenaline coursing through my body as I hear Michael Myers climbing the stairs in search of me.

When I play killer I want to hunt my prey, I want to see a cluster of survivors desperately trying to finish a generator scatter, run for their lives and hide when the heartbeat begins fading in.

Ill never forget my first ever match, Dwight in Lerys. I had no idea what I was doing, the heartbeat gets louder as a hillbilly approaches, but from where?? My heart was in my mouth all game. I Didn’t survive, didn’t pip, didn’t care! That was so much fun.

I know that scared feeling can’t last forever but the adrenaline rush never leaves when things aren’t certain in a match, and that’s what we have lost. All that’s left is bodyblocking, teabagging, looping, flashlight clicking, mori spamming, nodding at a hooked survivors, hostage taking, bug exploiting boredom. Oh that’s if no one has disconnected for whatever petty reason has become justifiable through the thick swamp of hatred & toxicity.

I apologise for the huge rant post, I just feel so strongly for this game, it was making its way to being my favorite of all time but it has evolved so much in a short space of time it has lost its charm. I know no one asked for my opinion nor cares about it but please don’t throw insults or abuse, just have an adult discussion with me.

I just really miss the simple horror game DbD once was, I’ll always remember it fondly.


  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @BigFudge I followed this game for a long time before finally buying it. A long time. Guides, Streamers, lurked at the forums and reddit for a couple years before ever making a single post.

    And, well, you aren't wrong.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    It really is a shame, maybe this is the direction the devs wanted for the game to go? Who knows, I just wanted to put my 2 pence in.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The matchmaking and the unbalanced state of the game are big issues, but I think the huge amount of dc's is the most pressing issue.

    This dc mentality is spreading quickly. Players notice that other players aren't getting punished for dc'ing so they start to imitate that behaviour. Each dc = one ruined match.

    I don't understand why the devs haven't been acting yet.

  • BillyBestBoi
    BillyBestBoi Member Posts: 0

    Honestly i 100% agree with this. They should obviously listen to the community but it feels like they don't know how to say no to people who complain. Not to mention these forums have become such a hive mind that it seems impossible to get differing opinions since most of the people who don't agree either quit the game or gave up on the forums.

  • ShirtlessDwight
    ShirtlessDwight Member Posts: 190

    This is how sometimes "visions" end. But I'm more afraid that they don't really have any vision for the game since a long time.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    I’m in the same boat. Got this game August 2017. And my first match was also in lery’s lol. Didn’t know what the ######### I was doing. Hiding in lockers so scared. Now I’m almost a master at this game. I’m really good. As survivor it’s it scary any more at all, unless I’m getting jump scares against Michael I wish I could play against Michael at lerys scratched mirror every match it’s exhilirating

    They gotta do what they have to do to minimize terror radius’ drastically make the game scary again

    the game is way too survivor sided in development. SwF makes the game even easier. I can literally be falling asleep while playing as survivor, a missed skill check wakes me up and I continue lol.

    The only killers you can get to rank one with are spirit billy nurse. I used to get to rank one with Michael but not anymore because I can’t camp the first guy anymore

    Ive has this game almost two years, I never use billy nurse and spirit just trapper and Michael

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    Survivors get a huge thrill out of the things you mentions at the killers expense. Heck I do them too. It’s hilarious on one side but extremely agitating for the other.

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  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    Well mayby becose if will be any punishment for dc for surv pesky surv cry and leave game.And half of curent player base stop play lol.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    I don’t know what the answer is to be honest. The DC culture seems to be becoming irreversible at this point, even since the ban wave came, it’s getting worse.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    edited April 2019

    I don't agree with all of your points, but I remember when patch 2.1 dropped and I felt this game was going in the right direction. Other than the Huntress wind-up add-on nerfs, I felt every change made that patch was for the better (and honestly, just making the wind-up add-ons unable to stack would've been okay with me), even if the Trapper rework still leaves him as a joke. But as you said, vocal minorities on both sides have gotten BHVR to make changes for the worse (NOED 1+ 2 buffs, locker aura blocking, etc.) and it's made the game much more frustrating.

    I do wholely agree that you shouldn't be punished for playing a specific way. This is why the emblem system was always a bad idea. They want to make killers and survivors alike play a certain way by making it a ranking requirement instead of giving better incentives in-game to do so (like if you want to promote not tunneling/not camping, give a debuff to gen speeds for any survivor hooked once, that way the killer feels rewarded for spreading out his punishment). And we need to go back to victory cube. 4k should be a double pip, no ifs, ands, or buts. And if you survive as survivor, you should pip unless everyone else dies (which in that case should be black pip).

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240
    edited April 2019

    I don’t think anyone disagrees that the ranking is a bit screwed. It definitely needed to be made so that only exceptional players on both sides achieve rank 1 but the conditions for achieving emblems needs looking at. Gatekeeper for killer is especially crap, at high rank there is rarely a chance of defending gens early in a match.

    As a survivor escaping the trial having not even been chased should reward iridescent Evader emblem too. Have it reward great chases and great stealth, or scrap the ‘Evader’ emblem altogether and replace it with 2 more which could be ‘Courage’ for chases and ‘Stealth’ for evasion. Iridescent in both would be impossible but you’d only need one, depending on your play style to count towards emblem progression.

    All players should automatically safety pip after a DC regardless of circumstances. I personally feel all remaining players should be given an extra 25% bonus to all scoring events after every DC to encourage them to stay and do their best. Rewarding fair play as well as punishing bad behaviour would be a great step in the right direction.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    I think part of the problem is right now there's d/c's happening that are actually a fault of the game itself, like a literal bug. So rn how do they tell the difference between those d/c's and legit d/c's? In-game we might be able to tell because of the noise when someone intentionally d/c's vs someone who doesn't, but afaik devs have no way of telling the difference. They can't even tell the difference between pulling the cord and using the leave game option. So how do you punish the people who actually deserve it vs the people who want to play and just get randomly kicked?

    After they fix this issue then maybe they can try to address d/c's.

  • BigFudge
    BigFudge Member Posts: 240

    @dovleac I don’t think anything other than real life issues are an excuse to DC. All of the reasons you listed are crap situations to be in don’t get me wrong, but your DC only ruins the game further for remaining people trying to play properly. Just tough it out, do your best and report at the end of the game.

    Im not trying to justify the ######### behaviour of the reasons you gave at all, just pointing out that there might be others trying to play properly too that you could potentially help survive by giving the killer a run around.

    Be part of the cure man, not the problem

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    Sound like low rank surv.I dont like this so i dc i dont know how to play against this dc.This is stupid devs nerf this to ground...Ok mate git gud :)

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @dovleac Absolutely no to your suggested Pig change. If you want just going to any clown station to be an automatic getting the trap off, then Pig needs unlimited traps. The fountains work that way for Plague because she has unlimited potential to sicken survivors.

    Pig only has four traps per match, and no way to get more. That's why the clown stations are RNG if they'll take it off. It's meant to slow things down more, and accounts for her limited supply.

    So, as I said, unless Pig is given unlimited traps the way Plague can just keep puking, then absolutely not.